What if Mozart just meditated?

May 23, 2021

I just did a reading for my friend Antonio (for my upcoming podcast, The Psychic Artist) and he is an amazing concert pianist and musician. In contemplating his interest in Buddhism afterwards I heard “What if Mozart just meditated” and that feels significant to dive into.

Imagine all the inspiring and great artists you admire, and what if they got into spiritual practices and just stopped doing their art at some point in their career? It would certainly uplift the energy of this planet and be an amazing offering, but at what cost? As creative beings, we have so much to offer, and action needs to be taken. We are here on this planet in these bodies to take action. The time for your creative expression is now.

Of course take some time to connect with your source, your soul, your divine inspiration. But keep your focus on the output. As an artist your practice is your meditation. Many wise people have told me this along the way but it just hit me the loss of amazing inspirational art works, sound works, physical works, and other creative output that we would be lacking if we didn’t allow that intuition and flow to come through us and express. We each have a unique ability to express - and a responsibility to protect that mode of expression and our bodies and minds that do the expressing.

I feel like Mozart was in the flow, his music was his meditation and exuberant embrace of the divine. His output was filled with magical thinking, ubelievable expansion and reverance for things seen and unseen. He connects us to that deep space just by listening. His gift reverberates through time, and his spirit encourages us to dive in. Wildly! And Irreverantly.

There have been times in my life that I felt the need to go inward and check out of activity. This was an important recalibration time. There were things I needed to clear, heal and release. Things to learn and tune into. Help I needed to receive and integrate. Protection I needed to learn about and how to insulate my receptive and complex being.

Now I can see how important it is to let creative energy flow and take a physical form, regardless of your situation. Take a leap of faith, throw caution to the wind, get out there and make something today. Sending love and light your way!


Tapping for Success


Channeled message in honor of Mother’s Day from Archangel Chamuel