Breathe In Love, Breathe Out Fear – Super Full Moon Message

This super full moon message supports you to release fear and welcome love. I've been thinking a lot about fear recently and how it dominates our consciousness as a society and on an individual level. I encourage you to shift your focus to the heart and allow the moon to support you in connecting with your higher self.

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Breathe In Love, Breathe Out Fear – Super Full Moon Message

Calling on my angels and spirit guides, my higher self, great beings of love and light. Please come to me now and share a message that will support us on this super full moon. Calling on the energy of the moon, all of the bright and light goodness. Please clear my energy. Please clear the energy of all those who are listening, shower us with your white light. Down through the crown chakra, into the energy body, all the way down to the base of our feet, filling us like vessels with this pure white light. This knowledge, this essence of the divine, this reflection of our best selves, filling our hearts, our minds, our ears, our eyes, our senses, filling the space around us, our energy bubbles, and clearing away anything that's not aligned for our highest good. Carrying it away easily and effortlessly like tiny bubbles into the ether. Angels and guides, please make this a safe space, increase clairvoyance and psychic ability and may whatever comes through be for the highest good of all. Sending blessings to our teachers and to all those who have come before us and will come after us who have the intention of serving human's greatest good and serving the one true essence of the universe, which is love. I bow to that service. I offer my heart, my mind, my voice in the service of love.

Oh, great beings have love and light, what can you share with us tonight, here on Oahu looking up at this beautiful, full, bright white moon, what do you have to share with us and teach us?

Your heart is in the right place. Your mind is brimming with activity. Allow the two to merge for the full effect, the full force, the sun and the moon merging in light. Your mind and your heart become one and allow your consciousness to flow easily. Like a river. Like waves crashing over rocks.

Allow your mind to find its way through the rivulets of your heart and become one with your soul's consciousness.

Fear not. For fear is the theme of this millennia. The theme of our human incarnation has been dominated by fear. Allow this fear to release now. Call on mother moon to remove this fear from our hearts, our minds, our souls, our consciousness. Allow fear to dissolve in the light of the moon. It is here that you will find the depths of love.

Breathe in love, breathe out fear.

My prayer is for humanity to release fear. When we live in a fearful state, we contract and we oppress, we repel the divine virtues. The love that is in all. And so a choice must be made now by you, whether you choose fear or love in all situations. Regardless of the sensation, choosing love will be your salvation. Choosing fear will continually be your downfall.

Allow these words to encourage you, without fear. You can do it. Your mind is strong. Your heart is strong, and you've been through so much to get here, where you are now in this time and space. And now it is time for you to choose love. That means loving yourself, caring for yourself. Regardless of your appearance, recognize the soul that is within. The soul has an eternal nature, shared by all, loved by all, supported by all. Beyond this incarnation you are so much greater than your current awareness. When you pull back the veil, you will see the greatness that we all share. Therefore, it is time for you to be willing to recognize yourself.

Practice self care, allow your heart to feel love. Seek out healers, teachers, kind people, beings of love and light that can support your heart in it's expansive experience. Know yourself to be true. Trust yourself. Give yourself the validation, the love and the support that you need to blossom and flourish as the great being that you are. You are so valuable. Your mind, your heart – allow this value to be felt fully in your body. Begin to trust your great worth.

As the ocean and the wind and the stars exist, so does your soul. You are a great being. Allow your mind to absorb this knowledge and receive this healing in the depths of your awareness. We are one, your mind is one with your heart. Your heart is the expanse of the sky and the moon is the portal through which you will travel as you reconnect with yourself.

Thank you, thank you, thank you great beings of the love and light. We're so grateful for this message. Namaste.

Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer, psychic, channel, and teacher. Her artwork is available for purchase online. Sarah offers private sessions, channels messages and shares interviews about spiritual topics on her podcast The Psychic Artist.

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