Sacred Knowledge with Shelley Wasicki-Franke


In this episode, Sarah talks with Shelley Wasicke-Franke, from The Positive Spirit Podcast with Shelley. Shelley is a shaman, a healer, a Reiki practitioner, an intuitive, and a teacher. We do an on-air reading, which Sarah was guided to give without knowing too much about her, and a lot of beautiful things come out of it. Including Shelley’s connection to Archangel Michael, and her ability to translate sacred knowledge from the animal world, fairies, nature spirits, and elementals. And, we find out that she is a writer and about to publish a book. If you're listening to this reading, there are elements in it that are also for you.

Listen to the episode here:

Sacred Knowledge with Shelley Wasicki-Franke

For today's episode, I want to welcome Shelley to the podcast for an on-air reading. Shelley, would you like to introduce yourself and talk a little bit about the things that you love?

Oh, I would. Thank you, Sarah. I'm so happy and honored to be here. So I'm really excited about our reading and look forward to it. So my name is Shelley, and I actually met you through our mutual friend, Laura Powers. I took the podcast class with her. I have worked with her pretty extensively with developing some intuitive and psychic abilities, because they came out of nowhere. Well, to me they came out of nowhere, the last couple years, and I didn't know what to do with it. I started a company called The Positive Spirit. It was about a year and a half ago. Back then, in my opinion, the world was crazy. This was actually before COVID and before all the election stuff in the United States. I just really felt pulled to follow my heart, start this company to spread positivity.

I work with tree spirits. I'm more of a shaman in this life. So I work with the fairies, the earth, the directions, the elements, and the tree spirits. I do some really cool work with my galactic team. I've just recently started communicating with animals.

That's been interesting and that's been new. It's actually been animals that have crossed over that are reaching out. So like I said, that's been a little bit different.

In this life, I feel like I am definitely a teacher, and that's my background. It's early childhood education. I'm a healer. I work with Reiki, I work with energy and frequencies, all my guides that I call in. I love my angels.

My company is called The Positive Spirit. We need more of it. I work with spiritual newbies. There are a lot of people that are waking up right now. There's a huge shift that I think we all feel, and navigating that without tools and the right setting can be a little weird. So that's where I'm putting my focus, is on the spiritual newbies.

Every teacher is different, just like you resonate with different people. I'm putting my work out there. I have a podcast called The Positive Spirit with Shelley, and I'm getting ready to launch a 13-week course called Spark that is what I talked about, an introductory course to igniting and tapping into that intuition. So thank you for letting me share.


Shelley Wasicki-Franke

is a shamanist, intuitive, teacher and energy worker. She works with nature spirits, elementals and her spiritual team to help weave the ancient connections and magic back into the lives of the people she works with. As a Reiki practitioner, she works with people and animals, where she is intuitively guided to what her clients need. She’s the owner of The Positive Spirit Company and host of The Positive Spirit Podcast with Shelley. She also has a book coming out soon, When Animals Speak: True Stories & Spiritual Messages From The Animal Kingdom that will be for sale on Amazon.

Connect with Shelley Facebook: thepositivespiritco
Instagram: thepositivespiritco

That's awesome. So many wonderful things that you're doing, supporting and listening. I'd like to be in your world. Sounds great. Excited for your course. Also, I noticed on Instagram that you make beautiful things like sage with crystals wrapped in it and that kind of thing.

Yes. I was the little girl ... I grew up in a village in Pennsylvania and we played outside. That's all we had to do. So we were playing in creeks and we were catching fish and lightning bugs. The trees were there in my safe place. That's where we hung out and sat outside under the stars. My love for rocks started when I could walk to pick them up. So I would come home and my mom loves to tell the story that my pants would be weighed down, barely hanging on my hips because I had pockets and pockets and pockets full of rocks.

I love crystals. I feel their vibration. I can hear them sing, and work with them. Especially when you're doing Reiki, I think any healing modality, when you can layer things that call to you specifically. I work with the frequencies and energy, and I bring in the stones, and I bring in the directions and I bring in that shamanic drumming, rattling. So when you can layer it, man, you can blow some stuff up in the most beautiful way.

