Calling in Your Divine Angelic Team of Light with Sandra Rea

Welcome to the Psychic Artist podcast. In this episode, I speak with Sandra Rea, and she is an lovely spiritual teacher who works with angels, and we are going to be talking about how to communicate and connect with your angels, and also how to take those next steps to move with ease and grace into your destiny. 

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Calling in Your Divine Angelic Team of Light with Sandra Rea

Welcome, Sandra Rea. Thank you for joining me on the Psychic Artist podcast.

Thanks for having me. I'm an author, healer, and spiritual teacher, and I focus on the angels and helping people to connect with the angels and receive guidance and clarity and direction in their lives. So we'll have a good chat about the angels and explain everything to everyone.

I work with angels often, and I don't always talk about it on the podcast, and I would love for us to dive in deep, and I've looked at a lot of your work and it's very beautiful. It's like you are a gatekeeper and you're opening the door introducing people to something that was always there, but they just didn't know how to recognize it or their ego was getting involved telling them, "Oh, no, you're not gifted." In the namesake of my podcast, the Psychic Artist, I'd like to encourage people that we all have this ability to tap into our psychic intuitive gifts, and the angels are so much a part of that for me.

Yeah, I love that description, a gatekeeper. I suppose that's what I like to do, to open that door for people to step through themselves. One thing I'm really big on is empowering people so that they can do this directly. I love going to healers and receiving guidance and I love Reiki and receiving support, but I also love being able to go within and to tune into your own divine wisdom and receive the support directly when you need it. So I think a lot of people sometimes inadvertently give their power away by thinking that somebody else has some gift or some spiritual power that they don't have. I like to teach people how to tap into that themselves so that they can open up to that power that's within them and to know that you don't have to have any special gifts, so to speak, that anybody can tap into the angelic realms and receive guidance and open up to the angels. Once you do open up and realize, "Oh yeah, I can do this," it's so exciting because there's just so much that is awaiting once you do open that door.

Yeah, and I keep thinking about healing, so not only can angels give us guidance, but they can work on so many levels. Like to clear, I use angels a lot. I use, I communicate and ask for support from the angels on the clearing energetic level, but also healing. I often will do Reiki as I go to sleep and ask the angels to continue, or if we've removed an energetic cord and sent it back to where it came from, there can be a wound there and ask the angels to heal that. And just on a much bigger level, I feel like we're all souls that came here for lessons, and the angels can support us in learning those lessons and healing whatever our soul is working on. It's very metaphysical and ethereal and I can't always say exactly what's happening, but what do you think?

Well, I started out with Reiki becoming a Reiki practitioner and healer and then teaching Reiki, but I had a really strong pull towards the angels and to learn and know more about them. I think the first experience that I had, because I wasn't seeing angels, I wasn't communicating with angels, or I didn't think I was, I probably was receiving a lot of communication. They were probably the ones pushing me towards different healing modalities. But at the time I wasn't consciously aware of it. I remember sitting on a couch reading an angel book and just wanting to absorb all the information I could. I would go to bookstores and just stand in the spiritual section looking at all the books and looking for angel books and looking for something to pop out. But this book that I had, I was sitting on the couch reading it and it said to ask the angels for a sign that they're with you.

And I remember when I read it, I thought, "Okay, yeah, I'll do that, but I'm not gonna do it right now." Because there was still a little bit of fear there, there was a bit of fear that something could happen or I didn't know what would happen. So even though I desperately wanted to connect with them, there was still that little bit of fear and I encountered that a lot with people. They want to connect, but there's a little bit of fear about what will happen. So I said to myself, "Okay, yeah, I'll do that later. I'll ask them for a sign later." But I think once I affirmed that I was going to do it, the angels took the chance while I was sitting there and I felt this heart connection and it was like this warmth, this kind of glow of energy around my heart.

And it started to grow and expand and this sense of peace just began to envelop my whole body and it just came out of the blue and expanded and expanded until it enveloped my whole body and then it gradually just went away. So of course I knew that wasn't me, I hadn't created that. I had experienced something that was definitely very powerful, very palpable, very energetic, but also very loving, very tender, something that was just really beautiful. There had been other things that had happened to me before in different ways, but that was one of the earlier signs that I knew the angels were there and wanted to work with me. Sometimes that's all you have to do with that. But prior to that, I had asked for signs and I hadn't received them, so it's all about divine timing as well, I think.

