Live from a Place of Intuition with Psychic Laura Powers
Welcome to the Psychic Artist Podcast
Today’s guest is celebrity psychic Laura Michelle Powers. Laura is also an author, actress, and podcast host – among many other talents. Sarah & Laura talk about waking up to being psychic and learning to use intuition to make better choices in life, and being in alignment with one’s true purpose. Laura shares how angels can communicate with us, and how artists are often psychic and can function as healers for our society.
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Live from a Place of Intuition with Psychic Laura Michelle Powers
My guest is Laura Powers. She’s a celebrity psychic, Reiki master, actress, model, writer, podcast host and amazing person. The thing I love most about working with Laura is her curious spirit and fearless awareness. She’s open to new ways of healing and working with others in the world. She helps so many with her work. I hope you enjoy the show.
I’m so happy to have you with me. Can you please introduce yourself?
My name is Laura Michelle Powers. I’m most known as a psychic medium. I’ve always been a creative person. One of the reasons I started adding my middle name is because Archangel Michael is the male version of my middle name and one of my main guides, but also there are a lot of creative Laura Powers out there. That helps with helping people find me versus other creative Laura Powers.
I’m a singer/songwriter. I’m an author. I have eight books out there. I’m an avid podcaster – I host several podcasts and have been podcasting for 10 years. I’m an advocate of people living their maximum potential in terms of their life, whatever that means both in terms of health, life purpose, passion and creativity.
I have benefited so much from working with you Laura. We’ve done a lot of psychic work together, and also training & manifesting. And most recently a podcast course. I really appreciate the ways in which you offer different access points for people to work with you, but also, you’re so generous in all that you share. I’m so grateful. I have so much I want to talk to you about, I don’t even know where to begin.
I am so grateful to work with you as well. I’m passionate about helping people, connecting with all the different ways they can live a better life. Podcasting is such an incredible medium. I’m so excited for this show for you. A little bit in terms of my background is I grew up being psychic but tried to block it out because it was pretty intense for me in some of the things that I experienced. I proceeded to live my life as many people do analytically and logically. I ended up in a bad place in my life. My life fell apart. This all came to a head for me during the recession when I was physically ill. I was in a bad marriage that I discovered was a bad marriage. I didn’t realize it until a certain point. I was on sleeping pills, unemployed, didn’t have money. Everything in my life was a mess.
I went to a psychic to try to get guidance and support. In the process, she explained how when I blocked out my abilities, as I had when I was younger, I blocked out of my intuition.
I started recognizing the importance of intuition and started taking classes. As soon as I did that, I started to realize the importance of accessing this, and how many people are flying blind in terms of their life.
They are not accessing their intuition. They’re making decisions that, in many cases, are not serving them in the long term, even though that’s what society teaches us to do.
I started doing readings. I quickly started teaching as well to help other people tap in and connect with their abilities. I feel blessed to be able to do this for my living now. It’s incredible to see so many people, including yourself, who have taken my classes and are doing their things, starting things, and growing. The more of us do this in the world, the better the world gets.
I really believe in that 100th monkey idea that once a certain number of us get these ideas and concepts, the whole group gets it. So it’s important right now.
The word that stuck out for me was intuition in what you were saying. It’s something that our society values on the one hand, as these cool little thing like, “Oh, you have intuition or a gut feeling.” But to really take it as a serious study and use it as your guiding principle in life, is, I feel like, outside the norm. It’s been a challenge for me to shift my patterning, my way of thinking, and really live from a place of intuition.
Also, you gave me tools to help me. I remember the first reading I had with you. I was like, “I have lots of voices in my head. How do I know which one is right? Do I take guidance from the one that’s telling me to go left, or the one saying go right?”
Because I had like 25 voices.
You were like, “You should learn Reiki.” And that was incredibly helpful. I can’t say exactly how. We could get into that, but it helped me to clear out the voices that weren’t of the light. It was an amazing process to get clarity of one’s intuition then and eventually learn to use that to make decisions and be more in alignment with your true purpose, as opposed to, “Oh, I hear all these voices, which one should I listen to?”
This is a constant challenge for people who have psychic abilities or are empathic. Even those who don’t think of themselves as being psychic, we all receive information from the non-physical realm in various ways. Those of us who are more aware of this, have more this, and just have a stronger awareness of it. Reiki is an amazing tool. If you haven’t explored Reiki, or gotten your Reiki attunements, I recommend it.
Receiving Reiki is wonderful, but actually getting the attunements is one of the most powerful things you can do to access your intuition and open up your psychic abilities, as well as to manifest, and shift your energy.
