The Power of Art in Your Home with Patricia Lohan

Published September 17, 2022

In this episode I talk with Feng Shui expert Patricia Lohan. She is from Ireland, but lives between Greece, Italy, Bali, or Mexico – and it just so happens that she moved house 22 times growing up!

She shares that your home has a consciousness and you can create work that resonates at a higher frequency and enhances that energy. Our homes teach us, and mirror what is going on in our lives. When we start to change the energy of our environment magic can happen. Patricia says it's like tapping into the perfection of the flow of life. We can create our own sanctuary that is high frequency, high vibration, and supports us as creative beings. Connect with the soul of your home and step into more flow, creativity and alignment!

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The Power of Art in Your Home with Patricia Lohan

Sarah Rossiter:

Welcome, Patricia Lohan, to the Psychic Artist podcast. And I would love to hear about your business and PowerHouse Feng Shui.

Patricia Lohan:

Thank you so much for having me. I absolutely love the name of your podcast, first of all, I think it's amazing. And I'm very grateful to be here.

As you know, my name is Patricia. I am the founder of PowerHouse Feng Shui. And PowerHouse Feng Shui is all about basically empowering women to take ownership of their environments, their homes, so that it supports them in shining their light brightly in the world. For me, with everything, it all starts at home. And when you live in a balanced, harmonized, powered up, supercharged home, everything starts to flow easier. And from what I have seen, and actually I'm so excited to chat with you about this, especially with creatives, they just step into more flow. And Feng Shui for me is that tapping in, your home gets tapped into universal source energy and brings the house into alignment and brings you into it. So then, there's just this real guidance and flow. So amp up your psychic artistic powers basically.

I'm excited to chat to you today. I'm currently sitting in Greece, looking out at the sea. Part of our life is to be quite nomadic. So we live between Greece, Italy, and Bali, or Mexico. And myself and my husband have been doing that now first six years. So that's a little intro to me.

Sarah Rossiter:

That's beautiful. I've been traveling a lot too; Mexico, Hawaii, New York. But I'm ready to come to Europe and I would love to visit Greece. But you're originally from Ireland?

Patricia Lohan:

Originally from Ireland, yeah.

Sarah Rossiter:

I'd love to go there too. And there's so much in what you just said that really appeals to me and is so much about what I want this podcast to be about, supporting artists to really connect to their higher selves, to tap into spirit and to flow, to bring in inspiration more easefully without having to make such an effort. And also to know when you're on track and to be aligned with your soul purpose, with the choices you make, with the place you are. And ultimately... I was thinking today how incredible the work you do is, because it really connects us to place, where we are, where we locate ourselves as humans on the planet and Earth. So take us down that path a little bit. You have a beautiful meditation about connecting to the intention of your home. And I think that really touched me. That really helped me understand a little bit about locating yourself and where Feng Shui begins in a way.

Patricia Lohan:

Just as you were speaking, what came through for me was the essence of... I talk a lot about Feng Shui and art and the power of the art in people's homes and the energy that it emanates. So as an artist really taps into that higher energy and creates pieces of work that are resonating at that higher frequency, that is also just a huge gift for houses and for homes and for people's lives. And I've just become so obsessed the last two or three years with art and with tuning into artists' energy and pieces and bringing them into my home, because I know it helps support the Feng Shui energetically. So that's something that just came through there and I can talk about the meditation to the soul of the home...

Sarah Rossiter:

No, that's really validating because I think as artists, we each independently want to create work that will impact the world, but we don't always know. And so, you're saying, "I see it," in your clients, in your own life, how art affects things. And then, you're also really psychic and empathic, so you can feel in, you're tuned in to the work and you can feel the difference energetically.

Patricia Lohan:

Oh, totally. I have walked past pieces of art by shops, not even looking, and felt it kind like, "Come back here," and stopped and had to buy the piece of art in the window because I'm like, "That needs to be in my house." And when I've put it up in my house, people walk in... I have several pieces. In the last few years, I've just literally been on this energy of I didn't really ever take real notice until the last few years of the... I always picked things that resonated with me and were a vision for what I wanted to create in my life, but I wasn't tuning into more of the energetics of them.

About Patricia Lohan

Coach, healer, Feng Shui expert, and a passionate entrepreneur.