Well, Shelley, I have been assigned the task of doing a reading for you, and I am so honored.

I'm excited.

I think it's so great. So let's just dive on in and blow some stuff up in a big way together.


Calling on my angels and guides, Shelley's angels and guides, and fairies, spirits, elementals, galactic team, directions, anything of the love and light willing to assist, specifically Archangel Michael, Haniel, Zadkiel, Azriel, Metatron, Uriel, Jophiel, Chamuel, Ariel, Raphael, and Gabriel. St. Germaine, St. Francis, Joan of Arc, and Quan Yin. Thank you angels and guides for being present with us, and please make this a safe space, increase clairvoyance and psychic ability. May whatever comes through be for the highest good of all.

Whew! So it's a lot of high-frequency energy here. Let's get some grounding.

So sending a grounding cord down into the earth, deep into Mother Earth. Thank you, Mother Earth. And allowing anything that's not serving our highest good to go down through that cord, to heal, clear, and release completely back to wherever it came from into the light, permanently away from myself and Shelley.

What a beautiful process. I love how instant you can just ask for help, and let it go.

Please cut that cord, angels and guides when the process of letting go is complete. Let it fall back to the earth, thinking earth. Please give us a shower of beautiful rainbow light. I see blue and pink and yellow and sparkles just raining down on us from above, washing us full of bright light.

Angels and guides, what would you like to share with Shelley today? They're happy and it's fun energy. I get the words “Funny bunny.” This is going to be a lot of fun. Angels and guides, can you be more specific? What would you like to share with Shelley and our audience today?

They want the audience to know, what Shelley does is really important. There's a lighthearted feel to what you do. Sometimes when we get involved in psychic work, we get caught up in heaviness and feeling weighed down.

It's so important to value the way that you're presenting today, which is this lightness, this humor, joy. Really, it's like a collaboration, a participation with spirit, and source, and universal energy, fairies. All these elementals, these nature spirits are coming forward with so much joy and compassion and silliness and movement. They just want me to express that reality.

Do you want to add to that, Shelley?

I would love to. Thank you so much for that. I think a big part of where that comes from is I had an accident about 15 years ago. Between my brother and I, he was the kid that fell and broke his arm and the kid that got the stitches and I never really got hurt. But about 15 years ago, I had an accident where I tripped and fell and I shattered the entire right side of my face.

Oh, wow!

So, they weren't sure if I was going to lose my vision, if I was going to lose my eye. They had to reconstruct it from a photo to make sure it was symmetrical, remake my eye socket, all this crazy stuff. My family is in Pennsylvania. I live in Ohio. They were not able to come out for the surgery. So my best friend was there. I was so calm to the point where she looked at me and she's like, "You're freaking me out, dude. You broke your face." I told her I know that I'm going to be okay because the angels told me it was fine. I went to a friend of mine, Brenda Frazier, that is a psychic that I've been going to for about 20 years after I was done.

She verified that as I was falling, Archangel Michael was there, and he turned me so ... It could have been a lot worse. After something like that happens, your perspective changes. You come from a place of grace when you're brought to your knees.

For me at least, it never came from any other place like it did with that. That was a turning point. That was the second part of my spiritual awakening. All of a sudden, everything that I had read prior, like during my first Saturn return, when I was reading all the books and the The Celestine Prophecies and stuff like that.

I was like, holy shit, angels are real. He just saved my life.

The joy is, "Hey, we chose to come here and we're supposed to be happy, and we're supposed to live out this life that's filled with abundance. And, let's do it."

Yeah, that's really well said. And that's so sweet that Archangel Michael took good care of you. And I really feel his presence now. So why don't we talk to him? Archangel Michael, what would you like to share with Shelley? He wants you to ask the question. Do you have any questions that you want to ask him?