Yeah, and what you need. My first angel experience like that, during my first reading with an angel communicator and my back got really, really hot, this sort of flush of heat down my back. And I asked, and she said, "That's Archangel Michael." Usually he creates a lot of heat when he visits. Since then, my daughter gets very, very hot at night when I do the angel clearings and I'll say, "Well, the angels are visiting you." And she'll say, "Can you make it cool energy?" 

So I wonder what other signs or experiences your students have had when they first begin to communicate with angels. Because I know in one of your videos you talk about the different ways that we experience things. Some of us are clairsentient, we feel, some have vision, some hear things. I wonder if you want to share any of those.

Yeah, it always amazes me, even though I've been doing this for years, I've been through all the phases of connection myself, but it always amazes me the feedback and the stories that people share. I just find it so profound sometimes. So what I do is I like to take people on a journey where they start connecting with their angels in the easiest way for most people, which is true clairsentience, which is to feel their presence. Most people will be open to feeling on some level. So as you said, it could be heat, it could be tingling, it could be a cool breeze, it could be a tickling sensation. I know it doesn't happen so much these days, but when I started out, when I'd sit down to meditate, I'd always get like a tickling on the side of my upper cheeks just below my eyes.

And to me it was like the angels with their feathers just tickling my face. So yeah, those type of sensations people can open up to really easily. So I take them from that to then going on to hearing guidance, to seeing the angels, to receiving messages. So it's just like a progression through the different kinds of layers or the ways that the angels can communicate or to show us that they're with us. And I think a lot of people are really surprised when it comes through. For some, if they are clairaudient, obviously they'll be able to hear the angels better. For some who are more clairvoyant, they may see flashes of light or colors or an angel face. So I think it's really good to explore the different senses. Then when you've gone through all of them, you'll realize, okay, well for me this was more palpable, or this seemed more tangible.

So you'll know what way the angels communicate with you. And I think that's really important because a lot of people can go around thinking, "Well, I just want to see angels," or "I just want to hear angels." But in reality, the angels want to communicate with you in a way that's maybe different to that, but a way they know that you'll be able to receive really easily. And I always say to people, the angels are never going to do anything that will bring fear. So if you're just trying to hear your angels, I always say to people, "Well, what if you did hear a voice? How would that make you feel?" And most people laugh and say, "Well, probably shocked or maybe a little bit scared." So that's probably not gonna happen from the outset. But you may get gentle nudges or a knowingness or a feeling that they're around you. And if you're working on it, if you are consciously connecting with them each day, then that's going to grow. It's like exercising the muscles. And for some it opens up really, really quickly. Others have to work a little bit longer at it. It just depends where you're at.


When you started connecting, what opened up for you more so?

Well, my first question was how do I know which voices are angels? I realized in that moment that I've been hearing a lot of voices in my head for my whole life. So then I was like, "But it's confusing." So I said, "How do I know which voices are angels?" I also didn't understand the concept of entities or dark energy until that time – this is about three years ago. So all of a sudden I became aware that, oh my goodness, angels exist and they're here and they're wonderful and loving, and they're helping me. Wow, that's incredible. And they can tell me things about the past, present, and future! So to me, that was just the great longing in my heart to always know what to do. I've always been sort of confused and had so many voices in my head and just could not, sometimes I would be driving down the street and feel an impulse, like "Go left," and I would listen and that would feel right and then something great would happen.

And so I sort of had that vague awareness that there was a guiding force, but I didn't know who it was. So then the person who was working with me suggested that I learn Reiki in order to help clarify the energy, to cleanse my energy, so that I could start to differentiate between positive and negative voices. And that really helped me. So then I did start to hear a lot of audio input. But over time as my psychic training got more developed, I realized that I was also very susceptible to audio interference. And sometimes the voices, I would hear like three different things. One would say "Yes," one would say "No," one would say "Tomorrow." So I was confused about that. And I think some of the guidance that came about that was to really go into the body and feel, and ask “What does it feel like in the body?”

And to do a little bit more energy clearing and to ask for more protection. And just to be aware of what it feels like when confusion or interference comes in so that you can be kind of like a detective and go, "Oh, maybe I need to go and ask that question in another five minutes or something after I do more clearing." And just realize that it's a conversation, that there's many beings communicating with us, and that I have really focused my energy at getting more clear about who I want to communicate with and only calling in angels of love and light, and that's the process, right? We're not all going to get the new testament immediately, the answer is sometimes we get one answer so that we can get to the next step.

