In the Studio

Georgia O’Keeffe let me know that she wanted to make paintings through me. She is teaching me how to see flowers, how she paints and sharing her thoughts with me. This is a work in progress. Watercolors are next.

To begin, I went outside my house and picked a beautiful yellow hibiscus, as that was most immediate. It seemed a bit off from her usual flower paintings, but it felt right. Then looking on the internet at her work for the first time in many years, I found that she even spent time on Maui, doing a commission in 1939. She even painted Hibiscus flowers! The stamen is going to be the hardest part. This is also the most important part for her. She communicated to me that the center of a flower is like a vortex. It holds a key to another universe.

When I started this project I had not painted realistically for 32 years (like not at bit), and I had no desire to do so, but when I felt her energy come through, it was clear she wanted to work through me and I would need to learn to paint her with her. I’m still learning the technical skills but enjoying the new found patience she brings. In my own work, I am generally very immediate and actively moving, nothing ever takes much longer than a few minutes, so sitting still for hours focused and immersed feels completely new but enjoyable. Thank you Georgia!

Listen to the podcast episode where we have a channeled conversation