I would love to know how to best educate people on his gifts and his presence. And how to have people work with him, because he's so powerful. He's so amazing. And I would just love to say thank you for that day, and every day that he's been with me.

I hear that your souls are linked. The first thing he said was "Inner knowing." So in your way of sharing with other people, the inner knowing of your spirit is expressing through your being and your body. So whatever you say is going to come through really clearly to the people that are choosing to study with you. And it's really going to connect in a deeper way than with other people. So just be yourself and his energy will flow through you. In particular, protection is coming up as a special skill set that needs to be shared with spiritual aspirants, or people waking up right now.

It's a intense time spiritually and energetically in the world. Protection in terms of creating a safe space with healthy boundaries around each being, and teaching people how to clear their space, how to protect their energy field. How to go in. And then understand that we don't just give this away to everyone, to be very wise about who we speak with and how we share.

But trust that your space is fully protected.

Learning to fully trust in Archangel Michael is a huge step, a huge accomplishment, a important psychological barrier to get over, for some people, so that they can fully feel protected. And not be like leaves in the wind blowing whenever another energy comes through. So that they can feel grounded and safe, and then they're going to be more effective at doing their work and holding their space, and implementing all the awesome things that you have to share. A container is necessary first, learning how to protect ourselves. He brings this magical, mysterious, metaphysical training through you.

Archangel Michael, what else did you want me to share? Know what you want to say and say it, write a book. Archangel Michael, can you elaborate on that? No, I got the exact same thing.

"Know what you want to say and say it, write a book."

So writing a book is basically, you know what you want to say, and you're saying it as a teacher, and your podcast and everything. But when you write a book, the experience of writing it is getting clarity, and sharing it with the world is opening doors. And those words carry power. And moving those words out into the world is very expansive. I get the shape of a heart around your book, whatever it is. Do you have a book?

I do. That's so cool.

Last year when the pandemic started, I was with Laura and joined a class to write a book. And in my mind I thought it was going to be about tree spirits, and just connecting back to the wisdom of the trees, because I think that that's been lost. Or it was going to be about how to throw stuff together in your pantry and make a really good meal. And I kept hearing animal spirits. Animal spirits. I would sit in meditation, animal spirits. I'm walking my pug, Betty, animal spirits. And I'm like, whatever.

So finally I said, "I'm going for a walk. Universe, I want a black feather if I am supposed to write about animal spirits." I was so specific.

Sarah, we have a house that it's a small lake community and it's nestled in the woods, and it's a portal, it's magic. And I went down to a beach, walked over to a grove of walnuts, and Betty's sniffing something. And I look over and she's sniffing a black feather. And I burst into tears, because then there were two more feathers. I need to be hit with a proverbial frying pan to get it sometimes. And there were two more.

And literally in a couple weeks I had downloaded an entire book on spirit animals, totem animals, animal messengers, and true stories, to help strengthen that connection, that I got from people of how an animal has had a divine or sacred impact on their life. It's actually done with editing and I'm getting ready to send it to the formater next week. So the fact that you picked up on that is freaking amazing.

Well, he says that he brought you those... Archangel Michael brought you those feathers, along with a few other of your guides. He really wants you to express what's in that book.

And congratulations, that's beautiful that you're doing that.

Thank you.

I'm trying to remember everything I got while you were talking, I'm sorry.

Archangel Michael, please remind me what to share with Shelley. It's going to be amazing this book, and this direction that you're taking is very expansive and really thought provoking. There's so much there. It's a little bit different than it might sound on the outside. To me, when you say working with animals, I go to where I work, which is doing Reiki for animals, or actually hands-on healing. But for you, I think what Archangel Michael is showing me is, it's a translation process. You're gathering divine wisdom from animals and sharing it with humans. I get that your soul is very connected with angel energy, and the black feathers are symbolic as well as some aspect of your learning.

You have a sole purpose connected to translating messages from the spirit world, meaning animal spirit energy to humans so that we can better understand our lives. And it's like wisdom, untapped wisdom that you're bringing forth that, you have the ears to hear and the voice to express. And we need to hear it because we're not tuned in.