That's a great point that you make. Sometimes people will say to me, "I'm afraid to call on the angels because I don't want to call in any lower vibrational energies or entities," and the way I call on the angels, I started out by calling on them specifically by name. So I call in Archangel Michael, or Gabriel or whoever I was working with. But it got to the point where I was calling on so many angels, because there were so many I was working with that it would probably take about five minutes to call them all in. So I was guided to call on my divine angelic team of light. So that opens up the door for all of the angels who want to work with me to be there. The divine angelic team of light is the highest vibration of angelic beings that are there to work with me.

So that's what I share with my students, that you can call on your divine angelic team of light. And I know a lot of them use that exact phrase when they're calling in their angels. I think it's quite reassuring because you know that your intention is so important because once you intend only to call on the beings of divine light of the highest divine frequency, then that's what you'll receive. But of course it's always great to do protection, to protect your aura. I think for me, starting out, I would've focused a lot on protecting my energy. But now I think I have that, not a knowingness, but yeah, I suppose it's a knowingness, that I am fully protected, that there is nothing to fear and that the energy I'm working with is really high frequency. When I'm working with others, I'll always finish with a guided meditation by doing an aura protection and grounding the energies. But for me, that's something that I think as time's gone on, I've set such a positive intention that the energy is going to come in. That's the highest divine frequency, that's all I'm aligned with, if that makes sense.

That does. That's so beautiful and amazing. I think that's the intention that I'm seeking and that probably my listeners are seeking. We have many questions. You talk about the ego in one of your videos, helping people to connect with angels as this part of us that will bring up all of the things that we think are wrong with us or that we can't do this or we don't know how to do that. You were suggesting to put that aside and just stay in love and you said love is open to whatever comes up and love doesn't expect anything to happen in a certain way. I thought that was really very sweet because this sort of non-attachment to how it's supposed to look or supposed to feel--- letting our minds take a backseat and stay with the heart.

Yeah, I think that's one of the main things that's a stumbling block for a lot of the people who I would begin to work with initially, where they just have a limiting belief around their ability to connect, their ability to receive guidance. Even some people will question, "Do angels really exist?" Even though once they've gotten to me at that stage, I think they know they exist, but there's still that lingering kind of doubt in the back of their mind and they're like, "What Sandra? Do they really exist?" So yeah, it's, it's letting go of those limiting beliefs, letting go of even societal beliefs that we've taken on. It can be through religious beliefs or whatever you've grown up with what people around you have said. A lot of the conditioning that we have around working with angels, I know for me, I struggled with being open about it for a long time because I had this perception that working with angels was airy fairy and people call it "woo woo" and all this type of thing.

And you don't want to be seen that way. But I suppose I know that it works for me and that the angels help me in so many ways, so it would be wrong for me not to share that. I think that's where I started out. I just knew that I could help people and that the angels were there for them and wanting to help them, but they weren't asking for that help. Of course, as you probably know, the angels will honor our free will. They're not going to insert themselves into our lives if we don't want them. They will wait for us to ask and then they will help us. But we have to first ask for their help and their guidance, otherwise they will observe, they will be there in the background, but they're not going to interfere in any way unless we intentionally ask for their help.

Oh, there's so much there in what you're saying. It's really beautiful. I thought first about my children, and I believe you've written a book to help parents teach children to meditate with angels. Is that right?

Yeah, I wrote it purely for myself. Initially when I had my babies and I was just working with the angels and calling on them and I was just jotting down meditations that were coming up that would help with what I was going through. And again, it was just something that I thought, "Well, maybe this can help somebody else." And there's one that is always a favorite. It's like a bedtime meditation with the angels. So many people tell me their child asks for it every night. It works with babies as well, but I think particularly toddlers and even older kids, they just love the reassurance of going to bed and knowing that their angels are there with them because so many children have fear of the dark or being alone at night. And it really is, it's so reassuring for them to be able to lean on the support of their angels. I know why my two, they'll ask for the angel meditation and sometimes I'll go through it with him directly, but sometimes I'll put on a recording that I've done on the phone and let them listen to it. It's a really nice way to go to sleep.

