Soul Knowledge with Filmmaker Joyce Chow


Podcasting as a unique storytelling experience and democratizing medium, connecting with your soul knowledge from previous lifetimes, and clearing energetic clutter are some of the topics Sarah and Joyce Chow discuss in this episode. Joyce is a journalist, actress, director, filmmaker, and film festival organizer. Sarah does a reading for Joyce and they talk about how your soul purpose can inform your creative work, the spiritual significance of the movie The Matrix, and how to unplug. Sarah connects with the aspect of Joyce that is a beautiful, fiery spirit at her core, and then her flowing, watery energy that represents her creative reflection in the world. If you're listening to this reading, there are elements in it that are also for you.  

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Soul Knowledge with Filmmaker Joyce Chow

Welcome Joyce, to The Psychic Artist Podcast. I'm so excited to have you here. Do you want to share a little bit about yourself?

Oh, Sarah, I am so happy to be here. Because, okay, this is all a land of self discovery. It really is. I am... Okay, here's the challenging part is, I would always change how I would tell somebody who I was based on their background. So it always depends on what they like to hear.

But I'll give you in a snapshot: I love life, I love abundance, I love experiences, I love things that are unique. And it's just: find joy in whatever you're doing.

As a journalist, I've covered art, entertainment, fashion and technology and automotive for the last 15 years. Because I was a journalist, that also morphed into... I would either interview people. So I might ask you some questions. I would photograph because I always love taking pictures. Or I would do video. And because you're interviewing and it would change or morph based on where we were, and what was required and what you could do. Because the end result is to get the information. You wanted to get the interview, you wanted to get the story. So then that morphed into doing filmmaking and documentaries, because you're interviewing the people already talking to them. And so to me, a documentary is a bunch of interviews, with some extra pictures thrown in. It's all a story.

And so it's just been fascinating, because as the world is changing, there is so much that's open to people. One of the things that brought me to you was that we developed a film festival called iHollywood Film Fest. And that was developed after I'd already created two other film festivals and said, I am never going to do another film festival. It's too much work for too little. And you created it because you had this idea that you gave people hope and something for them to strive to.

Because as a journalist, you could see, it always had to do with the story. And for filmmakers and actors to proceed in their career, it's all about the next story and how could they help promote themselves. So after the pandemic happened, I saw so many people trying to figure out what they were going to do. Yet they still wanted to be in touch. And so I saw all these creatives, doing things they never would have done, because through adversity is when people are the most creative. Right?

Yeah. We dig deep and we're like, what can I do now. Because this is my territory, I know how to deal with challenge.

And so then it was like, okay, are we certain we want to do this, let's do another film festival, because then we're going to focus on what people were able to create during the pandemic. Because before they had all these other, if you want to call it resources, that during the pandemic they no longer had, so you really could see where the artists are coming out. And they were really, really creating. And I thought oh how exciting to do that.

And then as you were reaching out to people, you ware sitting there talking to them and all of a sudden it's like, they really just kind of like hearing the stories, connecting with people from the industry. And so we were doing webinars, but it happened to expand because the webinars after we'd hang out for an hour just talking and chatting. We were building this whole community. Which is what we just loved.

And so I had met Laura Powers, of course, a while ago because we were in Cannes together, or I met her because of other people that she knew in Cannes. And then I met her actually back here in the States. And Laura has always been one of the most positive, resourceful people that I know that just embraces life. And you'd sit there and look at her go, why did you do that? How did you do that? What's the connection? And one of the things that I've always realized about media is that, if you think about, it's like, they would always say the victors would always create the stories, and that's what would live on. So the podcast is a new way of storytelling. And it's like the modern day of radio.

It is.

Right? And it has really opened up doors. And what's really unique about podcasting, which I totally love, because I mean, I'm sitting there creating these podcasts and going like, what do I need to podcast for? It's like, you could shoot video, you can take pictures, you can write. But as things are changing, podcasting has become a different medium, because like in radio, yes, they can do radio, on location, but they usually have all this extra equipment and everything. Like podcasting you can do everywhere. And what I love about it, is you can really get into the stories and talk to people because like, if I was shooting in a red carpet. [phone rings].

The red carpet is calling you.