Patricia believes our homes teach us, and mirror what is going on in our lives, and when we start to change the energy of our environment so much magic can happen!

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And when this piece - I got it, it was actually in Ireland that I got it, but I looked at it, myself and my husband, I was like, "Whoa, what is that?" And we both turned around and looked and we were like, "Wow." We went in and she had all different other paintings, but that was the one. It just literally called us. And I know that everyone will resonate with that. But when we brought it into our house and hung it up in our kitchen, everyone comes into our kitchen and goes, "Oh, wow." And I go, "Yeah." They can feel it. And it's called the Joy of Summer. And it's like you can feel the joy energy emanating from it. And that's what we want.

I want every part of my home to have art like that, that feels like that, that actually mirrors that energy, so that it's just sustaining and raising the energy even further, because everything has frequency and everything is energy.

So just like your home and that meditation to the soul of the home, when we are connecting, and that's one of the things that has been so potent, is for years, and even now when I'm doing reels or talking about Feng Shui, people do think, "Where do I put this plant? What do I do with this piece of furniture?" And it hasn't quite connected in some people that Feng Shui is actually about the energetics and the frequency of your home. And when we start to change that and raise the consciousness of your home and realize that your home has a consciousness, that is actually where the game completely changes, because you're actually communicating with something that has an energy.

And I stumbled upon this by accident. I had been teaching Feng Shui for years and I had one client, who actually has now trained with me, who works with us, the journey of the Powerhouse world, it just blows my mind when you see people where they first start and now it's like, "Oh wow." It's so fun. But with that kind of accidental stumbling upon this, was she was really kind of frustrated. She was like, "I've done all the Feng Shui. It's not working quick enough. What's wrong?" And I was just like, "First of all, this is alchemy. It takes time. Do you think everything is like ping?" And if everything in your entire life improved instantly, you'd be completely freaked out, and you would not have been able to know. And also, your house needs time to really line up, because it's giving you what you need. And that inadvertently is usually what you want, but sometimes you need a little bit extra time to integrate.

So I said to her... First of all, we did a little review of different rooms. She posted photos in our group and I was like, "Tweak that." So she did a few little tweaks.

And then I was like, "Go lie in your bed and meditate with your home and ask it what it wants, what does it need, is there anything else it needs." And the next day I checked in, in the group, and I was like, "Did you do it?" She's like, "Yes I did." I was like, "So did you get a message?" She said, "Yes. It told me to stop being so impatient."

And literally, from that day I just myself started... I think this is part of my journey, is that I've moved house. We moved house 22 times growing up. We lived in houses that were really amazing. Amazing, magical things happen. We lived in houses that really were worse than a TV show, a really terrible TV show. It was really drama. All the drama, all the sickness, all the drama, the legal stuff, the fighting. It was just a mess. And I was like, "We didn't change as people in these houses." Okay, I grew up, I got a bit older, but the dynamic in every house was different. Who thrived, who got sick, who was in their element, and what was going on financially was different in every house.

So it's like, "Well, if it's not me, what is it?" And when I started really tuning in... Actually, I was 16 when I got my first book about Feng Shui. And that house was a very troublesome, difficult house to live in. Very, very, very tricky. Lots and lots of money, which we think, "Oh, it's great. I have a good for money house. Amazing." But if it's bad for people and everybody's fighting and the neighbors are sending legal letters every day of the week and there's sickness and drama, okay, how's the money going to fix all that? It can kind of do it, but not really.

So there was a whole journey for me with this energy and working. And obviously being very intuitive, and that helped a lot.

The houses teach us and they show us, they bring up to the surface what needs to be addressed, what we need to look at. Especially as we balance and harmonize the home, it starts to really communicate. And when you let it know what it wants, and that connecting with the soul and building that communication with it is very powerful.

Sarah Rossiter:

Yes. Oh, that's so great to hear that you've had all that moving and you're doing so well now. And I have also moved about 10 times in the last three years with my family, some circumstantial and some by choice. But I got into Feng Shui because I spent about a year from L.A. looking at apartments online and then I even went with a psychic to Brooklyn to visit some of these places. And I was in my psychic training and I started to recognize which places would be aligned and not aligned. And I made the choice on my own ultimately. And we moved into this apartment which was so beautiful. And it was so haunted. It was such a disaster and everybody was getting sick and miserable and it was hard.