It’s funny, there’s a book that was recently released where the author talks about this. I felt this right away. I got this psychic guidance to get Reiki after I was already a professional working psychic. And she says, “It pops you open psychically. It helps you.” I’m like, “Yes, it does.” I do it. I teach Reiki attunements. I do them online as well if you’re interested in connecting with that. It’s so powerful.
A general piece of guidance for anyone who’s like, “What voice do I listen to?” We frequently are telepathic, we’re receiving information through our thoughts. Your thoughts are not just your thoughts. They’re the combination of your thoughts, programming, of entities talking to us, of our angels communicating with us. Anything that isn’t loving is generally something we don’t want to engage with. Whether we take ownership of it or not, it’s important for us to be like, “Hmm, Do I want that?” If someone was saying something hateful and awful to you, would you be like, “I want to continue that conversation?” Probably not, but when it’s in our minds, we tend not to have those boundaries.
So It’s important to when something comes in that’s unpleasant, hateful, fearful, judgmental, etc., that we’d be like, “Wait a second, I don’t want to associate with that. I need to stop it.” Sometimes it takes a while to more permanently shift it more permanently. Reiki helps, tapping help. I know you and I’ve talked quite a bit about tapping and how that can impact our patterns and beliefs. But the first step is awareness and starting to question, and not taking ownership of everything just because it’s there, and in our fields.
Learning protection is a theme for me. Learning how to just become aware of all the energy that’s coming at me from interacting with people, places or things. Perhaps you want to talk about different tools for protecting yourself energetically because a lot of artists, intuitive people, and creative people feel things intensely. We’re not always sure, “Is that coming from within? Is this an inspirational moment? Or is this my emotion?” People tend to think, “These are my emotions.” But quite often, it’s something you’re sensing because you’re empathic – from around you.
Creatives of all kinds, artists, singers, dancers, designers, writers, are frequently psychic, whether they recognize it or call it that or not.
We’re all familiar with the idea of the muse that comes in and gives us inspriation. Sometimes it can come in and be helpful. Sometimes it’s maybe not as helpful. It’s important to have psychic, spiritual, energetic, and emotional boundaries. That’s really where the first part of protection comes in is, “What are we allowing into our space?” There’s a huge connection between our physical boundaries, our energetic and spiritual boundaries. So we have to develop an awareness of, “Is this something I want in my life? If I don’t, am I saying no? Am I putting up a boundary?”
The thing is, we’re fairly taught to have physical boundaries at least somewhat. We have a house and a door in our house and a lock. Generally speaking, in most societies, that’s the setup. Energetically, spiritually, you’re not taught anything. We have to seek this out. Thankfully with the internet, there are a lot more teachers out there. There’s access to this information, but we have to set up the parameters. What do we want to engage with? How do we want to connect with? When there’s something that we don’t, we need to say no. We need to release it and let it go.
Over time, these energetic boundaries get stronger, and we have to do less to enforce them. In the beginning, when you’re first learning these concepts, it can feel like this huge task to set these things up and shift because you’re having to almost build an energetic house. It’s not just going up overnight. But from the moment you start, there’s already something in place, and it’s going to be impactful right away. It gets better and better over time.
I remember when we first started working together, I was shocked. First of all, I didn’t know angels existed. When we started working together, I was probably in my late 40s. I thought it was a thing that people made up, and it was talked about in church. Just the sheer awareness that angels exist, and that you talk to them, and they can talk to me through you! I was totally mind blown.
I would find myself standing in the middle of the day like, “What?” Like my brain was cracking open. It was really a hard shift. I had to re-calibrate, check in. It was a very similar to a spiritual awakening that I’ve experienced, where there’s reality – and then there’s my new reality. How do I sync the two? How do I walk down the street and talk to people? I was like, “I want to tell everybody.” It’s sort of mind-blowing, and you wonder, “How did I not know this?” But there’s a point at which your mind is open to that awareness, and that happens when it’s meant to.
I think this is very common, for those who have psychic, spiritual and sometimes creative abilities, this happens as well. This creative awakening that can happen too. It was very much the same for me, even though I had these abilities. I was very much like the kid in The Sixth Sense as a child, where I could see and sense ghosts. I could see non-physical beings. In many cases, they looked real and solid to me. It was quite confusing. I would do things like call the cops on a ghost, or I would have to ask other people what they saw to confirm what was that in the physical reality. That’s why I tried to block it out. It was confusing to me. I didn’t like it because I didn’t feel like I fit in. Other people didn’t get this and thought maybe I was crazy.