Oh my gosh that's one of my friends Jake who is actually calling me about this project in Haiti. Here's the great part is, when I was talking to Jake, he connected me to somebody regarding NFTs, and I know you're going, how does all of this relate? Isn't that the truth?

It’s Joyce's world. I always wondered, when I first met you I thought, is she a psychic or a business investor? She's knows all about crypto and NFT. I thought you were an analyst, and you were going to help me invest money or something. Then it turns out, you're a director, then it turns out you run a film festival, then I find out last night you're an actress. And this is really exciting. Keep going. We're in your zone.

And I also do trade too.

At some point today, I am going to give you a reading so you can talk as long as you like, but you're still going to have to have a reading.

And so I trade too. So before, I was trading stocks, options and cryptocurrency. And so that brings me back to when we were creating the whole idea. So how do you create something totally unique, that is totally you. Because when it's you, that's when it works best. Because, it just does. It vibrates. It's transparency, people connect with you better because it's you. It's not, I was going to say, not an actor, but that's how you know when an actor's really good. You can't tell, it's the actor is the person.

So anyway, all of this all morphs together. So what I see happening with podcasting is something like…

I'm going to consider it like blockchain, and you're probably going to go, "What is the connection between podcasting and blockchain?" Okay? Blockchain is decentralized. It's equalizing. So it's almost like equal opportunity. Podcasting is a very low barrier to entry, which is in a way like an equalizing force.

Because like radio, you'd have to have a radio show. I don't know how many of you have talked where somebody says, I've got a radio show. And then they go, yeah. And then they find out that in the radio show that they have to sell all the advertising for their radio show to exist. But podcasting, yes, it still requires editing. But there's a low barrier to entry for anybody that wants to do it. And the biggest question is how are you found amongst all of the different podcasters? Because this is one of the things that artists always find. Because you've...

You have to come up with a really cool name like The Psychic Artist.

That's right. The Psychic Artist is a wonderful name. How did you come up with that?

I was in the podcasting class and guess you weren't there that day. But we were listening to this awesome podcasting teacher visiting the class, Adam Shaeuble, and he was sharing how to promote. He's like, you have to find that thread that is unique to you, and exploit that. Whatever it is about you, just blow it up. And I was writing on my paper. I was like, well, I'm psychic, I'm an artist. I was like, oh, Psychic Artist. I haven't heard that before. And before that my podcast was going to be, love, heart... I don't know. I was so lost. I knew I had to do a podcast, but I didn't know what.

Now, why did you want to do a podcast?

I wanted to share a message. I felt called to do it. It was a process of self discovery. And when I realized that I was going to marry my spiritual and my artistic realms, it really came together. And I was new to doing psychic readings, but they were going so well. And I seemed to be getting creative people coming to me. And I would get a lot of information about how they could be more creative and how they could express, and grow, and become financially stable as artists. So I was like, oh, I have a service to provide here working with creatives. And then in addition, I feel like there's a lot of information that I gather about people's artwork. When I see it, I get a lot of information that's not visible to the naked eye. I feel past lives and things like that.

I love that. And it's so unique. Because creatives often do things based on intuition. They don't know why they do it, they just do it.

Yeah. And I'm in my own career as an artist, for years, I was making photographs of scenes that I would see in my head, I assume directors and writers are like this too. You get something and you're like, oh, I just have to illustrate that. But I never knew what it was. And it turns out as I look at it now psychically, a lot of the stuff that I was doing, some of it was very violent looking, or very dark, or psychological drama, a lot of that was from past life stuff, trauma that I was working out. Which I think could be the case for many artists that you look at today.

We are all operating on so many levels, and we have so much input, and it's not literally from this lifetime, sometimes it's from previous lifetimes that things come in and we're still processing them on a soul level. So I would shoot these images of me lying dead in the woods naked. And I didn't know why. But it was very compelling. I had to do it. And they were beautiful images, I made them as beautiful as I could, but I also would then look at them and not know exactly what is this? I knew it was about empowerment, and about redefining the gaze, and objectification, and women's bodies. And I got all the feminist subtext. But there was this drive in me to work out this psychodrama that I was unable to work out in any other way.