Yeah, it is so special. As I think back to how I started this podcast, I believe it actually came from playing recordings for the children when I was first learning about angels, for calling in angels for energy clearing and helping them to go to sleep. And so I would play those recordings and then after some time, if I didn't have the recording, I would say that for them. And then eventually my voice became this tool for sharing this information with them. Now I realize that's what I do on the podcast. Sometimes it's funny to be in the room with them and sharing an energy clearing, calling in our angels. We have this ritual every night and they can't go to sleep without it, and it's very meaningful to them. There have been times of resistance where they didn't want to hear it, but it was only for like a few minutes and we're like, "Okay, fine." Because really, they tangibly can feel the difference. And so we've been learning alongside each other and they really request it. I think it's one of the most beautiful things to share with children because they're open to it, but also I feel they're going to need it. It's like a training that they're learning at such a young age. It's so wonderful that they can connect with their angels now and occasionally in school when they need them, they can call on them.

Yeah, definitely. I think it's such a support and talking about school, I know I was walking to school recently with my sons and one of them, I think he's a little bit apprehensive, I just can't even remember about what, so I said to him, "Which angel would you like to go into school with you?" Of course Archangel Michael came up and I was saying, "Well ask Archangel Michael to wrap his cloak of protection around you." I was reminding him about his sword of light and his shield, being a boy, they love that side of the angels. I think just knowing that they have that extra support behind them, and of course they can feel it as well. But I know that myself, growing up we used to always say a prayer to our guardian angel, and before school we used to always say it.

And I just found that really a lovely support myself. It's a lovely gift to pass on to children, to know that they can be empowered to call on their angels and to work with them. I have lovely stories of when they were younger, I remember asking my eldest son what the name of his guardian age was, I think it's the book actually. And, he was playing with something and he was kind of looking down and without even stopping to think about it, he turned around and said, "Patu Breezy." It just came out and it was just so natural to him. And I was like, "Oh, wow, it's a beautiful name." He's like, "Yeah, you know, that's just a name." It was just so natural. It's funny if you ask children what the names of their guardian angels are, they just answer. They just know it.

You know so much about angels. You talk about Angels that I've never heard of, so maybe you could tell us how did you learn all that and tell us some more?

Yeah, so after I did the Reiki healing and became a Reiki practitioner and healer I just was so drawn to angels. So I mentioned about reading books at the bookstore, but I knew I wanted to go further. So I worked with a teacher and became an angel healer. It was Angelic Core Healing, and I think there were around five levels and each level had two parts to it. So it was really, really in depth, really deep. It was all about healing with the angels, working with the angels. And I remember discovering angels who I had never heard of. I think that just opened up a door to the angelic realms that I knew I wanted to open, but I never knew how deep it went. I always say about going down the rabbit hole, there was just so much more that I didn't know about.

Even now I'm still learning. I still will find angels who I haven't heard of before. I'll still learn new things. Sometimes a name will come into my head and it may be an angel I haven't heard of. I'll explore directly a little bit about that angel and what they're there for. But I always love Googling the name just to see what comes up. And I love when that correlates with the information that's come true for me. It's lovely confirmation, even though I've been doing this for so long, I always love that confirmation. When you connect with a new angel or a new guide, it's lovely to see that, oh yeah, this is what's coming up for other people as well. I always encourage people to start out just working with their guardian angel. You don't need to know the names of the angels, you don't need to know anything. I went really deep because I loved to learn about it. It was just something I loved doing. You can just call on your guardian angel and ask them to be with you. Ask if there's anything that they want you to know and start out that way. You don't have to even learn from books or from teachers, but if like me, you're drawn to go deeper, then maybe you can explore other options as well.

Yeah. What do you think is calling you to go deeper? Did you want to continue the healing, the angelic healing, or are you working more as a teacher of angel information, helping people, or are those two roles for you? Is there some thread in you that you feel is calling you deeper and deeper into this realm?

Yeah, so starting out, the healing side of it was what I was focusing on predominantly. I was working with people one to one. I was working with small groups doing meditations and also teaching. I suppose what frustrated me was that there were only so many people I could work with when I was working one to one. There were only so many people I could help. So I had this background knowing this, that there was this online presence where I could help people with my work with a course or some kind of online presence. And the group that I have now, Fiercely Spiritual Family, came out of that. And it just allowed me to work with people around the world, to open up to helping more people on sharing the information in a wider way. I think though now it's probably more about teaching about helping people.