When I had my opening prior to that, I was working in government and politics. That is a completely different, very practical, very material world, the government and political space. I had the same experience. My mind was just blown. I was introduced to the idea of an angel being these actual physical beings that we can talk about and connect with. Most people have heard of angels in the Bible. They don’t think of like, “They’re still here. We can interact, get help and communicate.” That’s a strange idea for a lot of people. The psychic that I went to introduce that idea to me. So I immediately started inviting the angels in and asking for help.
Pretty much right away, within a short time of introducing the idea, I had an angelic visitation experience where I literally could feel them. In that moment, I didn’t see them, but I could feel and hear them around me. I felt their love and that incredible power. I could hear their wings beating, which is this incredible feeling, this vibration and humming. It’s the best way I can describe it. It was the sound of the wings. Their energy and their presence that I could hear and feel. At that point in time, “There’s no denying,” that completely changed my perception of reality.” It was comforting for me at the time because I was going through this divorce. I was unemployed. Things seem pretty hopeless for me, but I had this experience. I felt their love and their support.
I knew from then on, no matter what happened to me, I was supported. Whatever it appeared to be on the outside or from the material perspective, that I was loved and supported. I wasn’t alone because I could feel their incredible presence. I’m passionate about this because from that moment on, it completely changed my life. Even though I was still in that same position, I was still unemployed, no money, no job, physically ill, all those things – but very quickly, because I started to ask for help, pay attention to the guidance that I was getting, my life transformed quickly and dramatically.
That’s available to anyone, whatever scary, negative, fearful situation that they find themselves in. The first thing we need to do is invite them in. They honor our free will. So them for help, ask for guidance. They need that permission because they’re nice. Basically, not nice people are beings that don’t care what you want, they just come in and wreak havock.
Angels need to be invited in. As soon as we open that door, it makes a huge difference in our lives.
Willingness to receive help from a source outside of yourself, but then ultimately, it starts to be inside of yourself. It’s cool the way angels are outside and inside. There’s this cool connection when they speak to you. Maybe we should talk about what that’s like, to hear their voices. I know you’ve written a book about angels and studied angels. I’m fairly new to it, but I feel definitely completely connected and on a soul level, understand even though I don’t maybe have the words. It’s an awesome experience to feel their presence. It’s subtle. It’s so real but it’s not the real that we talk about. In some ways, because I’m an artist or maybe because I am interested in spiritual things, it’s easier for me to accept – but then it’s just sort of mind-blowing too.
Our society isn’t there yet with accepting a lot of this. There’s more and more awareness, but as a general idea, for example, there have been different surveys done about angels. One survey, I saw said that about 80% of people believe in angels, at least in a theoretical way. There’s at least this belief that there is this realm, but then it’s another step for us to be like, “Oh, that’s real. I can connect with it, and I can receive support and guidance right now.” It’s amazing how many people I connect with them and they’re like, “In the Bible.” I’m like, “It was not like that was only happening during the biblical times.” That these beings have been around, and they’ve been described in cultures all over the world, angels or angel-like beings. They connect with us in many different ways.
One of the ways we just described is, they connect with us through our thoughts and our feelings. When we invite them in, it gives them permission to talk with us to have a conversation, engage with us. They’re frequently giving us ideas through our thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Many people will receive a message from them. They don’t even realize that they’re receiving it because it’s coming in as the thought.
And I will say, that the angels communicate with us in ways that are loving and supportive. So even if you’re in a bad situation, it’s never going to be scary or something about anxiety. It will always be calm and loving and supportive. The angels don’t speak in terms of judgment. They don’t yell at us. It’s always very loving, nurturing and supportive.
Even when there’s something urgent for us to act on, it will still be calm. So if you’re getting a lot of anxiety, thoughts or anything that triggers anxiety in you – that’s not coming from an angel because they will always be loving, calm and supportive. Because angels are such magical beings, and they can manipulate and change the material world – and this is an important point – they can change the material world and the energetic and spiritual realm. They can literally change things. We’ll receive signs and messages through finding things, physical objects, feathers, coins, seeing rainbows, hearing things on the radio, overheard conversations, numbers that we see, messages in text, email, or billboards. Once you start listening to the ways that they communicate with us, it’s profound and changes your life in terms of how the world operates. It’s eye-opening.
I sometimes see messages in clouds. I’ll ask for a sign. I’ll see this cool-looking cloud. There are ways that you can ask them. I wanted to ask you a bit about how to communicate with angels. When I first started to work with angels, I thought, “I don’t want to bother them. I’m asking too much, too often.” It’s this archetypal Christianity vision of like, “There’s God, angels, and then there’s humanity. And we’re no good, and they’re good.” Now I think of it very differently. They’re here to be supportive. I’ve even heard people describe it as they are energy and light. Maybe you could talk about what is the structure of things? Also, this idea that they’re learning from us in some cases.
