Special Offer for friends of Mark Gober
Use code: Mark and SAVE $222

Creativity & Consciousness Course 2022

10 week live online video course - Starts January 19th

Expand your creativity and let consciousness propel you to the next level. Learn from inspiring guest speakers, experiential exercises, guided meditations, and get feedback from a supportive community of artists, writers, podcasters, and more.

10 Wednesdays, from January 19 - March 23, 2022 • 9am PST/12pm EST/4pm GMT

Weekly 90 min Zoom calls. Replays & bonus videos are easy & accessible on Kajabi and a private FB group.

Featuring Special Guest Speakers

Author Mark Gober

Mark Gober is an author of the award-winning book, An End to Upside Down Thinking, the sequel An End to Upside Down Living, and recently An End to Upside Down Liberty. He is also the host of Where Is My Mind? podcast, featuring his interviews with world-leading consciousness researchers. Mark examines consciousness and psychic phenomena from a scientific perspective, and he seeks to propose ways that we can use this awareness to improve our individual and collective spiritual lives.

Creative Entrepreneur Laura Michelle Powers

Laura Michelle Powers is a celebrity psychic, actress, writer, singer, and creative entrepreneur. Laura’s many books including Archangels and Ascended Masters are available online, and she also offers classes on manifesting, psychic training, and podcasting. Laura hosts the popular podcasts Healing Powers, interviewing experts on healing, metaphysical, spiritual, and empowering topics, as well as Powers Hour, where she talks about business and empowerment.

TimeWaver Therapist Derek Nakamura

Your life is a mirror, whatever you put out comes back to you. Try a different picture in the mirror and amazing things can happen. This is how Derek Nakamura, a TimeWaver Therapist based on the Big Island of Hawaii sees life. His clients report incredible benefits from TimeWaver sessions and custom Healy programs, and for this course he will support us by using frequencies to expand our creativity, consciousness and financial abundance. More about Derek

Emotion Code & Holistic Practitioner Rebecca Packard

Raise your vibrational frequency with Rebecca Packard. Rebecca’s Emotion Code work can help you to create emotional balance and release trapped emotions, so you can receive abundance and release whatever is blocking your from creating your best work.

Rebecca is also the host of the podcast LIVE FREE with Rebecca Packard.

Are you ready to connect to your source of creativity, and free your authentic voice?

Special Offer for friends of Mark Gober
Use code: Mark and SAVE $222 off the regular price of $666

Register for this 10 week course for just $444 with the code
Payment plan available:
Now just $111/month!

Hi, I’m Sarah Rossiter and I’m teaching the course!

A channeled message to support you in your creative work.

I will help you go deeper into your best self, recognize and let go of what’s holding you back, and embrace the abundance that naturally flows to you and through you.

Special Offer for friends of Mark Gober

Use code: Mark and SAVE $222 off the regular price of $666

Register for this 10 week course for just $444 with the code
Payment plan available:
Now just $111/month!

Contact me for more information or for additional payment options.