So I feel a lot of times our art making reflects so many things that come into our consciousness. Something in your mind, something in your childhood, something in a past life, there are these themes that we're drawn to because we're working out a life lesson. It's not good or bad, it's just information that we're trying to grapple with. And we deal with it in our most talented ways.

It sounds like a story in the making. Because so often, when you hear about artists, and you see what they do. I mean, now we're sitting there talking about parallel universes or past lives. But you usually think of it as of this world. I've never thought about as an artist creating, to correct or to help them from their past life. I mean, you would see little kids that they're a savant. They're naturally talented and they could just do it. But it makes perfect sense.

And so many of us come in with knowledge from previous lifetimes. So that little kid who's a savant, they may have been an incredible Einstein like thinker in a previous lifetime, it makes perfect sense they would come in that way. If you have a child who is incredibly advanced, sometimes they might have been a sorceress in a past life or have connections to fairies, and in this lifetime they're working on how to have some humility in relation to the great power they had previously. I have some personal experience with this.

And it's also really interesting too how the stories that you see in films these days. I used to think, wow, that's just so fantastical, but now most of them I believe are based in reality, like The Matrix for example, has been on my mind lately. That movie is so right on, that movie is so full of truth. And when I first saw it, it hit me so hard, I wanted to go out and like shave my head afterwards, because I identified with it, but I didn't know how to express why that movie was so compelling. And now, as I'm working through my own process of being more psychic and developing stronger boundaries, and creating new paradigms and structures in my life for belief systems, every day, I'm like, I think I'm unplugging.

Oh my gosh.

It's literal. And I can sense cords that are plugged into the back of my head. So it's pretty friggin' real, that movie.

Wow. That is so cool. Now I'm going to watch it and I'm going to have you in my head.

I would love to interview the directors because they are just so tapped in. And their other films too. You know, the blue pill or the red pill – their metaphors are so spiritual, metaphysical, and right on. I felt like it was a treasure trove of information and tools.

And people thought it was an action movie.

And many sci-fi things are like that. And I've always been drawn to sci-fi. And it blows my mind to find out that... Come to find out angels are real, like, what? Our brains are so limited in how we conceive of reality. And I feel like film, and TV, and novels, and podcasts, they just open up your conception of what could be and if you allow that, how far can you go down that rabbit hole. And how can that inform your day to day life and give you more power so that you can make decisions knowing like, oh, I've got karma with that person, because they killed me in a past life. Okay, I'm just going to hold this boundary with them. But maybe you're still friends. And you're just like, yeah, but I don't allow you to cross that boundary in this lifetime. There's so many layers Joyce.

Oh, my gosh, it's almost like having the Cliff Notes to life.


It's like they used to say you have to kiss how many frogs before you meet your handsome prince. So can you tell me how many frogs so I can get through them fast?

Instead of Cliff Notes it's like an encyclopedia of endless learning. I'm just learning and learning and learning. And then you meet other psychics who have been doing this for 10, 30 years, and they know so much. And it just blows your mind. And nobody's perfect. I mean, everybody has something they're working on.

So that's something else that I really encourage people to connect with is, what is your soul knowledge. Don't think that just because you've been doing something for a short period of time, you don't know as much as someone else. When I look at things psychically, often, I'll see that I have a great amount of knowledge in an area that I'm new to. And someone else who's been doing it in this lifetime, for many years, may not have that knowledge but they have the ego and the social experiences to take a certain role. So I think as creators sometimes we think, oh, we need to have practiced this instrument for thousands of hours before we can say we're a master. I think we all have the ability to make really great art right off the bat or express ourselves in a super unique, powerful way. Just lean into your soul knowledge. Does that make sense to you?

Oh, it does. So totally. How do you find out what your soul knowledge is?

Well, I really want to do a reading for you Joyce, I'm being directed to do this. So why don't we check in with that.


And I have to say, I don't know what we're going to talk about, but I just feel drawn to do it. So this is in service to that calling.


Calling on my angels and guides Archangel Michael, Haniel, Zadkiel, Azriel, Metatron, Uriel, Jophiel, Chamuel, Ariel, Gabriel, Raphael, Serafiel, Aquariel, St. Germain, Quan Yin and Joan of Arc. Please make this a safe space, increase clairvoyance and psychic ability, and may whatever comes through be for the highest good of all. Angels and guides, what would you like to share with Joyce today?