It’s a complex system. My perception based on what I have experienced in my work as a psychic is that God is a universal being. Rather than this separate construct, we’re a part of God too, it’s a whole system. Angels are part and we’re apart. Rather than us being separate and we’re asking for help for this separate thing, we’re part of this much bigger spiritual body in a way. So, when we ask angels for help, it’s like we’re helping the whole system. I truly believe in many different ways that a rising tide lifts all ships, meaning we’re part of the same ship and same ocean. As we individually shift, we all shift – and vice versa.
We do have free will. When you look at a body, each cell is an individual cell. There are even parts of the cell. You get down even to atom, there are different parts of the atom but it’s still a part of the same system. That’s how I think of it. We are all part of this massive system and consciousness, which is God. Rather than feeling separate, we need to understand we have our free choice, and just like a cell can mutate or do what it does on its own, but it’s still a part of the system. It’s still not a separate entity completely from the body. I feel like God, consciousness and the whole world, everything that encompasses the world is connected in that way.
Where people get stuck and I did at one point, and I know people who have a hard time with the concept of God, is because of suffering and our understanding of suffering. I wonder if we can talk about trauma? How do you understand suffering? You work with so many people as a psychic and also in your own life. It’s a really interesting thing when you start to view suffering in a different way and not so polemical: “That’s a horrible thing. This is a good thing. There’s love, hate. There’s pain and then there’s good.” I feel like that’s an important aspect of learning about angels and God, and being able to accept this idea and work with it also expands one’s understanding of what we call suffering.
Suffering is another complex topic. My understanding of suffering, is that it’s something that when we’re going through it, there is something for us to learn or shift from it. Suffering, there’s always something for us to learn, for us to understand, but it’s not good to stay in suffering longer than needed. Meaning, I don’t think we get points for “you suffered the most!” which unfortunately that’s what a lot of the old religion and different cultures teach, that suffering is a virtue. I don’t believe that’s the case. I believe that we have something to learn and experience from it. Once we’ve done that, ideally, the shift is to get out of that, learn whatever the suffering was sharing with us, and then move forward.
For example, when you touch something hot and you get burned, the pain was there to tell you, “That’s going to hurt you.” We don’t get angry at the burning sensation. It’s telling us, “This damages your body. Don’t do that.” Unfortunately, in bigger societies, sometimes we’re like, “That’s what I have to do. I just have to keep getting burned.” That’s not the case. We can rapidly change our circumstances and life situations to relieve suffering. I feel that when we get to that highest level of spiritual evolution, it’s about the win-win.
Others can be good, and we can be good, and we can all be in this wonderful, amazing energy. There are learning and processes that have to happen for us to get there. I would love, especially for spiritual people listening, to consider that, and look at what areas in your life are you accepting suffering where there doesn’t need to be suffering. Once we’ve learned the lesson or whatever it is that the universe is trying to tell us by continued experience, that we’re not deepening that in any way, that we’re just adding on extra suffering to the whole world.
Also, this concept of multiple lifetimes and karma. There’s so many ways to talk about it. I feel like through our work together I have a new awareness. It’s liberating to look at one’s suffering or experience of pain as a result of a pattern of experiences. Once you can look at the past, I feel like you can change the future. Because if you understand the pattern, you can make another choice.
Previous to working with you, I had this sense of sexual trauma, childhood trauma or an awful feeling. I didn’t know what it was, but after doing a past life reading, you said “this happened to you in a previous lifetime, and before that, and it happened many times.” I was shocked at first, like, “You just said that. That’s crazy.” But it resonated so deeply with me. It alleviated my sense of suffering in just a second. It was explained because I could see the pattern. It wasn’t something that I was holding. It was something that I had been experiencing and I could make a choice to heal it, and move forward, and not carry it around, like this big rock of pain. I don’t know how else to explain it, but it was pretty transcendent.
I feel like there’s massive learning and shifting happening with that for humanity, especially as it relates to women’s place in our society, women’s autonomy, desires and our ability to choose for ourselves. We experience things on a spectrum, typically with past lives. As we learn a lesson, patterns either get stronger or lesser. So if we still need to learn a lesson, then we might experience something to a greater and greater degree until we get it. Then when we start to learn a lesson and we’re getting it, then we experienced the pattern, but maybe it’s much more subtle. So, you see a lot of women now where they’ve been sexually assaulted and they’re finding their voice and they’re saying no, but maybe in past lives, maybe they were raped and murdered. I know that still happens now.