But over the last couple of years I've realized that it's all about an awakening process. It's about awakening, to this, this element of, I don't want to say non-duality, but it's that sense of being able to fully awaken in this lifetime and to know that we can have this enduring sense of peace and connectedness the whole time without being swayed or without having our emotions overcome us. We can be in this connected state the whole time. So I think that's where I'm going, that's where it's leading to. But yeah, it's always a journey. It's always something more unfolding. There's always more layers, something new opening up. So yeah, just enjoying the process.

And we were talking before about calling in ease and grace and you were quoting someone, from the book, The Game of Life and How to Play It, and I thought that was really beautiful as a sort of guiding principle as you go along your journey.

Yeah, we were talking about the book as you said, The Game of Life and How to Play It by Florence Scovel Shinn. It's a book that I started reading. The first time I picked it up was years ago, but I've read so many times since. There's always nuggets of wisdom in there. I definitely think that sense of ease and grace, that sense of life doesn't have to be a struggle. Life doesn't have to be hard. We don't have to strive. There is so much help available to us. We can choose to struggle if we want, and sometimes we choose that unconsciously, we don't even realize we're choosing that. For some it is so innate in their way of being that they don't even realize that that's how they are being. It's realizing that there is an end point to struggle if that's what we're choosing. And we don't have to choose it, but it's there for us if we want.

And somehow, feeling like we should talk about manifesting in abundance and prosperity in relation to angels, because not only do they help us heal and guide our days and support us with ease and grace, but we do have the power to create our own reality. It's almost like the reality exists for us. We have a longing for it, and then we call it in. I feel like there are many angels that have special skills, and each one you can call on for different things, and it's okay to ask for what you want, and they can help you and teach you and guide you. So do you want to talk a little bit about that? Because I know you have a few videos where you talk about manifesting, and I did one last night where you shared an affirmation. So I wrote on a little sticky note, "I'm so grateful and thankful for all the money in my life," and I put it on a dollar bill and I held it to my chest, and it was a lovely feeling. I really liked that.

Yeah, I love the topic of manifesting, of abundance, and I think in spiritual circles, there is definitely this poverty consciousness or this element of being a healer that you just have to give away your gifts, particularly with empaths as well, there's something about empaths and healers where, of course it's related to past life stuff, but where we feel that we can't charge for our work or that we can't be receiving large amounts of money or abundance into our lives. And of course it has to do with vows of poverty and past lives and all this type of thing. But definitely for me, that's something that I think in order to be whole and complete, you have to be vibrantly healthy. You don't have to be vibrantly wealthy, but you can be, if that's what you're choosing---happy, whole.

And it's not to say that this is going to be your state constantly. Of course we have things that we have to work through. But I do think that if we choose to have abundance in our lives, then that is available to us. I think, well, so many healers who I've worked with have struggled with that side of things. And it's sad in a way because it's a choice that we make. If we choose not to receive, then the universe is going to honor that choice. If we choose to stay in lack consciousness, then the universe will honor that. If we choose on the other hand to receive abundantly, not just financially, but in all areas of our lives, in our career, relationships, wellbeing, if we choose that, then that is available to us. Now, it may be that through choosing abundance, you're being asked to let go of the lack consciousness in whatever area it's relating to.

So say if it is money and you're saying, "Well, yes, I'm choosing financial abundance," so the universe is going to work with you on that, and the universe will present to you all the limiting beliefs that you have about money. So often people will suddenly find that all those things that they're fearful about will start surfacing. But it's just the universe saying, "Well, here's another thing that you're holding onto and here's another thing, and are you willing to let go of that? Are you willing to trust and have faith? Are you willing to release that limiting belief or limiting state of being?" So we may even be presented with opportunities to work through those. But again, if we're working with the angels, Archangel Zadkiel is a lovely angel to work with in relation to abundance and wealth and receiving.

And of course we can work with the angels to clear that energy. We were talking before about cutting cords or ties or cleansing your energy if there's energy cleansing coming up. The other thing I'd say is that the angels aren't going to do the work for us. They will assist us, they will support us, they will guide us. But ultimately, if there's something that you need to do, you have to take that step forward. So if you are wanting to open up to more money and the angels are guiding you to apply for a job or start a new project or something like that, you have to take that step. If you're receiving that guidance, you have to follow through and actually take action towards that. So I think that's where a lot of people mistake working with the angels. They think, "Well, I asked the angels for money, so where's the money?" So we actually sometimes will have to work through those limiting beliefs and then start taking aligned action from that place of being in alignment with our desires.