They say you're fabulous. It's so good to be here with you. Super excited to connect.

Angels and guides, what would be appropriate at first? A grounding and clearing and also bringing in light into our crown chakra.

So just imagine that you have a grounding cord going from the base of your spine, down into the earth, and release anything there that's not aligned for your highest good. Any attachments, dark energy, entities, cords, anything that's not serving the love and light in your energy field. Asking the angels to take it down into that cord and release it there into the light back to wherever it came from and permanently away from us. Archangel Michael, Chamuel, Azriel, Metatron, Raphael, and Jophiel. Please clear this energy and send it back. No thank you, with love. And when that process is complete, you can have them cut that cord and allow it to fall back to the earth. Thanking Mother Earth for her support in transmuting that energy. And even though the cord is cut, we can still feel grounded on the earth, connected to this epicenter of power.

And then allow our crown chakras to open and bring in the beautiful love and light from the angels. I see a rainbow shower of light shining down upon us, washing away anything else that's not serving our highest good. And asking the angels to protect this space to put a shield around you, a beautiful blue shield of Archangel Michael to make sure that as we look deeply at your soul, and around me, that there is a shield that protects us so that anything that's not aligned for our highest good can't interrupt. And also Archangel Chamuel is offering a gold shield around that. A metaphysical gold protection.

Angels and guides, what can you share with Joyce today about her soul purpose? I hear the word love three times. Oh, they're asking me to ask you to say your name three times. Sometimes that helps to go in deeper.

Joyce, Joyce, Joyce.

Thank you, Joyce. In the center of your being is a fountain of love, a blue fountain that spurts up with so much energy. It is overflowing and abundant. And from your soul, this flower is growing. These beautiful, bright flowers come from this source. This source is so liquid and free flowing. And you never need to stop it. Always feel free to express yourself. Expression is your main modality in this lifetime. And it has always been a realm in which you feel comfortable. And as you express yourself, the explosion that comes out of you is so fragrant, like flowers, it fills the space and it supports others. And you should feel free to be yourself at all times, glowing, doing, acting, being and expressing. And it's really beneficial for everyone around you.

Do you have any questions Joyce?

Wow. Let's see.

What did you see when I was talking?

I was just doing a visual picture of what you were saying. To help me to go through it.

Did you want to ask anything about your mother?

My mother?

A mother is coming up, or maybe it's...

It's my grandmother.

Angels and guides what can you share about Joyce's grandmother? She is a really lovely being. I get the word mimi, which can also be my association with that word but it's this sweetness. Grandmother of Joyce, and angels and guides what would you like to share on this?

She is here with you, and she would like you to know that she's been following you all the way and you are cared for, loved, and connected. And as you move forward in the world, the trail that you leave behind is like cookie crumbs. I see this trail. They're like golden cookie crumbs. And the world follows you and you're leading us on a really exciting journey. And that's all for now.

It makes me happy. My grandmother was the one that was adventurous. She could out drink, out cuss any guy around.


Let's see. Ask my dad for his guidance.

I'm getting, which dad?

Both of them.

All fathers. Joyce's dad... Archangels, please ask Joyce's dad for any guidance. I'm getting an image of going deep within your heart like a waterfall that goes down. There are these very large rocks on either side. Angels and guides what does this image mean for Joyce? There's a lot of input that's coming into you from these sources. So you get to choose whether you want to accept it or not. There's a lot of power coming from your dads.


So they have a lot to share with you. But you can also turn off the faucet if you want. And just be yourself.

Go ahead. [Laughing]

So it's like a waterfall you know, but it does have a knob on the top, it's a spigot. You can choose, okay, not right now. So I think on a universal level, the power of the father creator consciousness flows into you quite easily. And so that's a lovely waterfall that flows and fills you. And you can have a visualization where this waterfall is coming in from the top and filling your whole being with a beautiful, effervescent, dark blue water that sparkles with divine knowledge and information.