I’m not saying that doesn’t happen. But from an individual soul perspective, we’re all at a different place on that learning curve about those particular things. The more of us learn, it helps the whole system, because once each of us exhibits a boundary, then it helps everyone else (even perceiving) what’s okay to shift. It’s about our individual learning and then it’s about the system. In my case, I know I’ve had many lifetimes where I’ve been killed, murdered and raped. In this lifetime, I haven’t been raped, but I have been sexually assaulted and harassed. Each time it’s like, “I’m learning what it’s okay to say no to, and how to assert that.” The more I do that, the more everyone in my circle sees that, including those that are perpetrating these kinds of traumas on other people.
When I was a teenager – this is such an interesting thing how the universe works – one of my first paid jobs was in an improv troupe for at-risk youth. We did improv skits about trauma and all the types of scenarios that at-risk youth were facing. Frequently it was sexual trauma, and some kind of abuse. What I learned then is how the cycle of abuse happens. We all have the responsibility to help stop that cycle from repeating, as much as we can. At the same time, we have to recognize where others are on their soul journey. For those of us who are healers, helpers, and who are aware of this, it’s always this balance between, “I see what’s happening. I want to help make a shift.” But at the same time, there’s a certain amount of learning that has to happen with others as well. We can’t save others from their patterns. Everyone has to at least learn some part of that pattern for the whole system to completely shift.
I thought about the collective. Often, there’s a collective thing that we’re working on, and that comes up for many people. It’s interesting how, at this time, it feels like this is a big subject.
It’s coming up so much now. Thankfully, I feel that there are so many women coming forward as it relates to sexual trauma or sexual boundaries and saying no. I was thinking about how our perspective changes as a society. I remember one of my first jobs when I was in high school was at a Blockbuster video. It was many years ago. I was sexually harassed by my boss. I was seventeen. I was young. He said some things sexually to me that were very inappropriate. In front of a group, he would make jokes that were sexual and inappropriate, poking fun at me or pointed at me.
At the time, I was like, “I don’t want to risk my job. I’m not going to say anything.” This is a grown man. He’s in his 30s. Here I am, seventeen, young. Would I put up with that now? No, but at the same time, I’m older and also our whole society has shifted in terms of what we’re saying is okay. We’re basically saying as a society, “No. That’s not right. That’s not okay to say that.” These kinds of shifts only happen when a bunch of people individually step up and then our idea of what’s acceptable changes.
That’s happened with the abolition of slavery here in the United States. In most developed countries, it’s happened with women’s rights, with many different areas, child labor, discrimination. It all starts individually, and then the more each of us changes individually, then the whole collective shifts. That’s why our individual work is so important right now, especially.
For people that are helpers and healers, or very altruistic, or people who feel called to serve or help, there’s a lot of different ways to go about doing it. You have an interesting perspective on that too. For example, doing massage work one-on-one with somebody versus teaching a psychic training course. There are different levels at which you can affect people. It appeals to me to work on a level that reaches a lot of people without having to put themselves out or suffer. I’m not running down the street rescuing stray dogs anymore, but I certainly care about them. I’m just looking at it from a different perspective.
Yes, so many healers and creatives... By the way, I think creativity is very healing. Whether or not artists and creatives consider themselves on that spectrum, it’s very similar, in that we’re frequently still in the martyr pattern, at least somewhat. Martyrs are sacrificing themselves to help others or teach others. On the extreme end, martyrdom means literally you are getting killed and probably tortured for your beliefs or to help serve whatever you think that might mean in your culture or upbringing. On lesser levels, that martyrdom happens energetically, or maybe you’re trying to emotionally help people that aren’t ready to be helped, or you’re in situations that don’t feel good for you. So you’re this energetic, emotional martyr. The truth is we don’t need to do that. When we’re helping at appropriate levels, it can feel good for us and good for them.
One of the most profound principles is to teach by showing rather than doing for someone. It’s the idea of teaching someone to fish versus giving them a fish, or model for them how to do it instead of doing it, because that’s sustainable. It’s so much more empowering. If we’re constantly trying to help heal others and they can’t sustain that, then it’s unsustainable for them , and for us, and then we get depleted. The idea to model things and then help others with figuring out how to do them for themselves is one of the most powerful ways that we can shift the world.
It’s liberated me to think bigger. I don’t have to literally have a storefront where somebody comes in and buys a certain thing. I can produce a podcast. I can make work and sell it digitally. I can send energy remotely. With the advent of a pandemic as well, people are coming around to different ways of working. It’s really interesting how you can work in the world without ever leaving your bedroom.
