Channeled message from God and the Angels
April 29, 2021
Yours is the highest calling.
You must lead the way.
Listen to us for we bring you good news.
Your path goes higher and higher the more you trust this guidance.
Look within and you will see a cast of angels.
We are here for you.
Look within and find your way.
I see great big blue angel wings, which lead to smaller golden wings, which point upwards towards a glowing portal of light, it’s rays shining down on us, so bright we can barely see.
This is your home, be here with me (says the One).
This is the space we occupy, be still, listen, wait, patience.
And create.
Creation, dissolution, creation, dissolution, over and over it goes.
Become one with the process, don’t fight it anymore, flow, flow.
This is the way it goes.
Become one.
Meditate on the Self, look within. This is a message from God, look within.
I am here with you, we are one.
Rainbow (arching over my being). Spirit. Believe.
Look across the ocean to where you are headed. It is a fine place, a fine home. You will be rewarded for your courage and decision making. Asking the right questions at the right time. Look within. Don’t look without, they do not know you, they do not know the expansiveness of which you are capable. I know you, and you are infinitely expansive, have faith.
Confidence is built like a muscle, as you use it, you become familiar with the pattern, the strength, the possibilities. Don’t worry it will come. Enjoy this vulnerable time, it is unique and free as well.
Becoming myself. I am myself, but I am capable of so much more. I am looking forward to meeting her in a short time. She is glowing and freely moving, gathering and loving. Nothing harms her for she is pure love. May I belong to this part of myself, permanently from now on.
Nothing is permanent, but permanence.
Eat, read, write, love. Become one with your process. Belong to your craft. Drink it in, find it in your dreams. Become one with it. And play.
Listen to the sounds in your head, for they sing the truth. They have the answers you are seeking. OM