And from that filled up space, when you create, you will be very grounded. But water is so much a part of the imagery I'm getting for you. And it's not just because I'm in Kaua'i. I haven't actually gone to see any waterfalls yet. But I get tons of images. First we started with the fountain that was very feminine. Now we've got this waterfall filling up with water. So I think the power of water is very strong for you in terms of knowledge and self expression and connecting with this consciousness that is so full of creativity. It's a very fertile place. It's a very abundant place. And it shows me that you're very comfortable, floating in this water of intense creativity and consciousness.

Yeah, how do you feel Joyce?

I feel so amazing. I'm just sitting here, just like... I always want to ask him, because I love efficiency, "What's the most efficient way to complete the mission?"

Okay. Angels and guides what's the most efficient way to complete the mission?

Yes, we love this question.

Well, there's two things here. So one is the tactile physical world. While you were seeing efficiency, the first thing I heard was like, you need 10 virtual assistants. You have so many projects that you could have somebody working on each one of them, someone who dedicates 30, 40 hours a week to each project that you have. And you could find some people that are relatively inexpensive, but would be very good.

And then on the metaphysical or spiritual level, angels and guides what is the most efficient way for Joyce to proceed?

Well, you're very one pointed on your spiritual path. And that's important not to get distracted or sidetracked by fancy gurus or things that maybe shiny objects, but to stay really grounded in what you know to be true. And that is the way through. So you don't need to go to a shop and buy a bunch of new tchotchkes, you can connect with the deep wisdom that's already in you. You have it through your lineage of your family. And not necessarily your bloodline, but your soul family that connects to you, that has a deep knowledge of spirit and self. So I think through action, you tend to be very action oriented, and that's super positive, just keep going with that. But make sure to take time to take care of yourself.

The self care aspect is actually very profound because it will ground you, and hold you, and protect you. We often think of boundaries as simple as saying no to somebody. Or I want to have my chair this far away from somebody else or something. But boundaries are actually a reflection of how you care for yourself. So if you... I keep seeing a bubble bath. If you treat yourself like a queen and you say, today Joyce needs this expression of love. Then, not like with sugar or spoiling yourself in that way, but more spoiling yourself energetically, physically.

If you need time away in nature, then that is just as important as the 55 phone calls you made for your film festival and all of the outward work you did. That time, that regenerative time that you take on, "vacations" is actually work time establishing very strong boundaries around your soul being. Your energetic field needs replenishment from natural sources. Also, from taking space away from large busy cities. I'm getting that you're also pretty empathic but you have developed various ways of blocking out input because it can be too much. So you could develop other time management or "vacation" management ways of blocking out unnecessary input just by not being available, or turning your phone off. Or having times that you're not exposed to media. So there's this inter and outer… I got intro and outro Joyce.

And it's really good to give both of them love and care. Because she needs you to protect that jewel, this ruby red jewel that's at the center of your being. And I get also Archangel Jophiel, and Kali, and mother energy there. This very powerful, this ruby red chair that you can sit on and just be totally enveloped with that mothering, supportive, creative, nurturing energy. And to let yourself ground and check in at times with that. And then when you go out and you're doing your watery, expressive outward stuff, that's going to be supported by this inner fire that you have.


Quite beautiful.

It is.

It's unique to you. It's interesting. I have not seen that before in anyone.

Seen what?

This inner fire and outer water self. You know? I mean, it's a metaphor that can work for anyone. But you're very fluid in these states. Does that resonate for you?

Totally. Because in my Chinese astrology I am fire, and in my Western astrology I'm water.

Yeah, that's what I'm picking up on. And when I say Queen, I see this Chinese Queen, this ancient... And it's all red.

It's my favorite color. I love red.

The water feels more masculine and a little bit more Western and more. You know, in LA doing work in the industry, surrounded by that culture and that mentality.

Oh, interesting.

There's a time thing.

So yeah. Wow. I'm amazed. And Ruby is, that's my birthstone. It's Ruby.

Oh, cool. The ruby gemstone at your heart. So it's all lined up. I feel like we are ending soon. But there is this possibility to look at a past life if you want to.

Oh, okay. I don't even know what to ask. What should I know from my past life?

Angels and guides, what should we share with Joyce from past life. So calling on Archangel Michael, Chamuel, Azriel, Metatron, Jophiel and Raphael. What can you share with us about Joyce's past life? I'm getting Angel energy or queen energy. Which one do you want to look at?

