Inside Art Trailer

Inside Art Podcast Trailer, with Artist Sarah Rossiter

Welcome to Inside Art podcast. You will get to see through the eyes of artists who transform our understanding of the world. Join me for this personal investigation of the artists’ relationship to inspiration, art making and flow.

I’m Sarah Rossiter, and my work has been shown in contemporary art galleries and museums internationally. I’ve spent my career making work that pushed my understanding of art even further. I was always in search of something more I wanted to express. When I look at other artists work I can see and feel what they are after, but I also want to know on a really personal level, what motivates them. What drives them, what does their art mean to them.

So if you’ve ever wondered what artists are thinking, Why do they do what they do? What would  motivate someone to make things that have never been made before, what would inspire them to try crazy, unreasonable, socially un popular things. Come along, we’ll find out.

Being an artist is generally romanticized but unsupported in our society. So much of my life has been concerned with how to make something I couldn’t afford, and how to pay the bills so I could keep making art. But the most important thing about art is how it stretches our minds and affects our hearts. In this podcast you will meet artists whose love of life translates directly into what they make, whose passion for new ideas and looking at the world through a creative lens is only matched by the intensity of nature. Come with me on this journey and sink into the space of pure creativity, where we don’t know where we are going, and that’s what it’s all about.

Stay tuned, my first episode is coming soon…


Inside Art Episode 1: Tom Franco