Consciousness and the Divine - A Channeled Message


In this episode Sarah channels a message regarding some of the things we learned in the previous episode: Transcendent Consciousness with Author Mark Gober
. The angels assist in contemplating the connection between divine consciousness and human consciousness and how tapping into the divine and raising your vibration quite literally raises the vibration of the planet and supports those around you. In addition, there is a feminine energy in the universe that brings creative flow to you, and when you tap into that and welcome it in, it will expand exponentially in your life. 

Listen to the episode here:

Consciousness and the Divine - A Channeled Message

Calling on my angels and guides specifically Archangel Michael, Haniel, Zadkiel, Azriel, Metetron, Uriel, Jophiel, Chamuel, Saint Germain, Raphael, Gabriel, any other angels and guides willing to assist. Please make this a safe space, increase clairvoyance and psychic ability. And may whatever comes through be for the highest good of all.

Angels and guides. What would you like to share with me today?

First, the podcast with Mark Gober went really well and it was aligned for you and for him and aligned for your audience. The subject matter was diverse and some of the areas are worth looking at further.

Angels and guides, which areas of the podcast would you like to look into? 

Consciousness and the divine. So Contemplating the connection between divine consciousness and human consciousness, it's important to consider different levels of awareness. Humans and animals are often working at lower levels. 

I see the shape of a triangle coming from the ground up, and then from the sky, a triangle coming down and the two meet in the center, there's this pinnacle where they meet and the progress of humanity is coming from the base of that triangle up to the top.

So often as souls, we are working on these lower levels of existence, ego, survival, power, struggle. And as we move up to the higher realms of experience and life learning, we are working on enlightenment subject matter. So connection, service, understanding one's relationship to the divine. 

And in the center, there are angels all around. At all levels there are angels, but outside of these triangles. The angels are supporting us in our connection to the divine and other great beings as well. 

And as we move into the divine realm from that pinnacle, there is an expansiveness into unlimited creative potential, God awareness, the Self, I am. And some of what we talked about today with Mark's meditations, is that realm. 

The question is: How do we, as humans, translate what we gather in meditation and in higher realms and bring it back down to earth into a place where we are operating, and serve others to connect as well? Just the practice of connecting is quite profound. And as Mark mentioned, it does affect the greater whole of consciousness, of humanity. 

One person tapping into the divine has a reverberation, almost like an energy field that travels from divine consciousness, all around the planet, and affects the minds of others. So raising your vibration quite literally raises the vibration of the planet and supports those around you: plants, animals, people, and other areas of time.

So there's this concept of sending blessings forwards and backwards in time – in all directions of time. And this is true as you contemplate the divine and you expand your consciousness in this time and space, it affects your consciousness in other times and spaces.

So many of the blessings that we receive in our lifetime are actually coming from ourselves in future lifetimes.

As we progress as spiritual beings, as enlightened beings, that energy of enlightenment and spiritual attainment, love, consciousness, seeps through time into our consciousness now. So we are very affected by the many blessings of our own practice. 

It's important to remember that when you are making an effort right now, that is has many purposes and it reverberates backwards through time as well to yourself. For example, you may have had a past life where you suffered a great injustice or pain, and you can send blessings consciously, now in this lifetime, to that part of yourself. And ask the angels to go and protect you and heal you in that experience and release the suffering and return it to where it came from so that your soul is not bound by that experience of pain.

Similarly, we can work forward in time from this point on, we have choice. As we also discussed with Mark, making a choice to engage in things that are virtuous or uplifting or of service to humanity in whatever way that resonates for you. You offer this service to a greater good and therefore to your future self, and to your offspring, your ancestors, your immediate family.

Everyone benefits, everything benefits from a positive choice, a positive vibration. It creates a ripple effect around us, and it is all with great purpose.

Also, Mark mentioned setting your intention. Setting your intention to practice in a certain way, to live life in a certain way, to focus on subjects that you find compelling and uplifting is a very powerful practice. It is a technique that allows you to go deeper into the things that will support your soul growth.

A daily intention is even better. Every morning set your intention, to be connected with things that are of the love and light to be supported by your angels and guides, to move forward in a method of service, to the greater consciousness and asking for help to bring inspiration in.

There is a feminine energy in the universe that brings creative flow to you. And when you tap into that and welcome it in, it will expand exponentially in your life. 

In terms of the masculine energy, this energy is one of creation and dissolution and release and protection. There is a great power in beings such an Archangel Michael, that have a lot of masculine energy, and they protect our thoughts, our beings, our energy fields, and our intentions. So you can ask for protection for your intention, as well as your creative process. 

Thanking the angels and guides for these insights and sending many blessings to you all.


Summer Special

For July and August I’m offering 1/2 off Remote Readings and Reiki Trainings.

In Reiki Level 1, you will learn how to get grounded, to call in guidance and protection, and you will be able to heal yourself and others immediately. Reiki also helps with developing psychic awareness. And, the attunements offered in Reiki 1 & 2, can speed up your personal and spiritual development.

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Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer, psychic, and teacher. Her artwork is available for purchase online. Sarah offers private sessions and channels messages and artwork from artists, angels, and other great beings.

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Sacred Knowledge with Shelley Wasicki-Franke


Transcendent Consciousness with Author Mark Gober