And I was like, "Wow, I need to learn about Feng Shui." So hiring someone, in fact several people to help me initially clear energy. But when that was unsuccessful, the person who finally really helped it was a Feng Shui expert, who could kind of tone the energy and call in the divine. And I learned so much from watching him. And I feel as if that was the beginning of my understanding of energy on the whole and of what's going on in the world that we don't see with our eyes. You could say it was a mistake that I moved to the house, but it was the best gift ever. Ultimately, I had been called there to learn how to help the home, how to clear energy. And it was even the whole city block that was stagnant.

And I thank God that I left, but I also really benefited from that difficulty. And so, there's just so much there to be aware of. And I think some people might be asking, "What do you mean my home has a soul and you can talk to it?" So maybe you could start there.

Patricia Lohan:

I think that just where you were in that instance of getting that opportunity to experience that home, and it's what beyond the eye. And obviously as a psychic artist and a psychic artist, it's like what you can't see but you can feel, and it manifests in your life. And one of the things that we talk about and what I like to say as people ask me, "How do I know if my house is bad Feng Shui?" And they think I'm going to give them some aesthetic, some big, "Oh, it's because this door is here," or, "This stairs is here," or, "The kitchen is in the wrong place."

"What's going on in your life? How's your finances? How's your relationship? How's your health? How's your kids? How's your business? What's going on in your life?" Because they are a mirror. And when you start to change the energy of your physical environment, it starts to change everything else. And that's where it's a real, real, real gift.

So I totally forgot your question.

Sarah Rossiter:

Oh, it's okay. It's that your house has a soul and you can talk to it.

Patricia Lohan:

Oh, yeah.

Sarah Rossiter:

That's the starting point, where if you don't even check in with the energy of your home, then you don't know what you're dealing with. And I did your meditation today, and I found the thing my house told me was it wanted more love. And I'm renting, and my landlord built it, but she's not extremely warm. And so, the house was wanting more love. I thought that was very sweet.

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Patricia Lohan:

And you know what, that is from the soul of the home meditation. But in general, where do you start with connecting with your home is just with deep appreciation and gratitude for your home, despite what's happening in your life right now. We have a roof over our head with these four walls around us. We're sheltered. We have this beautiful, beautiful thing that's kind of within our control. And also for me, I especially like when people start learning about Feng Shui and this.

It kind of provides hope, the idea of Feng Shui for me, because it's like things can change and you don't have to do a big, hard, deep diving on trauma, or issues in your life. You don't have to do it. You can literally start to take control of your environment, your physical environment, raise the energy of that, change the consciousness of it, and start to appreciate it right now. And it will start to respond.

I think also there's a whole thing of sometimes if you haven't built a good connection or had a great connection or even started thinking about a connection with your home, is that it's a place that gets kind of taken for granted. It's like I come in, I do my sleep, I do my work. And some people, we have beautiful, aesthetic houses, and aesthetics and the decor is not a Feng Shui cure. So it's not about walking in and making sure your house is the perfect house. And for me, especially with this gratitude, is going to the places that kind of annoy you or that you don't like, the carpet that's a bit old or the kitchen that's not the perfect new modern kitchen, or the bathroom that's 20 years old and you're like, "I have to do Feng Shui because my bathroom's too old." I'm like, "No, it's not about that at all."

My clients say, "Oh, I have all these things that I want to do in my house but I can't afford it right now." And I'm like, "Start doing the Feng Shui so it improves the energy. Start actually raising the energy of the space and then you can start looking. Okay, you want to get new carpet, go to the carpet shop. Start getting excited about new carpet, pick the samples." When you start into this communication with your husband, "Look at the new carpet," and start raising your intention of, "Thank you for this amazing carpet for being here all these years." Or this kitchen, what can we do?

Ken and I were in an instance very early in our relationship where our house was a full high class red kitchen. Now, it also went across three areas of our home, including the health area, which the energy, that wasn't the best in that house. And fire element, red is the worst you could have. And it was the whole kitchen. And it was the whole thing. So did we go buy a new kitchen straight away? No way. It's a huge investment. And then, what did we do? After a few years I was like, "I have to walk my talk," which I do with every house we live in, even temporarily with Feng Shui. So the first option was, "Let's paint it." So we painted it, which did a kind of dodge job. And then, a few years later we got some professionals to come and repaint it. And it looks like a brand new kitchen. But it wasn't like we had to do it that minute. And we didn't focus on being doomed because the kitchen was red. It's like, "Well, what else can we do?"