I don't know, both?

I know. What a choice, you have five minutes and you may choose one. Just kidding.


Angel energy. Yeah. So there's this very angelic energy. I think there's an angel that is with you, your guardian angel and she's very, he/she is very compassionate. And she looks out for you, quite often. And you may not be aware that she's there. Maybe you are?


On a conscious level, it would be good to talk to her more consciously.

Okay, good.

I do get he/she. Sometimes the angels are both. So depending on what is needed, perhaps this angel is changing genders for you. Do you want to ask a specific question of that angel?

What should I call them?

Angels what should we call you? Well, I get Gabriel.


And it could also be Gabrielle, like female. Archangel Gabriel, is this a message for Joyce?

Yes, we're so happy to connect with you. This is an energy of abundance and purpose. And this energy flows abundantly to you, and through you. So as you tune into your purpose, and share with others, this abundance will start to be more evident to you. There's an unfolding happening. So while you might want to know everything right now, there is a process of unfolding. So as you develop stronger boundaries, as you care for yourself, and you clear out entities, energies, people, attachments, places, and things that don't support you, you will start to get clearer communication with this energy.

So I'm even getting the Marie Kondo clear your clutter kind of approach for your life. I got a picture of a closet and you're throwing things out!

Oh, my gosh.

You've been to a lot of places, you've interviewed a lot of people, you've collected a lot of energy and interesting tidbits along the way. But really, do they serve you? If anything is not serving your highest good right now, just thank it with love and let it go. Place it in the garbage or just put up a "don't respond." There's various ways to have boundaries, it doesn't have to be go to this person and say you're out. It could just be you know, not right now, I need some time for myself. And as you clear the clutter, your space will be so much more easy for you to navigate and clear. And your connection to this divine source gets really bright and flows.


And you can call on Archangel Gabriel to help you connect. I'm getting that's also why that name came through because Gabriel is a messenger to the divine. And you have that direct connection. What a blessing.

Wow. Thank you.


What a blessing. Oh my gosh, I feel so very blessed.

It's really fun to chat with you Joyce. I feel some identification with you because you're so creative. But it's also beautiful to watch... When you look at things psychically, you see the energetic field around people and you see their greatest potential, and you see their soul level. So when we checked into your grandmother, she might have been a dirty talkin' person in life, but her soul level is quite bright and shiny. So we there's this dichotomy between the way we present on earth and then our highest self when we're in the most enlightened state.

She was a handful.

Yeah, right? I have those people too. But when you speak to their souls you get a very, or their spirit, their highest self, you get a very beautiful reflection. And so with you, and in checking in with reading like this, I'm aware of what's happening on the sort of physical realm in your life, the energy of what you're doing, and the people you interact with, and your space and that. But then there's this other thing that's really the core of you, that waterfall, that ruby red space, these aspects of you that are just so powerful and pure.

And so I hope this helps you to connect to that and know that that's your truest self and you can rely on that. And that's everything, and then this other stuff is the play of consciousness, the world that we inhabit right now in these bodies. Do you see that?

Uh, huh.

There's this both, but you can choose where to plug in more deeply just to bring it back to The Matrix.

I can hardly wait to see that movie again.

I feel like we should have a Matrix watch party together.

Oh my.

A bunch of psychic people watching it.

That would be so much fun. We should arrange it.

Okay. So I'm just going to thank the angels and guides for their presence, and sending many blessings, and asking them to give you really clear guidance and support going forward. If any of this resonated for you and you want to take action on it, that they can help you hold those strong boundaries, and anything else that we talked about to support you and your expansive growth.

Summer Special

I’m offering 1/2 off Remote Readings and Reiki Trainings until August 31st.

In Reiki Level 1, you will learn how to get grounded, to call in guidance and protection, and you will be able to heal yourself and others immediately. Reiki also helps with developing psychic awareness. And, the attunements offered in Reiki 1 & 2, can speed up your personal and spiritual development.

Learn more

Important Links

Links to Joyce Chow


Facebook: JoyceLChow

Instagram: TheJoyceChow

Film Festival:

Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer, psychic, and teacher. Her artwork is available for purchase online. Sarah offers private sessions and channels messages and artwork from artists, angels, and other great beings.

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