And also, I get a very timeless, through very long period of time, backwards and forwards, but particularly backwards, a timeless time of this type of message that you are translating.

So it's not just... (phone beeping, alert sound) I get that, that message is a warning to us to put up a shield of protection.

Blessings to whoever is hearing that beeping noise. Do you hear it?

I do. I'm going to put this on mute real quick.

It's an alert. Just asking for increased protection for us as we dive deep into this conversation, which is pretty sacred.

So there's a lot of information that you have access to that others don't, and you are bringing forward is sacred information. And some dark energy might not want to us to share that with the world. And so again, protection is really important.

Asking for a shield that can go all around you from Archangel Michael, that's clear and allows you to see what's coming. It's almost like a superpower shield, so you can see what's out there.

And if you get a sign, "Oh, there's an alarm going off, okay, something's coming my way." Asking for extra protection so that you can evade it.

I love that. Thank you.

Sure. It's working pretty well for me these days. It's important.

Archangel Michael, what can you share about this shield or protection that you offer to Shelley? I see a blue cloak, like a blue light that comes down and covers you all around. And it's a bit transparent. So again, you can see out, like through silk. And yet it envelops you, and it's sort of like a cone.

So asking for multiple layers, I get triple layers, of protection when you do your work, or just any time. So that the inner layer is like a white light, then there's this blue layer in this particular story. And then there's this clear shield so that it's like you're operating in your bubble, and everywhere you go you can see things and receive things, but you also only allow love and light into your space.

Archangel Michael can help you with these special powers to protect yourself so that you can continue to be so effective in what you do.

Oh, Sarah, I love that. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Just passing it along. You're welcome.

What else should we talk about? It's so interesting to me to learn about fairies and shamanism and elementals, and your galactic team. Is any of that coming up to ask questions about?

I have been working with fairies since I was a little girl, I just didn't realize it. And in general, there is more of a belief in fairies for people, you know when you start talking about fairy magic, because there's cute little fairy houses and stuff that people can buy and they can make very gardens. But working with them, they're tricky little guys, and their energy is beautiful. And they're very, very protective of the earth, and the trees and the plants and the animals. So is there any other way that I can personally work with them to share... Is there any information that they would like to come forth and share that they would like to talk about?

So first I just got to thank Archangel Michael for his beautiful message and connection. We just want to acknowledge how special that was. And then, thank you, Archangel Michael.

Asking the fairies, is there any other way that Shelley can work with you?

What is aligned for Shelley now in terms of fairy work? I got light, bright and mucho gusto. It's playful, up in the air. Finding what is aligned and to go in deep to that.

I also got that you have a childhood friend who may be a fairy named Amelia. And perhaps you want me just to go with that or maybe you have something to add about that.

Yeah. I've only known one Amelia, like as a physical person, but I think that the friend that immediately popped into my mind, I never really thought about it, but you might be onto something and that's pretty incredible. I definitely know that a gentleman that sells flowers at a market, that we met, immediately when I saw his flowers I knew that he worked with fairies because they are unlike anything that you have ever seen in your life. But I never really thought about my friends, so that's pretty cool. I'm going to sit with that.

So angels and guides, is this person Amelia, is the name that you gave me, Amelia, a fairy or a person?

Oh, it's unclear. At first I thought it was really a fairy. I think there's this in-between, there's a couple of different messages happening here. Also that the guy that works at the market, I get the word Jonathan. So something about these names seems relevant.

Angels and guides and fairies, what can you share about these names that you're bringing? How can we understand them?

It's a story and they want you to write a story about a fairy and use these people that you meet as inspiration. I once read about a man who writes stories about fairies and he didn't realize it at first, but they give him the story. They come to him and through his writing, through this experience of storytelling, these characters come through. They turn out to be quite real. So in the process of writing, fairies can reveal themselves to you.