So there's a whole journey with your home in connecting with it. Sarah, you've been called to that house right now, to connect with the energy of it, to nurture it, to give it love.

And when you do that, and this is a really interesting one for me, what I've experienced, especially with people in rentals or not in their dream home, is when you start to really connect with the energy of your home and raise its energy and build that gratitude, your frequency changes. So the next house is a better energy house.

I have literally seen it with some clients who were in the worst - and this one was so crazy. So this lady joined our program and she sent me... I saw the photos of her house and the plan. And when you saw her home, the location of it, she said, "This was supposed to be our dream home." And you could understand why. It was this cabin in the woods and the stream. It was literally out of a postcard, dreamy. But when they'd moved in, everything had started to fall apart. And her kids didn't want to come home, her husband wanted a divorce. It was just all drama.

So she was like, "Okay, I'm doing this." And everything was bad. So she started to change the energy and things started to get on way better, the stuff with her husband and her kids. And her business started to get better, which is amazing. So it all just started to improve, which is amazing. But ultimately, she was like, "Do you know what? I have just this sadder kind of connection and I really want to pick a better Feng Shui, even better." So her energy changed. She's like, "I want to move into the city. I want to change." So she decided to change. And this is also going to happen with Feng Shui, is that people who think that they want to move house, fall in love with their house and stay. Other people are like, "I'm actually going to change, and call it in better."

So when she found her new house, I was like, "Of course." It's good for people, it's good for money, because the energy had totally shifted in her, to be in a space to call in something that was a way better energetic house for her and her family. So there's a whole journey as we connect with that energy. It starts to store in us. We become more magnetic to these higher energy homes, it's so fun.

Sarah Rossiter:

Yeah. I'm doing some learning about coaching right now and hypnosis and positive affirmations, and I think it almost sounds like you're guiding people to do that inner work with their home, like a partner. As you work here, you work there. There's inner work and outer work. And the home is just, I was imagining while you were talking, it's our shell, our aura. When we ask for protection energetically, the house is included.

I've been thinking, because I arrive in places that are really energetically kind of a mess quite often, I do a lot of clearing. And sometimes I think of it more adversarially. Like, "I got to clear all the stuff out of here." But if you could shift that, or in the case of a house that's not so difficult, you could be like, "Thank you." And that gratitude that you suggested calling in really transformed my relationship to the house. Just today, I found myself coming back several times and saying, "Thank you for being here. Thank you for manifesting this reality." All of my reality, having just moved to Hawaii again, is a result of this house being available. And I'm so grateful. So it's like a gift, just the presence of it.

Patricia Lohan:

Oh, totally. And from a creative instance, just for the artists who are probably listening here, one of the things that I have seen so beautifully unfold is bringing you...

The whole concept behind Feng Shui is this balance of this yin and yang energy. It is the acupuncture for your home. It's balancing the five elements. So when we are bringing those five elements in, we are harmonizing your home. So it is in rhythm or the same rhythm as nature.

You're in Hawaii, you go to a waterfall, or you're in the jungle, you've got all the nature around you, or wherever, like me and Greece by the beach last night, just feeling that energy and tapping into the perfection of the flow of life. And that perfection of just the creativity, how life and the universe creates and just is so powerful, and so centered and peaceful when we're in it. If we're just sitting and we just feel so good, and that is what we're recreating energetically inside our home. So that our home, its energy raises.

And I've had some teachers talk about how they've actually studied the energetics of the house and measured the brainwave state of people in Feng Shuied homes, which brings them to this alpha theta state, which is the optimum state for creation. It is the optimum state for keeping yourself calm and aligned. And when you are calm and aligned and your home is calm, you create, but you also come into balance. So what I've seen is a lot of clients who've gone from being maybe extreme go, go, go, which is nothing wrong with it. That's very in the yang energy. Coming back into balance and start painting.

