Here’s what I am working on: Boundaries, energetic boundaries. I am saying no to people and opportunities that feel wrong to me. Practicing not feeling guilty or responsible for other people’s feelings when I say no. I assume they will be upset, but that is a projection or conjecture based on experience, but who knows? They could be relieved and happy. In any case, it frees us all up to be in alignment with our highest selves.
An example: I said no to an acquaintance doing an astrology reading for me today. I had thought I wanted it a month ago when I saw her and she’s an astrologer and it seemed harmless to ask her for a reading, but then when we started to correspond over text I realized something felt wrong. She jumped ahead of my permission, she started doing the reading before we agreed to a price or set a time, and when I checked in with myself something felt off. I also know that she has trouble with asking for money for her services and starting her business and taking herself seriously as an astrologer professionally. So it seems that she is not aligned for me, she is having trouble, so I wanted to help her, be her subject and make her realize she is good at what she does. Ah, ha - who made me God? It is not my job to help or make her realize, I am of service to the divine, but in what way is most helpful, aligned, and honorable to all.
When I listen to that voice that says this is not aligned for you, and I say no thank you nicely, and send the other person’s disappointment back to them - then I begin to grow. She will begin to grow through either hardship or opening up in response, or whatever the universe has in store for her. I must listen to this voice because the ramifications are immense. Each choice we make is profound. So choose carefully and move slowly while listening to the inner guidance. She is near and we can hear her if we try.
Looking at it psychically: I checked in with my angels and spirit guides about this person and got that we have had a past life together. She had killed me and I was feeling bad about that, wanting to forgive her, and not really learning my lesson about protecting myself.
This is a pattern that I have enacted with many people. It is no longer necessary for me to carry guilt about other people’s actions towards me, I am not in charge of healing them of their karma or suffering. It is important for me to let go of past relationships and be present right now in this lifetime and make choices about what I want and don’t want. When I honor what I don’t want, in a loving and kind way, it will bring brightness to all.
When I feel sorry for others I forget about their innate power of abundance, and my own right to success. There is a big misunderstanding here: That I have to give up my own success for others to feel better about their choice not to expand. I don’t have to keep myself small to make others feel better. Being a helper and healer soul, I often want to rescue stray animals and people. I’ve realized it’s important to let everyone have their own experience and wait to be asked to help. My idea of suffering might be someone else’s idea of comfort. This has been a humbling realization and another important aspect of boundaries. Not to project my judgement onto someone else’s experience.
May I be of service, may I do no harm, may I shine the light of consciousness into darkness and rejoice in the beauty of it all.