And so even though it feels like fairy dust right now, like these are little sprinkles of information that we're getting. As you begin to write, it will to channel and flow through you and a story will come together. It doesn't really matter if it's real, not real. The message in there is relevant and there are some very real fairies that will come through and that want to express through you and want to tell a story. So it's a bit of a meandering path, but you're totally capable and well-suited to go there.

Go back to your childhood memories and experiences in the woods and pull that part of yourself forward into this time and allow your inner child to tell stories, and to be playful, and record them somehow. If you could write by hand, that would be lovely because the fairies will come around and be present around your writing implement and you'll just get some magical transmissions.

But also if you were even just walking in the woods and you had an audio recorder or your phone, you could record things as you say them. So little bits and pieces I feel will come together into a fairy narrative. I think that's a playful and joyous way to learn from fairies. That's what I'm getting, that it's...

Your picture just splashed on screen. Your still picture, of you holding a black feather in the woods. It was so beautiful. Just to remind me that we're dealing with angel energy here.

So it's very magical and I think the lightheartedness of a story for a child or a young adult would really serve your practice right now and help you to connect with some of these energies in a lighthearted way that would really open up the reader's heart.

Oh, I love that. And when you said to write by hand, I literally ... like some of my body signals are my left ear rings or I get the little, it's right on the back of my neck... I got covered in goosebumps when you said that.

They're like, "Yes, yes, yes."

Yeah. I love that, I love that.

Actually, I'm getting that you could be a quite successful author of children's fairy books, or adult fairy books for that matter. I mean, fairy books are fairy books. Who cares what age you are?

Right? I love it.

And also because of your connection to animals and different elements and shamanism and spirits, tree spirits... The book or story could have so many different characters, sort of like a modern day enchanted adventure or something. Enchanted forest.

I love it. Yeah. I'm getting all the good shivers and all the good signs.

I see a lot of green. I see a lot of communication between fairies and a frog. They're down by the pond, then they're in the woods, and they're in the mountains. There are journeys and there are communities of creatures and beings. It's sort of an other worldly communication adventure. It doesn't have any humans in it.

Angels and guides, are there any humans in this potential story that Shelley's going to develop or connect with? I get that this is before humans. A different time, maybe a different plane. Someone's told me once that fairies once felt very comfortable here and now they're less so. And they connect with people like you and me, to try to help the humans. But they once had a much freer life and now they don't feel safe. There's a lot of aggression towards their vibration, their frequency. So by telling stories, you're bringing back to life some of their reality, and in bringing in that vibration, it's very helpful to this time and world that we live in.

That's beautiful.

I get that you're a wise Sage. That's the word.

I'll take it.

In that role, you know, that you're sharing this thing that... For you it might feel quite familiar. That's wonderful, but other people actually are like, "What the heck are you talking about?" So it's like your idea that you're working with newbies in your training class, but because of the narrative, beautiful pictorial quality of the stories, it gets much deeper into people's consciousness. And again, you would be working with people that are like, "Oh, I think I like The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe," or "The Hobbit," or "I'm drawn to those kinds of things, but I never really thought about what you're doing." So it allows...

It's also very good for children and younger people to have a beautiful majestic world like this of magical characters and qualities to aspire to. You're bringing to life something that's quite real actually, it just doesn't exist in our consciousness right now in time in space.

And it would really help to ground and support the creative thinking of young people. Which now I'm just realizing you said you were an early childhood educator. Tada! Your amazing additional skills.

That's awesome.

And I have two daughters. And when you first started talking, I got this hit of like, "Oh, you got connected with Shelley so that you can understand what your youngest daughter is going to be like someday."

Oh, how old is she?

Five, and she's very connected with fairies, and she's the one who walks around with rocks, I mean crystals, in her pockets. She refuses to wear shoes. She paints.

She's my people.

Yeah, so I've got your demographic over here. They're actually really special, the kids that are coming in these days. I love when people say that, "The kids that are coming into this plane these days," that are being born, are very special. And they have been for the last 20, 30 years. They're just not weighed down by all the junk that we were. They're much lighter and brighter and faster learning curve, and they have so many gifts. They're old souls.