Literally, women who have never picked up a paint brush, creating art, they're like masterpieces. I was like, "Have you done this before?" "No, I just decided to. I felt drawn to make a space for creativity in my home." And I'll give you a link, because I do have a link to a YouTube video I did all about the creativity area of your home, so you could share with everyone. But she was like, "I just felt inclined to make a space to do some creativity, to do some painting in this little cupboard." And she got out of the cupboard and she bought paint. I was like, "Have you ever done this before?" "No." "Oh." We were all like, "Can we buy it?" It was so beautiful. So it was like it brought her to connect with something totally different and create absolutely beautiful pieces. And actually, we've seen it with several clients. So it's kind of fun. And then, the other side of that is even women dressing differently, just becoming more balanced and more in that flow, which is beautiful.

Sarah Rossiter:

Yeah, I think a lot about vibration and frequency. And it reminds me actually of being in India in a meditation temple, where a guru, a meditation teacher in the seventies and eighties meditated there. And when I visited, he had passed but his body was encased in... And I think you have a connection to India too?

Patricia Lohan:

Oh, my God, yes.

Sarah Rossiter:

I saw you were at a Krishna Das concert recently...

Patricia Lohan:

Oh, yeah. I have a huge connection to-

Sarah Rossiter:

And perhaps you could go down that path?

Patricia Lohan:

I absolutely love India. My entire life changed when I decided to quit my job. Well, actually I was kind of inadvertently fired by my mom. And she's like, "I think you need to leave." And I'm like, "I'm going to India to become a yoga teacher." And that popped out of my mouth. I had gone to one yoga class a week, for a couple of months. And all of a sudden, I was going to India, quitting everything.

And India called me and I thought I was going for a month. And I ended up there for nearly a year, and had a very powerful spiritual awakening. And it was amazing. It was just the most powerful, transformational time.

And what I find is so interesting for my work now, is that my life completely changed when I moved to India. And now, I help people change their lives by changing their environment. I had to pull myself out of my environment in Ireland and go to India. You don't have to go to India to change your life. That's actually one thing that's really important. If it feels like a calling for you, there's definitely gifts in India, but it's not about going to... It's changing your physical environment. When you change the energy of your environment, it changes you. And that's what I experienced with India. It changed me forever.

I was brought into my heart. It opened me up to not just physical asana, yoga, but also devotional back to yoga. I love chanting. I love that energy of just working and operating with the heart. And it is frequency again. And it opened me up. My main journey was yoga to sound healing, which is all vibration and frequency, into the Feng Shui, despite having done the Feng Shui when I was 15.

So with this sound healing, that was changing people's energy field with the frequency of sound. And I absolutely loved that. I still am a huge proponent of that because that's helping people into this alpha theta stage, to relax, to release without having any content. You don't need any content for sound healing. It just helps you relax. And that's where the next layer of work for me brought me, from sound into the Feng Shui, when I wanted to call in love. And I Feng Shuied my home. So for me, it's kind of full circle, because it is around frequency and sound. And the energy coming from things in your home, the energy of your house, and that frequency. So we want to change it and help support people, just to flourish.

Sarah Rossiter:

Yeah. I think the India experience was really profound for me too. And that room that I was mentioning was a meditation room for this teacher. And his body was encased in the earth there underneath. And when I entered the room, I felt the frequency of his practice. It was like consciousness was this physical thing. And I also have heard stories of people in that practice chanting. There was a family in Australia and they were chanting the mantra repeatedly in a space. And that's where I first learned about energetic clearing, was the yogi practices of chanting to clear a space, to protect you, to release anything that you no longer need. It's such a beautiful idea. Anyways, this family in Australia, I think had done a lot of chanting in this place. And then, they moved out. And the people who moved in kept saying they could hear it.

There are beautiful stories about sound and energy infusing spaces. I've often thought that spaces needed clearing, but you can also think of them as holding the practice that you do. And so, you have a very positive approach, "Let's shift it. So you have a negative house, let's make it a positive house." Maybe this is where you have to walk away, but in general, how can we change the conversation?

Patricia Lohan:

Yeah. And I've never told anyone to move house. I'll be doing a class soon about buying and selling a new home. And for me, you have to find the house that's your dream home first, and then we can do the Feng Shui from there. Those best practices. So for me, we have to work with what you've got, because what you got, whatever your home that you've brought in and attracted, because it's like it's a match.