That is one of the more positive aspects, is the opening to working remotely, and what we can do without having to be in person. There’s so much that we can do, and that we don’t have to do this in person, personal assisting, or working on everything like you talked about. I don’t have to help every stray dog. I send love and healing to stray animals all the time. I’m an animal communicator. I love animals. I know you work with animals too. This brings up the point that sometimes we think we’re the ones who need to do everything. Instead, let the divine, whole body, let the system, spiritually speaking, do what it needs to do.
We’re not necessarily always that white blood cell, body-wise, that’s coming in and attacking the things or clearing things out. Let the body and the intelligence of the universal body do its work. When I see someone that’s suffering, struggling, or that’s my perception anyway, I will at least always pray or ask for assistance for whatever it is that’s serving that particular being or individual. That’s a powerful thing that we all can do. We’re taught to do things physically, but sometimes the most profound impact we can have is to send a prayer for that individual, whether it’s an animal or a person, or even a situation, a country, a nation.
I wonder if we could transition a little bit to talking about art and creativity. I feel like it’s my focus. You also have that in your past.
We are all incredibly creative beings. That phrase is in the Bible, or that idea that we are created in the image of the creator. I don’t think of the creator being like a man on a throne the way it’s frequently depicted. I’m not saying that we necessarily physically look like God or the creator, but in the sense that we are all these incredible creative beings, we’re like the creator and that we are creators as well. Part of our evolution and spiritual evolution is to fully realize our abilities as creators. To be a creator means a lot of different things. It means creating our lives, literally manifesting, what kind of lifestyle, and what kind of world do we want to create?
We have the ability as an individual person to create profound change on the world, humanity. You look at one person, JK Rowling, or Shakespeare, or any number of historical figures. That one person created so much impact. We all have that ability. Whatever you’ve been taught and told, we all have that within us to do that. There’s the creativity in terms of what we are creating in our world, and the world as a whole, and then also the way that we tend to typically think of creativity in terms of the arts, music, painting, dancing, writing, so many different art forms out there. As we tap into our soul and spiritual ability, we can manifest all those different creative outlets.
We are creative beings in many cases in a lot of different outlets. Unfortunately, society teaches us, “No, you’re in this little box. You’re a painter. You’re this. You’re that.” We’re really not allowing ourselves to fully expand into the full power of our beings because of what society teaches us. We all have that within us. In my case, I’m a singer-songwriter. When I was young, I did a lot of drawing and I’ve started recently to paint. I’m an author. I like to design. I studied Theater in college and I did costuming and acting. Anything that’s expressive and creative, I’m drawn to it. One of the reasons I’m passionate about psychic training and teaching that, is because I feel like when you get the psychic training, it really helps you to clear out all the garbage in terms of beliefs about what we can and can’t do.
As I’ve gotten further on my psychic path, I’m more like, “Wow, I can do all of these things.” I don’t need to choose. Or just be in the psychic box, and that’s all that I do. I love that you’re addressing that with your show – the importance of creativity and art, and spirituality, and how they all come together because it is all-encompassing for us as individuals. Some of us may have a soul affinity for a particular medium, whether that’s music, dancing, or arts. We all have that within us. In many lifetimes, we’ve been peak in these different areas. So if you feel drawn to something, remember, you have multiple lifetimes of soul experience that you can tap into. You may be a beginner in this lifetime, but that doesn’t mean that you weren’t a master before.
I’d like to ask you a really specific question for artists who are listening that feel unsuccessful in their careers – because you’re talking about manifesting. A lot of artists get caught. They know they have something to share, they have this beautiful gift, they love making art, it’s always been challenging. They don’t make a lot of money. There’s this gallery system where they have to give power to this dealer and there’s this sense of loss of autonomy like, “I’m the brilliant one, but I have to ask this person to help me.” It’s not only a societal belief, but it’s an identity of an artist that comes often. Not all, but many artists feel like they have something to share, but somehow, they’re blocked. Maybe it’s the throat chakra, or it’s putting themselves out in the world, charging. I feel like there’s something that would help them to understand, you can make yourself successful. There’s something there.
This idea of a struggling or starving artist is so common. On a core level, creatives are healers, whether they recognize that or not. All these different things, beautiful artwork, music, all these different creative outlets are healing. They are teaching. They have the ability to transform our perspective, our mindset, our energy in a moment. You look at a beautiful piece of art and you immediately are shifted, or you hear this beautiful piece of music and the same thing, you’re immediately transformed and shifting. There’s a lot of creatives that are in that martyr pattern. Part of that pattern usually involves focusing all your energy on others. Also, a part of that is lack of belief and the importance of ourselves.
