Feel Like You’re Picasso with Jeweler Traci Chambers


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In this on-air reading with jewelry designer Traci Chambers, Sarah helps her to understand what is holding her back and what the universe has in store for her. Traci knows she is destined for big things, but she feels blocked by a belief about limitation, and a past life where she was persecuted for being a witch. Coming out as spiritual can be terrifying, and Sarah shares ways to release these fears (including starting a podcast). The angels share that Traci is a sculptress of great designs and would like to work with her to channel forms through her hands. They recommend a daily practice in flow – to let herself receive visualizations, draw, and feel like she is Picasso.

Listen to the episode here:

Feel Like You’re Picasso with Jeweler Traci Chambers

For this episode, we're going to do an on-air reading for Traci. I'm so pleased to have her on the show. Why don't you start by introducing yourself a little bit because I know you're a creative person? 

Sarah, thank you. I'm excited to be on your show. I've given myself the term of a high priestess jeweler because I make and design jewelry, but I download the designs from Spirit. I channel the designs for custom-made pieces directly from the client's higher self and I make those pieces up myself. I'm excited about making headpieces and crowns. That's been the direction of my work most recetnly. That fills me with so much joy and excitement. 

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Opening up my Intuition has been magical. When I unlocked my intuition and opened myself up to Spirit, it completely changed the way I work and run my business.

I am now able to channel designs of Jewellery pieces for clients, through Spirit directly from their higher selves. I am able to connect with the energy of gemstones and jewellery pieces.

– Traci Chambers


It feels bright and light and I can't wait to see your work. Let's start with the reading. I'm going to do an invocation and call on my angels and guides and Traci's angels and guides specifically Archangel Michael, Haniel, Zadkiel, Azrael, Metatron, Uriel, Jophiel, Gabriel, Raphael, Ariel, and any other angels and guides willing to assist. Quan Yin is coming forward, also Saint Germain. Please make this a safe space, increase clairvoyance, psychic ability, and may whatever comes through be for the highest good of all. Traci, can you say your name three times for me? 

My name is Traci Gay Chambers, Traci Gay Chambers, Traci Gay Chambers. 

Let's do a quick clearing and releasing. I’m asking the angels to help us to release anything that may be blocking us, clearing out any energy that's not for our highest good, from your being, my being, or energy space around us, and sending it out into a big box outside of your house and my house. Imagine that energy is flowing out of you and it's anything that's not of the love and light that goes into that box. Asking the angels to seal up that box when it's time. Write on the side, “return to sender with love,” and a big heart, and send it off into the light, angels, permanently away from myself and Traci. 

I've been getting this visualization of the box taking off like a rocket ship and exploding into space. (Laughs) It is permanently away. Now, let's have a shower of an angel light. Whatever color suits you today. Asking the angels to shower down upon us and wash away any residue or things that didn't want to be released but are now ready to be let go, and a grounding cord down into the earth to help you feel grounded on this plane. Angels and guides, what do you have to share for Traci? 

Big things. I get that you're going big places and big plans. They have big plans for you. Angels and guides, what else can you tell us about these plans? I see ocean waves swooshing, like a very beautiful windy day, and this shape of the wave curling around. I see sparkling water. (I hear a lot of dogs barking outside. I'm sure that's related to something else.) 

I've got my little dog here. 

Hello, little dog. What's her name?  


Is it a girl? 


Hi Cuddles. Cuddles wants you to know that she loves you and she's so excited for you too. She likes being around your energy. You're a very high vibration, sweet, and it feels so good to her to be near you. Is there a question you would like to ask so we can get more specific? It could be about your dog or about the vision I had before. 

I know that’s my happy place, being on the beach. The sparkling water, that's how I sometimes I draw in all that sparkles into my heart. So that's nice that you visualized that. I know that I'm destined for great things, big things, and I've got big plans, but it feels like I’m a bit blocked on the day-to-day level. 