Sarah Rossiter:

It's relevant. What are you doing -

Patricia Lohan:

The energy that matches.

Sarah Rossiter:

Start where you are.

Patricia Lohan:

Exactly. And a lot of people, I would hear, "I'll Feng Shui my dream home." And I'm like, "Your dream home is going to be much more difficult to call in if you don't have this one sorted. And your dream home will still mirror the same things, because it is your unconscious that is matching and meeting your home." So literally, it's a match for your conscious mind but also your unconscious. So whatever worthiness or issues about relationships or any of those little seeds of unconsciousness, the house is a match to that. When we start to change that, it brings it up to be seen and to be balanced, and for you to look at it in yourself but also outside, and then it's gone.

And then, that's where I've seen this beautiful flourishing, when you see that in people's lives. And it's not like I do my Feng Shui and then I'm done. In our journey, we've been doing Feng Shui with Powerhouse now six, seven years, in this format, online. So we get to see our clients on this seven, eight year journey. And the evolution and the growth and the transformation and the change. And it's like, this is what it's about. It's supporting that and those seeds and dreams of intentions.

If anyone's listening as artists, what are your dreams? What are your intentions? Seeding those in the right environment.

We can have our dreams and our vision boards and our intentions, but if we don't have that intention planted in the right soil and watered and nourished in the right place, it's not going to grow. It just gets like, "Oh, it's too dry. These conditions are not right." And that's what we're really doing with the Feng Shui, is creating the right conditions. Creating the conditions that absolutely support that growth and those dreams to unfold.

Sarah Rossiter:

Yeah, intentions and blessings.

Patricia Lohan:

Exactly. And I know...

Sarah Rossiter:


Patricia Lohan:

You go ahead.

Sarah Rossiter:

I was going to ask you more about intention.

Patricia Lohan:

And with intentions, for me, it's like there's a dance between what our desires are, especially if they come from our heart. And that's divine guidance. And holding that vision to move forward towards it. I just love the idea of when we look at Feng Shui, every part of your home represents a different part of your life. So there's the career area, the health area, the fame area. And oftentimes, when people are thinking about, "What's my vision? What's my intention?" It's just, "Money, my family, my career." Those are the top three - and love, when people come to us in Feng Shui.

But for me, what I've seen is this massive change in people, because first of all I ask people, "Well, what do you want?" When we start to look at their home, "Well, what do you want for your health? What's the highest level of intention? How do you want to feel yourself? How do you want your home to support you in that?" So it's this, "Wow, I've never thought about that. I've never actually." Because we kind of take for granted how we feel. Rather than being like, "Okay, well, I want to wake up and jump out of bed full of energy." And I'd say that one of the intentions for the health areas is like, "Oh, what do you want? How do you want to feel?"

And the same goes for your career, for your relationships. What are the things that you want to feel and then bringing the art into that, if it's a relevant part of the home. So for example, the relationship area, if the relationship area was a room that you could bring a piece of art that had a beautiful couple in it, that you brought a picture that had a couple in it that resonated with the type of relationship that you wanted, would be so powerful. Because that is also bringing that vibration frequency of the art into the space and affirming on a visual level.

So a couple of years ago, very early in our journey, our relationship area in our home in Ireland is in our bedroom. It's at the end of our bed. And I just renovated the bedroom. And there's a wall just between two windows. And I was like, "I'm going to get a beautiful painting for here." I got this beautiful painting. I actually left the wall blank for ages and I was like, "The perfect painting's going to come for this space." And I ended up in this random place and I saw this painting of this couple together and I was like, "God, that's like my red coat. It looks like Ken and I's first date. Let's get that." And it's kind of a cityscape and I put it at the end of our bed. Beautiful, framed. It's really lovely.

And a few weeks later, my friend came to visit and she was like, "Oh." I was showing her the painting and the room. She's like, "Oh, the painting's lovely. That's really nice. The room's lovely." And then she goes, "Look at there's Marley." And in the interim of me buying that painting, hanging it up on the wall, I ended up getting a little dog. And not like I was like, "I'm going to buy a dog." It was not like that at all. Our neighbor rescued a dog and they had said that usually they put them down. It's coming to Christmas, because they don't have people that'll take them, so I was like, "Oh, I'll go just check him and see." That would break my heart, the thought of it. So I go see the dog and I'm like, "Oh, my God, I'm taking him." So I ended up getting a new dog.