As soon as we start to value ourselves and believe that we’re important, and we have something to offer. It’s pretty typical that what happens to shift is that monetary evaluation, it will shift too. In order for us to be valued, we have to value ourselves.
That’s the first step. It’s often the hardest, especially in a society where we’re taught not to value ourselves. Whether our parents consciously did it or not, or even society, it’s very much like you keep your head down and do what you’re told. It’s the feeling that a lot of times we’re raised with. There are lots of wonderful things we can do to shift our value.
I met this artist once. I don’t remember his name. He was an artist who had his works at Art Basel. He would charge $10,000 to $100,000 a painting. I remember meeting him and said, “How do you do that? A lot of artists struggle to make that much money.” He’s like, “Yeah, I used to sell these things for $50, and then I just raised the price.”
Same paintings, he literally didn’t change it. Once you put forth your value of what you think you’re worth, you open that door for you to be appreciated at that level. It has to start with you. It’s a process. You may not sell something at a high rate right away, but it’s a part of you, that journey, saying that.
The psychic world is in many ways, like the art world. Most psychics, they’re making $50 or $60 an hour. I’m not judging that. I’ve been there. That’s where I started. Through my intuition, learning and connect with the angels, I quickly learned I need to keep raising this and I will attract those who are at that same frequency and appreciation of that. That happens in the art world. You have to set your standards and also know that it’s a journey. You can shift quickly, but if you try to raise your standard and no one buys right away, don’t give up. Keep going and keep working on all the energy tools that will help you with being in that abundance, money mindset. All of these things are extremely important, especially for creatives.
A lot of creative industries are based on the idea of making art from a place of pain, or talking about things that are dark, or that creepy things sell. There’s a lot of judgment against artists who make beautiful things. Let’s say you made a painting of an angel, some artists are okay to do that, but they have a persona that’s a little bit funky. There’s a block against positive, beautiful, inspiring things – unless you’re a Mozart. We all have a desire for deep experience of beauty, but then on a societal level, there’s this admiration for the junkie who makes scrawling things. There was always this thing in New York where it was hard for people that did drugs or had addictions to make art when they got clean because there was this pattern of being able to pull forth extreme experiences from a place that was in addiction or not coming from a positive spiritual place. I’ve noticed that in my own life. How do you make art once you’re feeling so happy? I knew how to make art when I was miserable, but it’s harder when you’re zoned out in a happy place.
It’s interesting, especially the idea of different substances. A lot of vert psychic and sensitive people turn to substances to help them manage and go through life. I never was drawn to drugs. It’s interesting that you bring up this whole issue of being an artist because I have a past life that I specifically remember where my partner, at the time, was also an artist and he overdosed from drugs. Everyone was doing drugs at that time. This was like New York in the ‘70s, whatever he was doing. It devastated me. I lost my partner. I was never into what we would now call drugs, but I did drink heavily. I came to realize that even though there might’ve been a short-term feeling of ease or lightness, there was always this dark shadow side.
So when people lean towards that, there’s always some suffering that is happening as it connects with, at least certain types of substances and drugs. I’m not going to say that as a whole. As we shift to more belief and patterns of, it can be a win-win, “I can have the inspiration” and that channel open without the pain and the suffering that comes with certain drugs at least, then it opens to that possibility. A lot of times, it’s about us learning how to tap into that. You can do what a lot of drugs do on your own with tapping in. I tell people all the time, “I don’t need hallucinogens because I see stuff all the time. I don’t need a chemical substance to do that for me.” A lot of people have that capability. They just need to learn how to do it for themselves.
There’s the flip side of being extremely sensitive and wanting to numb it down or close it out. Some people want to have a break from the hypersensitivity that they’re feeling. There are maybe negative tendencies that I might’ve done that with. For example, I might do it with food. When I feel anxious, I might want to eat something. I think it’s going to ground me, even though it actually causes more problems. Part of the challenge for me has been how do I stay in this beautiful, bright, high vibration place, and ground myself in a healthy way, and continue to produce. Sometimes as an artist, you do get really high experiences from your own creative expression. What happens when you come down or how do you understand that and integrate? This is a challenge, to keep going.
Anytime we’re tapping into that high-frequency and creating something that’s amazing, you brought up this idea of crashing down. It’s also possible for us to shift how we’re operating so that we don’t crash as much. What if we continue to release and shift so that we continually have little cycles of up and down, but overall, it keeps getting higher and higher in the sense of energy. I feel like that’s what I’ve done. I used to have these extreme ups and downs. I still go up and down. I have days that feel more fun and days that feel heavier. That’s part of the human experience. But my lows are not nearly as low as they used to be once I learned how to release certain energies, patterns, beliefs, people.