Yes, that's also wonderful to hear from your perspective. In my experience, it's often felt like a leap of faith when the guidance comes. It's usually really not in my comfort zone. I'm getting better at expecting the unexpected and asking the bigger questions. Like instead of saying, "Should I go here or there?" I say, "Is it time for me to explore other locations?" and stay open to what might come rather than saying, "I'm attached to this one thing." It's almost like working on the micro level or the macro, but in that trusting, the leap of faith sometimes can be quite jarring for people so taking that action seems to be a part of the process. Maybe not always.

Yeah, that's been my experience. I know when I was starting out and I was working a full-time job and I had completed my Reiki training and I was thinking about starting up a practice, and I remember there was a yoga center near where I lived, and I was thinking, "I wonder, do they have rooms that they rent out that I could use for a therapy room?" And one day I was walking past and I had no intention of going inside and asking because I kind of wasn't really at that point yet. But the door had a keypad for members who were entering to put in the code. And when I was walking past, the door opened up and somebody with a yoga mat walked out and it was like some force just pushed me through the door. It was literally like a wind kind of gathered up and pushed me in.

And before I knew it, I was at the reception area asking if they had therapy rooms to rent. And she said, "Oh, actually we had a Reiki healer and she's just left, so we have a room available and it's yours if you want it." It's those types of things that you're not quite ready for or you think, "Oh yeah, that would be really nice to start a Reiki practice maybe in a few months' time or maybe one day." That experience, even though it was a bit outside my comfort zone since then, there's been so many more that have been totally outside my comfort zone. It can be hard because we're beings of comfort. We like to be reassured.

We like to feel safe.

To feel safe. Yeah, totally. And it can be really tricky when our angels are guiding us to make a move or to do something that feels unsafe. Of course they have the bigger picture so they can see, well, if you do this, then this great thing is going to happen. I've found that every time I take that leap of faith, there's always a reward, there's always a reward on the other side. It's just how willing you are to take it. And it's never easy. Maybe it gets a little bit easier, but then always something new comes up that you're thinking, "Oh, I thought I'd mastered that part," but then it's some other part that you have to master. I think for me the perspective, the way I look at things has changed. So in the past, if something felt unsafe or if it was something big that maybe I wasn't too sure about, I'd be thinking, "Oh, I really don't want to make this decision." Or, "Why is this happening now?" But now I've come to realize, okay, there's a breakthrough that's about to happen, There's something good on the other side of this. And I think having that perspective has really helped and it's helped me to move forward without knowing what the breakthrough is, without knowing what's on the other side, but just having that faith to keep going.

Yeah. I'm curious what angel you would suggest we work with if we're wanting to let go of that fear or limiting beliefs. What came to mind for me was Uriel, but I think you might have some more suggestions.

Yeah, Uriel is great because that fire that Uriel works with is really kind of alchemizing and helps transmute the things that we're working with, the fears or whatever we're going through. I love Seraphiel, who is---you probably heard of the Seraphim, which is an order of angels---and Seraphiel has this beautiful silver white fire, which is really cleansing, really empowering, and I love to work with that energy. There's so many angels. As we're talking, different angels are coming to mind, but I don't want to overwhelm people with too many names or too much information. Of course, if you want to go deeper, then great. What I do is sometimes if I'm not too sure who to work with, maybe there might be an angel that I'm thinking, "Is that the right angel to work with?"

And I'll just say, "Okay, whoever is the best angel for this point in my life or this issue, or whatever it is, I call on that angel to come in with love and light or the highest divine energy." Then sometimes I'll ask, "Okay, well who is this angel?" I might get a name. It's really interesting. The thing I find really interesting as well, you mentioned Uriel, and for you Uriel might be the perfect angel to work with, but there could be somebody else going through something different. And Uriel may not be the angel that they need. It may be a totally different angel, even though we have these roles that we know the angels offer. Generally speaking, they'll be certain traits that the angels have. We all know about Rafael as being a healing angel and Archangel Michael being an angel of protection and communication.

