The sound of truth has it’s own resonance, which allows us to receive the messages that we need to hear on a deeper level. It is an attunement to the frequency of truth.


messages from the divine

Forthcoming in 2022

I’m excited to announce my first book will be published soon. It is a collection of channeled messages I received while creating The Psychic Artist Podcast.

I am a channel, a conduit for high vibration, high frequency information. I share messages from the angels and spirit guides in this book, as opposed to my thoughts, because I'm really interested in elevating human awareness.

I often share things that I don't actually know before I speak. And I relisten to the messages later and don’t recall saying things. I am so grateful for this newly discovered gift which flows by trust and surrender.

Through the process of recording and sharing these messages on my podcast, holding the intention to be a channel of higher consciousness, I offer you access to the divine with us all. We all have this ability to channel divine guidance, but we we hold ourselves back with limiting beliefs and filters.

However, if we clear our energetic field and connect deeply to our intuition, then what comes through is profound.

I am so grateful to be able to share this book and message with you very soon. And thank you so much to all the supporters of my Indiegogo campaign!

More books on the way:
Creativity & Consciousness and a companion workbook
Expand your creativity and let consciousness propel you to the next level. (Based on my popular course: Creativity & Consciousness)

Reiki = Flow
Increase your creativity and be in flow with cosmic healing energy. Interviews with Reiki practitioners and artists

The Psychic Artist
Intuitive hits, angels, spirit guides… and a podcast. How to thrive as an empathic and psychic artist

© Sarah Rossiter 2022