For example, what if you’re in this tapped-in, creative, intuitive place, and then you go around your friends or family who are very negative and judgmental? That’s going to bring you down quickly. What if you’re like, “I’m going to release some of those people, or at least minimize my connecting with them?” Then you don’t have to have such a low crash. In my case, I had a lot of people in my life that were very pessimistic and negative. I used to have people say I had my head in the clouds and I’m like, “No, I’m just not negative.” Now I feel like I can say that because I’ve created a lot of the things in my life that I always wanted to.
From their perspective, I was being head in the clouds, that’s not possible. But I always knew it was possible for me. It’s simply a matter of perspective. When I was around people that had that perspective and belief, especially about me and my life, it did bring me down and I did have that down in the doldrums feeling. A lot of it is about boundaries, both energetically, spiritually, as well as the people in your life. If you’re having these big crashes, ask yourself, “Is there something I can do to shift so that I don’t get down so low, coming from this place of feeling so great?”
What do you call it when you check-in at night, what are the downers?
I call them buzzkills. I’m a big fan of conscious manifesting. I believe it’s a muscle. You don’t go to the gym and be like, “I have this Olympic body.” After a day. It’s a process. That doesn’t mean you have to manifest all the time. You’re working all the time.
Every day I do some conscious manifesting. One of them is what you talked about. I call it buzzkills. I usually do it before bed, but you can do it whenever you want. I write a list of, “What are the buzzkills in my life?” The key to this is not just focusing on it but thinking, “What are things I could do to shift this?” It might be a prayer to ask the angels for divine support. That’s very powerful.
It might be, “What kind of action step can I take to release this?” Depending on what the buzzkill is. It’s taking a moment to think about, “What does bother me?” and then say, “That carpet. It’s rolling up. All I need to do is get some carpet tape and then I tape it.” I order from Amazon and then that’s a problem solved. Anything that brings our energy down is significant. The more we release the things that have that buzzkill energy, and some of these are big buzzkills and some might be relatively minor, but the more we do that and focus on action and positivity, it can have actually a really significant impact in terms of our lives as a whole, and the world collectively, too.
I love that. Thanks, Laura. I feel like that was just what I needed and the listeners benefits, too.
You are welcome. For the listeners, whether you’re creative, intuitive or both, we can create incredible things. It all starts with ourselves. Make sure you’re surrounding yourself with nurturing, loving, supportive people who believe in the same. A lot of times, especially people that are early on in this path, they tried to convince others. To show people. The best way is to show them through your actions. When I started, my work is coming from the background of Political Science and Government, and I’m like, “I’m a psychic.” There were a lot of people that thought I was literally crazy. It seemed out of the left field, a different world. And rather than spending a lot of time and energy trying to convince those individuals, “This is real. I’m doing this. This is working for me.” I went on my path.
Fast forward many years, now I have a successful business doing this. I work with celebrities and entrepreneurs and I’ve been on TV and done these really fun things. That has shown, more than any conversation or any individual work I could have done with skeptics or doubters, that what I was doing works. For everyone to do that, don’t spend your time and energy on the skeptics, haters, or the online trolls, or whatever that is for you. Focus on those that are loving and supportive and then connect more with people that are like that. Also, get in the room with people who are doing what you want to do. Whether that’s taking a class or joining a community, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. See what others have been doing that is successful and then emulate that. That’s so helpful and important on your journey.
Thanks, Laura.
It’s my pleasure.
Do you want to say the ways in which people can connect with you?
Generally speaking, my website for my healing and psychic work is I have more work on some of my other creative outlets at I’m on Instagram @LauraPowers44. I’m on Facebook at @HealingPowers. You can reach out to me at if you’d like to get in touch. I teach classes on all kinds of things, manifesting and psychic training, podcasting. Feel free to reach out and connect if you have questions about any of that.
Thank you so much. That’s so awesome. I really loved talking with you.
It’s my pleasure. I’m excited. I’m so happy for your show. I know it’s going to do amazing things for you.
Important Links
Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer, psychic, and teacher. Her artwork is available for purchase online. Sarah offers private sessions and channels messages and artwork from artists, angels, and other great beings.
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@SRossiterStudio - Sarah’s Instagram - Contact Sarah
The Psychic Artist Podcast - Apple Podcasts
Laura Michelle Powers - Laura’s Healing & Psychic Work - Laura’s Creative Work
@LauraPowers44 - Laura’s Instagram - Contact Laura
@HealingPowers - Laura on Facebook
Healing Powers Podcast - Apple Podcasts
Powers Hour Podcast - Apple Podcasts
Laura's Books - Amazon
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