In what way, angels and guides, could Shelley support this development in human consciousness? I get that it's through stories. The stories are really uplifting. They're really open-ended. All people can access them. A movie would be great from your stories.

A wider audience for the understanding that you have, and you can get there like J.K. Rowling did through storytelling. It just really connects with people and connects with their hearts and their minds and their imagination. For children, it's very liberating to have what they already know to be true, be reinforced and expanded upon.

That's actually quite beautiful. It's interesting, and not surprising at all, that the children that come into my life... There's this little guy, he's about 10 or 11. The very first conversation I had with him was, I always ask about school, and what's your favorite subject and why is it your favorite and what do you like about it?

He said he liked history. He looked at me and said, "You want to know what my favorite part is? I love the city of Atlantis because that's where I came from." And I looked at him like...! Those are the children that come into my path, or I go into theirs.

And you're right, there is so much light coming in and it's so different than what we're used to. These beautiful souls are ... man, they're about to flip everything over and it's going to be amazing.


So to be able to weave the connections of the ancient that I bring and the wisdom of the ancient to that younger group and that demographic ... I never thought about storytelling. I'm a good writer. I'm getting more comfortable speaking. That's why I started my podcast. But I never thought about the actual art of storytelling. And that is quite lovely. It feels very good in my heart.

I'm so glad. I also get that part of the beauty of this process is that it's open-ended so you don't have to come with an outline or a desired outcome. You're not teaching a lesson. You're not saying, "I'm going to get to point B by going this way and that."

It's actually just letting it flow. Your process as a writer or storyteller can be very open-ended and almost like going for a walk and picking up a stone, an acorn, a leaf, a feather, having a conversation with a squirrel along the way, turning around the bend, leaving all those things on a rock in a particular design, and then continuing on, finding some Sage. It's this journey that is very natural to you. You know that rhythm.

And so allowing that rhythm to become a writerly pursuit, a connection between mind, mouth, hand – and as you reach for the pen and the paper, the fairies are going to be right there. You'll be supported and also, energetically, your angels, guides and all these other magical beings around you, they're really excited to participate. So you could just say, "Hey, guys, what are we writing today?" And that takes off a lot of the human anxiety, pressure of creating. They might just tell you the title. They might tell you the names of the characters. You could channel a lot of this. It will be a participatory conversation between you and all these beautiful energies that you draw in.

How cool is that?

And they feel safe with you is what I'm getting. They're gathered around and they're kind of like your childhood team. They're saying, "What's the story going to be tonight?" They're all like, "Let's see." It's very interesting and exciting. You can choose in which way you want to engage. But I get that writing it will be fascinating and very positive and very fruitful and many people will want to read it. I'm excited to read it, whatever it is.

Thank you.

Angels and guides, is there anything else to share with Shelley?

I get, "Go, go, go, like a rocket ship." So you're really taking off. You have many paths before you, but you have one main path that's very strong and these other paths will go off and come back. So you can be on multiple paths at one time, but they'll come back to the central path. You can trust that you're being divinely guided, supported, and protected. And your partner is too.


I'm asking for many blessings for you guys along your journey, that things fall into place and that you have a space in which you can do this work. And I think it's lovely where you're located in the woods, that you said it's like a portal. I'm just calling in white, bright light and love.

Thank you for that.

What were you going to say?

It's so beautiful. I was listening to the podcast that you sent me earlier today, where you were interviewed, and there were so many beautiful things that you talked about in that show.

But one of the things that you said is, "All of a sudden you wake up and you realize that there's this spiritual posse that you've had with you your whole life. You just didn't know they were there."

And it's so amazing when that light switch flips. It's like your whole perspective changes. And you feel their support. You know that they're there. You feel the energy change when they come in. Some people see colors, some people smell things, some people hear things... I just know stuff, it just drops in my head. It's so humbling and beautiful when that connection is made. And thank you so much for doing what you're doing and stepping into your light because it's beautiful, Sarah.