But Michael also has a very healing energy. I worked with Archangel Michael with his healing rays as well. So they have other roles that they can play. I think that when we're very structured in what we think, "Okay, well this Angel does this and this angel does this," we kind of lose out on some of the benefits that they can bring. I love teaching about their roles and their traits and what they do and how you can work with them. But I always encourage people to tune into who is coming up for you and what energy is there for you. I remember one time I was just writing, it was like channeling some information and I asked where the information was coming from and the name that came up was Pegasus. And of course that's a winged unicorn, or the energy of that winged horse.

And I remember thinking at the time, "Really?" And this was before I had read about Unicorn energy or even gone down that path of working with unicorns, and I kind of for a minute was thinking, "Pegasus, did I get that right?" But yeah, it can come through in some ways. I mean, when we talk about angels, there's different forms that angels can take. There's nature elementals and divas. There's Archangels, there's guardian angels, there's zodiac angels. There's so many different forms. We think about angels as being winged beings of light, and having a kind of human form. But they can be in the form of animals, they can be in the form of pure light. Well of course their natural form is pure light, it's energy. Just being open really, I think is the thing because when we're open then we can receive so much more.

Yes. I wanted to ask you about channeling. I'm glad you brought it up, and it's kind of what you just described. When we're open then so much more can come through. So what have your experiences been with channeling either messages or artwork or any sort of expression that you feel is channeled? How can you describe that?

So when I started out, I wasn't channeling anything. I wasn't working with the angels. I just had a deep desire to connect. And I remember going to a class, it was like a psychic development class and working with a teacher and they were like, "You know, you can do this" or "You can do this," and various suggestions. And I remember sitting with a page in front of me and a pencil and nothing coming through and really wanting for something to come through, but nothing happening. And just sitting, looking at this blank page. And the class that I went to, it was like two parts of the morning part was with one teacher and then the afternoon part was with a different teacher. So I spent the morning feeling a little bit frustrated thinking, "Well, I can't really do this."

"Nothing is happening." And then in the afternoon we went to the different teacher and she just said something like, "Okay, just start writing. It doesn't matter what you write, just whatever comes to mind." And I thought, "Oh, okay. So I don't have to be writing some sort of channeled divine message. I can just start writing whatever's in my head." So I started doing that and I noticed that the first few lines were probably just not even comprehensible. It wasn't something, it was just writing down random thoughts. But then as I continued writing, stuff started to come through and I noticed that it wasn't my thoughts that were coming through, it was just information flowing through and that felt really easy. And I think the key for me was not expecting some divine download to come through.

I think so often people when they think about channeling, they think about an external voice giving messages that are loud and clear, but for me it's an internal voice more so, and it's very subtle. But once I start writing, it'll flow continuously until it doesn't, until I get to the end and I'm like, "Is there anything else?" And if there's not, then I'll finish. But yeah, I think that was a moment when I realized, "Okay, this isn't something that people aren't born with. Anybody can do this. Anybody can just start writing and tune in to what's coming through." I think that was really a turning point for me where I started channeling more so and receiving that guidance.

And do you use that to teach your courses or how does that show up for you now?

Everything that I write---so my courses, my podcast, my books---I just write what comes up and I notice as well when I'm speaking to you or if I'm recording my podcast, I'll always ask Archangel Michael to open up my communication centers, but I'll ask the Holy Spirit Shekinah to speak through me and also call on other angels if I feel guided to, so that the message that is coming through me isn't necessarily my own thoughts or what I think needs to be said, but what people need to receive or what people need to hear. Sometimes I'll record a podcast or I'll write down something for a course or a book and when I read back or listen back, it'll be new information to me. It'd be like I haven't heard it before or it's information that I didn't know. I always think it's so funny when information comes through and it's stuff that I didn't know about, but I'm talking about it and explaining it and it's really interesting. I think exploring with an air of curiosity, having fun with it, not putting too much expectation of what we were talking about before, just being lighthearted and enjoying the process.

Yeah. Thank you so much. It's really wonderful to hear your experience and learn from you and I'm excited to share your work with my audience and I hope they will go check out your website and your podcast and learn more about how to connect with you and with angels. So inspiring.

Well, it's been a pleasure. Thank you for having me.

It was wonderful to hear from Sandra Rea. She has two books called Presence: Awakening to the Light Within and Angels Aid: Guided Meditation for Children and Parents. You can find those online as well as her podcast, it's Sandra Rea’s Fiercely Spiritual Podcast and you can find out more at And if you would like to connect with your angels, she is offering a free training. Many blessings.

Sarah Rossiter is an artist, psychic and teacher.

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