The Priestess Jewellery Headpiece - TraciChambers.com

The Priestess Jewellery Headpiece - TraciChambers.com

Angels and guides, what could you tell Traci about this block or how can you help us with this? What's blocking her? I get that it's a childhood belief. Something from past lives. Something you brought in with you. A belief about the limitation, that you're not good enough, your destiny is not possible, or it's not allowed. Laura Powers often talks about past lives as witches, in which we were persecuted publicly for having a deeper healing awareness and knowledge that we were sharing with the world. That's coming up pretty strong for you. Angels and guides, what can you tell us about this narrative? 

I get that you had a past life where you were considered a witch, you were burned at stake, and it was gnarly. That was the word I heard. It was very unpleasant. It was a very public thing, you felt very exposed. It was very humiliating and degrading as a woman. It was very harmful to your spirit because you were a helper and you were giving others healing. Yet, you were misunderstood in this way that felt very judgmental, negative, harmful and was not what you were about at all. 

Just know that was the sign of the time. That was a time period in which there was a lot of constriction and contraction in people's minds and especially the patriarchy trying to gain back control when it seemed like women were getting ahead of themselves. It was scary for the male establishment to have female knowledge, vision, and expansion. That energy was very threatening, so they got really violent and negative. A they were for many centuries before that as well… It was a time of cracking down on women and people of color, colonization.  

A lot of violence in the ether, and to not mistake that for your path or your sole purpose, to really understand that you can rise above that. You lived through it as something that happened, but it doesn't have to hold you back. It can be a story of empowerment, even. Like, “I lived through this insane thing and I'm still here, still kickin’ and I have so much to give and share.” Your sparkly tiara, tip of the ocean feel is the real you. It doesn't get destroyed by fire, it doesn’t get destroyed by violence, and other people's anger. You're like a Phoenix. You can rise from that, and you have the potential to heal others no matter what that perception of you was or is. Even though you may have a fear now of speaking out and being judged. How does that sit with you? 

Yeah definitely. I definitely have a knowing that I was considered a witch in a past life. I’ve felt like that has restricted me a lot, especially coming out a little bit as a bit more spiritual. I remember being terrified of owning that, and knowing that as well.

That's good. Thank you. That makes sense. 

The word terrified really stands out to me. Angels and guides, how can we help Traci with this sense of being terrified? Terrified is an emotion that holds you back. It can be caused by dark energy that wants to play into your fears and constrain you. I see a finger flicking away a little fly. It is possible for you to be so much greater than that, and you can look at these little fears as flies that you're flicking away. Sometimes insects represent entities. I had a dream last night in which a centipede came into my bed, crawled up my leg, and went across my throat. I jumped up from my sleep and was trying to clean it out of my bed. I thought it was so real and I realized it was a dream. 

I realized that it was a message, not only was an entity trying to mess with me, but it's about my throat chakra and speaking out. They told me to share this dream with you because there can be symbols in our life of insects or animals showing us things and they can be partially real, but more importantly, is to look to those moments of difficulty, challenge, or perceived fear and say, “What is the lesson for me here? What is the greater good that I can get out of this?” For me, it was to know not to be afraid to speak out and to use my voice to stay with my sense of self despite the little voices that might say otherwise or the pause of, “What are people going to think of me?” To consciously call in the angels and guides for support and say, “I need help clearing my throat chakra, gaining the courage to speak, and be myself.” It's about speaking out, but also about connecting inward and using that soft language that you're so good at, and sharing that publicly is a real gift. You don't have to yell, you don’t have to know what your gift is, and yes they would like you to have a podcast. 

This is a little bit of a message about your potential to heal others with your voice. Your inner knowing is a key for others and you can share that. A podcast is a perfect way to do that in a very gentle manner. People who want to follow you will feel your presence and benefit from your thoughts. That's pretty simple. 

Yeah. Great.

In Traci’s words: “These are Spiritual pieces to connect the wearer with the Divine. They are a portal to the Spiritual world. They can create magic in the life of my clients. They represent the essence of their Soul, in the physical form so my clie…

In Traci’s words: “These are Spiritual pieces to connect the wearer with the Divine. They are a portal to the Spiritual world. They can create magic in the life of my clients. They represent the essence of their Soul, in the physical form so my clients will never get lost. They are lovingly and expertly made to last a lifetime.” Traci on Instagram

Something else, tapping is a good way to release that fear for you. That's what they were telling me. We were talking about tapping for success and finding a tapping video that could support you (also known as emotional freedom technique or EFT). Your script could be, “Even though I'm afraid of speaking out, or being myself spiritually, I have nothing to fear.” And working through that several times a day. You'll be surprised how quickly it starts to fade away, because it's a memory. It's not really what's happening to you right now. 