The irony of this entire situation is the picture, the woman had a little dog on the lead. I didn't see that when I got that picture. I saw the couple. But the dog on the lead was identical to the little dog that I bought. Black little terrier with the little white tip on his tail, exactly that the picture was painted of him. So it's like the art is impacting the unconscious as well. It's like this dance. So I end up with the painting. And as I said, your house teaches you. This is all through just lived experiences. And now with my clients, it's over and over and over and over again. I've seen it. And our unconscious brings and puts paintings up and puts things in spaces that we do not even realize.

Going to the point of a few years ago, one of my clients was walking around her bedroom, doing the analysis that we say, review everything on the walls. And she had a picture of a single woman on its own. Now, for 12 years before this, her constant conversation with her friends was, "Do I have mistress written across my forehead? Why is it only married men that approach me? What is the deal?" And she stood looking at this painting and realized, "Oh, I've had this single woman picture in my bedroom for all this time." And it is a painting by van Gogh of his mistress. So literally, it's a match.

So there's a whole deeper layer to the art that's being created and what's happening in these spaces. So for me, everyone listening, when you are painting and creating from your heart, just remember that energy in that is going out. If it goes out to someone's house and their wall, it's going to be impacting them in some way. And I don't think you may have even kind of thought about this.

Another story on the artwork, because I just think it's so interesting for people as artists. Way before I got into Feng Shui, I was at an art exhibition. And I was always into Feng Shui, but when it was a part of my business. I was at this beautiful art exhibition. And at the exhibition, the artist was there and there was this painting that I was like, "Ah, what is this?" I was just absolutely enthralled by it.

And it was this couple dancing. It was a beautiful kind of ballroom dancing. And I was like "Wow." It was so powerful. And I said to the artist, "Can you tell me about this picture?" She came over and she's like, "Oh my God, you just love this one." I said, "I love it." She goes, "That was painted just when I came back from my honeymoon and it just was my wedding and the energy of our connection." And you could just feel every ounce of it from the painting, just the love, and that was just oozing out the painting. And I was like, "Oh my God, I really want this painting." But I wasn't in a position to be buying art at that time.

Fast forward a few years later and I have a colleague who's from the same city as me. We hadn't met it at her home before. We just met at different places. And she always was chatting so highly. If you heard her talk about her husband, she was always like, "Oh, Jared is this and he's this and he's this." She just was always singing her husband's praise. It was just beautiful to kind of listen. And they were married 30 years, so it wasn't new love. It was just this real solid appreciation. And we went over to their house one day, opened the front door, and what was on the wall? The first thing you saw was that painting. She had bought the painting. And I was like, "I can't believe you have my piece of art."

So it was just so affirmative of that love. And the relationship was so a mirror of that, that solid relationship. So there's so much. And Feng Shuing art is definitely one of my favorite topics, because the energetics, the frequency, and how it can really contribute to people's homes in a very, very powerful, powerful way.

Sarah Rossiter:

Yes, I know. I was just thinking about how it's a balance between manifesting and a reflection. Like the mirror, but also we're participating, and it's like you're coaching to participate fully and to understand that it's a process, it's a conversation, and we can change what's unpleasant to us, but we also have to be aware of what is, maybe to begin with.

Patricia Lohan:

I think the other thing is, you don't see. Oftentimes, our homes are decorated with our unconscious. So we'll just pick up something, put it up. And we don't actually see and tune into it and be like, "What is this? Why am I picking this particular piece? Is this alignment what I want?" And we have just a little beautiful statue or a piece of art that we bought a couple of months ago for our relationship area, because we're here in Greece and we don't have... It's not our place so there's only certain things we can do. But I bought this piece and it's this couple on the moon and a little star and a ladder and it's just beautiful. And when I was sitting, looking at our relationship area, one day I was like, "God, I need to add something in there. There's the TV and our salt cures. So what can we do to add something in there?" And you can just have these little nuances. And that's really one of my favorite things, is that it's every part of your life. And it's everybody in your home that benefits.

