Ancient Abilities – A Channeled Message inspired by Rob Schwartz
Lately I’ve been listening to Rob Schwartz’s book Your Soul’s Plan and making notes whenever something pops out at me. There are so many gems of insight from his sessions with mediums and channels who allow beings of love and light to speak through them as he considers the lives of various subjects. I highly recommend his books and work, and I will share an in depth interview I had with him recently on my podcast very shortly. His work has completely changed my outlook and allowed me so much more freedom and insight into my own life struggles and journey. I hope it serves you as well.
For example, in Chapter 8 of Your Soul’s Plan, Rob asks the angels “What would you like to say to a reader who is addicted to drugs and is struggling to understand the deeper spiritual purpose? ‘It is essential to honor your past. Know yourself. Learn about who you are, and then love yourself,’ the angels said.” And then Rob asks, “what would you say to the parent of a child addicted to drugs? ‘Very much the same… It would be helpful to be aware of the possibilities for the expansion of awareness. Expansion can be accomplished without destroying the body or causing the body harm. Techniques are available to all who are in your realm. It is now time to reconsider those cultures and populations that have lived before you. And begin to understand and perhaps incorporate the abilities the ancients held dear.’”
This statement caught my attention. I replayed this section over and over, trying to decipher what abilities the angels were referring to, wondering what did the ancients hold dear? I felt so curious, and then I remembered I also channel angels! Why not ask them?! So as I was driving today I asked my angels and spirit guides to tell me more.
Here is the recording of my channeling session (and a transcript is below):
Angels and guides of the love and light. What are the abilities that the ancients had that we should consider and learn about?
Yes, it is important to learn about telepathic communication. Your ancestors had the ability to communicate telepathically without audible words. They used their minds to connect to each other, much the way that elephants do when traveling long distances away from each other. You too can communicate with your family, your loved ones and society as a whole using telepathy. Hypnosis will support you in connecting with these skills. As you connect deeper to your subconscious, you allow this ancient, innate wisdom to flow through you. It is in your DNA. It is in your source code. You are divine and telepathy is an aspect of your ability as a human.
Angels and guides, what can we do to increase our telepathic abilities and connect with the ancients in this way?
Meditation. Meditation is one of the most powerful tools available to humanity. When you meditate, you check into another layer of consciousness that connects you through all time and space. There is a timelessness to your existence, and on the soul level, you can access other times and other states. So as you meditate, clear your mind and allow this transmission from your earlier incarnations to come through to you, you hold the keys within.
Angels and guides, is there anything else that you would like to share with us about the ancients?
They are waiting for you. They are so close. All you have to do is ask for their help and they will come to you like your spirit guides. There is so much wisdom and power there. Allow them to support you. You are not alone. You are fully supported and loved. Call on your resources, believe in your own power and access to this divine knowledge. It is there for you.