That's great. Thank you. 

Do you have any other questions? 

I do. I've also had this kind of feeling of having this entity on my back. I went through the process of writing a letter to this certain person whose energy I feel like it is. I feel better now, but I wonder if you can check in on that. 

Angels and guides, where did this entity come from? What is the lesson for Traci? It's about boundaries with your ex-partner, who doesn't need to be named, but it's important to hold strong boundaries with others. This was a lesson for you. An experiential lesson on what does it feel like when you make certain concessions that don't feel good to you? The flip side is it affects you. Sometimes, you may perceive that you are being nice to someone by saying, “Oh, okay, you can have what you want,” but it's not honoring their soul either for you to cross your boundary. When you cross your own boundary, they may have an entity, dark energy, a belief, or a pattern that they're working on as a soul, and a lot of times, those entities feed on people's fears and hover around them like flies. 

If you say to the universe, “I'm okay with being treated this way, not charging for what I'm worth, or not standing up for this thing.” It could be a small thing. Then it opens a door for those entities to pop over from that person to you, for example, or the universe might bring you more of the same because you're saying, “I'm good with this frequency.” 

But you want to be up here, right? In order to allow yourself to transcend some of those lower vibrations, you have to be intentional about it and really look at your life and the different areas where you might be holding yourself back with a misunderstanding of what it is to be loving. I don't know if this brings anything to mind, but maybe there is a way in which you're thinking you're being loving, but it's not honoring you. 

It's with my children actually. 

Angels and guides, what would be helpful for Traci in this subject matter? Stating your needs and sticking to them. Making time and space for yourself. Everybody will benefit when you take care of yourself. It's a win-win. We, as moms, are programmed, or if something happens that makes us think we have to do everything. We put ourselves out and we don't get anything for ourselves.

It actually detracts from the family experience when the mom doesn’t, or the parent doesn't, lovingly make time for themselves. 

You could explain or tell the story to your children of why you need to take this time, or what it's going to look like, so that they can enjoy your success, so they can be like, “Mom is doing that right now.” They can have ownership and feel good about your choice to whatever it is. Take time, set a boundary. It can be very loving. 

Great, thank you.

Archangel Jophiel and Chamuel are coming up strong for you. It's a loving energy that you can tap into when you're like, “I want to do this thing, but I don't know if I can do it in that way.” They will come forward and you can ask for their support in the communication between you and others that you need to get on board in order to do this. And Archangel Michael for setting boundaries, and Raphael for healing. 

Thank you. 

Top row (left to right): Morganite, ‘Feather Spirit Earrings,’ Traci wearing the “Divine Feminine” Headpiece.  Bottom row: a Priestess Jewellery Headpiece for a client, “I have the courage to choose Joy” Ring, and a channeled design for a High Pries…

Top row (left to right): Morganite, ‘Feather Spirit Earrings,’ Traci wearing the “Divine Feminine” Headpiece.
Bottom row: a Priestess Jewellery Headpiece for a client, “I have the courage to choose Joy” Ring, and a channeled design for a High Priestess Jewellery Headpiece. Traci Chambers on Instagram

It feels really beautiful. Is there anything else that you want to talk about or get information on relating to your life, your pet, your journey, your creative work? 

Is there anything about my creative work because I'm wondering which direction to take my business. I'm a bit undecided about it. I feel like there are other things influencing my decision. 

Angels and guides, what can you share about Traci's creative work and her business? 

I get that you're a sculptor of great designs. And you should think of yourself as such. Not just as a jeweler, but a sculptress. 

That's going to make me cry. 