So Sarah, yourself, your husband, your child, everybody benefits. It's that ripple effect. And I think that's one of the reasons why I really fell in love with the Feng Shui so much, is because it's the children doing better at school, children getting on better. That is priceless. It's like this sense of harmony in a home that is really, really important, and helps everybody. So it's not just this one person who's going to benefit when you come for a sound healing and then you go out and you go home and everyone's crazy and you're like, "I was so sad. Bring me back to that." It's like everybody benefits. So there's a beautiful synergy when we're looking at our environments, for everybody.

Sarah Rossiter:

And the Earth too. I became aware of the Earth under me in Hawaii. The connection with the āina, the land is so profound. And there's this ability for the house to impact the Earth and the Earth to impact. And there's a lot of spirit energy. And when I first arrived in Maui about a year and a half ago, before I even flew - even just to ask, "Should I move to Maui?" the Feng Shui way person I was working with helped me to connect to the energy of the place and ask permission. And upon arrival, I sort of bowed to pranam, to the energy of the place. And asked, "May I be here? May I participate? May I learn from you and will I be safe?" There's this sort of respect that I just feel I've learned from being here.

And then in Mexico, it was a whole different can of worms with the Aztec and the Mayan energy. It's so much bigger than just the object of the home. It's a reverberating awareness of our energy on the planet and the whole universe and how we understand our place in the home. It's just such a beautiful metaphor and reality. It's really cool.

Patricia Lohan:

I love that your house is Feng Shuied, our house... It's a web. And that's what I see with us with our Powerhouse community, is it's just women all over the world, because we have some men, but creating all of these power houses literally, that are lighting up, changing the frequency. People are like, "What are you doing?" You're like, "Oh, well actually..." And it's this connection with everybody that I find so powerful, because it is a soul family. It's a soul connection to be aligned and to call to do this work.

Sarah Rossiter:

I want to ask you one last question about writing a love letter to your home.

Patricia Lohan:

Oh, yes! So this is something that I did. And again, I was creating another little course one day and I was like, "God, building this relationship is so important. And how do you build that relationship? What would you do when you're calling in or you're connecting with your loved one?"

So writing a love letter and being like, "Dear home, I love you. We're going to have such a great time together. You're going to help me express my creativity. You're going to support me." So just that energy of creating this connection and saying genuinely, to every part of your home with gratitude, with appreciation, and this love letter, as if you were talking to your loved one. It's a great, beautiful exercise to do, and people love it because it sets the stage for all of the remedies and for all of the balancing. That's one of the big things for me. It sets the stage for it.

And over the years, especially, we've had such a crazy couple of years. And the things that we do have control of are our mindset, our own physical energy, and our own environment. It can be going crazy out there, like all the stuff in the world, but we can create our own sanctuary, that is high frequency, high vibration, that supports us, and that we flourish within. And that's what this is about.

Despite what's going on outside, where it is possible for us. And that's our own intention. So it's what is within our span of control and using that. And realizing that when we do tap into the unseen and the frequency and the vibration and not allow anyone else or let lower energy center impact us, we can just be shining lights in the world.

Sarah Rossiter:

And it's really beautiful how once you set the energy of your home, it kind of goes with you wherever you go. And you go out into the world with it and then you come back and check into that. It's like your powerhouse, as you say.

Patricia Lohan:

Your powerhouse. Yeah, exactly. And the nice thing is it is a little bit of a set and forget for the year, but then there's this journey of seeing again. And just fresh eyes as you move around and seeing, "Does this resonate with that?" It's really good.

Sarah Rossiter:

That's so great. Well, thank you so much. Please share how people can work with you or find out what special things you are offering.

Patricia Lohan:

You can come to I have a free mini course that goes through five of the ways that your home could be sabotaging things for you, and just understanding some of the things that Feng Shui consultants and experts don't typically tell you about Feng Shui. Or just come over to Instagram. I've got tons of simple action steps that you can take really easily to start just lining up your home. I'm on Instagram, and Facebook. But my website:, that'll kind of give you all the resources for my podcast and my YouTube channel as well.

Sarah Rossiter:

I love it.

Patricia Lohan:

Thank you so much, Sarah.

Sarah Rossiter is an artist, psychic and teacher.

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