Aw, thanks.

It's beautiful. So I'm so glad that we got to connect and I'm so glad that you shared your gifts and your talents and everything for the time that we had today.

Oh, thank you. Yeah, that was Michelle Hayne's podcast 101 Calling, where she interviewed me and she was so good at listening and asking thoughtful questions. She provided this container in which I learned so much about myself by talking. It was a beautiful experience in reflection. And in listening to it, I'm learning. Every time I hear it, I'm like, "Oh! Oh." And there's like 10 things that I have to go and do now because they came up in that conversation.

I was thinking about her special gift and how she is a hairdresser. I've always gone to hairdressers, I'm sure many of us have, and found myself just talking endlessly about myself to this person I hardly know. And then eventually they know me really well. She probably has had that over the years.

She's so thoughtful in the way she takes in what you share with her, and I realized that's her special, great gift. And in her podcast, she's starting to express it more publicly. She just held this space for me and it was almost invisible, and I didn't almost realize it, but the power of her listening gave me so much awareness. Isn't it beautiful that we can all do this for each other?

And I really appreciate what you just said. It really touched my heart.

Yeah. It was amazing. And you're right, creating that space is ... the growth potential when we feel safe and we have someone that can hold space for us, whether it's for 30 seconds, or whether it's for our life, or whether it's for the time that you spent with her. But what flowed was beautiful. And yeah, it was really, really awesome.

Also she's interested in asking people about their childhoods, which I had a momentary aversion to. I was kind of like, well, we're talking about what I'm doing now. But actually, it's very smart. It's brilliant because we chose these lifetimes and we've had so many growth experiences...

For example, from childhood I have known, and I wonder if you knew, sounds like you did, that I was different or not really from this plane. "What was I doing here?" And I was actually mad in the beginning that I got born again. I was like, "I didn't choose this. I was done with this place."

But with some humor. So we have these lifetimes that are full of life lessons and journeys and it's really worthwhile to pause and take stock and share with others and look at "What have I learned? Can I share that with anyone else? Would that benefit them?" And at many points in my life I remember being mad that nobody told me about consciousness, spiritual awakening, Kundalini movements, angels, fairies. I was just kind of pissed off, like, "How could you not have told me this world?"

But of course things come to you when you're ready, when you're able to hear, when your environment is safe, and you can integrate it, and work with it.

So bringing this all back to you, Shelley, there's a great sense of safety in your presence, in your world. That's part of the message today, how your gift of presence and your awareness and your connections with spirit and spirits of animals and fairies is a great gift in and of itself. Just that awareness that you hold creates a safe space for people to gather around you and get to know that knowledge as well.

I get that we're kind of at the end here of that beautiful message. So asking the angels to give Shelley really clear guidance and support going forward, and the fairies and nature spirits and animal spirits to share with her all the great wisdom that she will share with others, to make this world a better place.

Summer Special

For July and August I’m offering 1/2 off Remote Readings and Reiki Trainings.

In Reiki Level 1, you will learn how to get grounded, to call in guidance and protection, and you will be able to heal yourself and others immediately. Reiki also helps with developing psychic awareness. And, the attunements offered in Reiki 1 & 2, can speed up your personal and spiritual development.

Learn more

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Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer, psychic, and teacher. Her artwork is available for purchase online. Sarah offers private sessions and channels messages and artwork from artists, angels, and other great beings.

Rate & Review Giveaway - Enter to Win: A 30 min. Reading with Sarah ($180 value), an eBook from Laura Powers ($10 value), and an original painting by Sarah ($900 value). Write & submit a review of this podcast, wherever you listen, then take a screenshot and send it to:

Each month your name will be added to the Giveaway drawing until you win! Prizes may change each month.

Thanks for listening to The Psychic Artist podcast. If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please rate and review. Many thanks!


Tapping into Creativity with Brad Yates


Consciousness and the Divine - A Channeled Message