Good, we’re connecting with your heart. You are a sculptress and you can work at any scale. You can work in clay, you can work in stone, you can work in jewels, you can work with your fingers, with your mind. I keep seeing a pedestal with a traditional bust on top of it. Also, angels come to mind. The tiara work you've been doing is reminiscent of an aura angel energy. The angels would be happy to work with you in terms of form. Allowing yourself to really consider yourself an artist and channel forms that come to you with your hands. If you get visualizations of things, start to draw them. Feel like you are Picasso. Have permission to fully embody the artist that you are. There's nothing wrong with the jewelry. In fact, it’s very special and transmits angel energy, but to also allow yourself to work at different scales with different mediums and not to feel held back by what if, how am I going to sell this, or is this for sale. Allow yourself to make and expand creatively right now, because the angels are saying they would like to channel through you, creative sculpture. 

That's exciting. 

I’m even a little envious. (Laughs) That sounds so fun to be in nature, work with your hands, and make sculptures. Do you have any questions about that one? We didn't really talk business. 

That opened up a whole new I don’t know... 

It said, “Business will come.” Start with that. It's a creative explosion. It's expansive visioning. You're moving into a space that’s a little unfamiliar for you in this lifetime. Angels and guides, was Traci a sculptor in a previous lifetime? They're like yes and no. You worked with your hands. Something to do with horses. I see you touching horses and working with animals. You were maybe working with horses. You have a lot of creative, tactile earthy energy that you can easily transform into working with clay, or materials that come from the earth. 

So you can call on Gaia and Mother Earth to support you. I understand that the crystals speak to you and the material speaks to you. 


So you can have a conversation with it. It can be a back and forth. 

That's part of the process that you'll start to experience more of as your intuitive abilities and psychic abilities are opening. You can trust that and know that's your great gift. Don't be afraid of it. Be yourself and dive deep into this creative realm that will teach you a lot of things. You'll learn it through your hands, and touch will transmit information to you. 

How does that sound? 

That's so exciting. It's so funny when the metal, the jewelry and the stones start talking to me. 

So that does happen? 

Yeah, it happens more and more. But sometimes I'm caught up in the “I've got to get this made” kind of thing. SO I'm not in the flow, I guess. 

Maybe stepping back from a little bit of the business mentality to create an insulated creative space where you're in your flow, and it's a daily practice. You can experiment and keep it open-ended without an audience per se in mind, but in the work zone of, I'm connecting with this material. I'm letting it speak to me. I'm channeling. I'm asking the angels to come through. It could just be for half an hour a day, but making time and space for that, like meditation. 

It feels like you're going to get a different direction that will be explained to you as you get more in your body with it. Maybe you're up in your mind with business, what my career is, how I make money… But allow a new download or flow of information to come through to you, by simply putting yourself in the room with some materials.

Calling in the angels and guides will allow you to speak more directly to your soul and get more direct guidance. It will flow more naturally from there. 

Angels and guides, is there anything else to share with Traci? Yes. You're really fabulous and you will make lots of money doing this. But it might take a little bit of time. I hope that you're okay with this process of pausing and going in, and then coming out and saying, “How should I market this?” Allow that conversation to happen in two stages. 

That's really exciting. 

I think that's where we're going to end. Do you have anything else that you need to know or check-in? Are you good? 

No, I think I'm good. That's a lot of amazing information for me to think about. Thank you. 

I'm so glad. Thank you, angels and guides. I’m closing the channel, asking that you give clear guidance, love, and support to Traci on her journey - and to anyone who's listening to which the same guidance applies. Thank you so much. 

Important Links:

Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer and psychic medium. You can find out more about her work online at: SarahRossiter.com

Traci Chambers is a jewelry designer and maker.

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Traci Chambers

About Traci Chambers

A “High Priestess Jeweler,” Traci Chambers downloads custom designs for clients from Spirit and fabricates them herself.

Traci lives on the East Coast of Australia near Sydney. She has always loved jewelry and body adornment, and making things makes her heart sing.

She has been making jewelry for over 25 years and since opening up her intuition and her connection to Spirit she has been channeling the designs for her pieces. The gemstones chosen by Spirit, have energetic properties to heal, empower and support her clients.


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