Grounding and Clearing Meditation


In this episode Sarah walks you through a guided meditation to heal, clear and release anything not aligned with your highest good. In this grounding and clearing meditation, you will imagine a bubble all around you, and a shower of angel light fills that bubble with beautiful colors of the rainbow, then Archangel Michael will place a blue shield of protection around you. This is your aura, your energy field. It is a part of you, and it allows you to come from the deepest part of yourself and feel protected and authentic without being affected by the energy of people and places, or undesirable energy that may have attached to you. You can do this meditation anytime of day or night to ground, clear, and protect your energy.

Listen to the episode here:

Grounding and Clearing Meditation

I will share with you a grounding and clearing meditation. You can close your eyes.

Imagine a grounding cord coming out of the base of your spine, down into Mother Earth. Take a few deep breaths here, allowing the breath to fill you and release. Imagine that this grounding cord is like a tube, and it can carry with it anything that is in your body, energy field, or mind, that is not serving you. Allow any dark energy, attachments, patterns, beliefs, karma, memories, any physical ailments, or anything that's not serving your highest good at this time, to go down through that cord into the earth. Asking Mother Earth to transmute those things, or return to sender, or take it into the light. Thank you, Mother Earth.

Asking our angels and guides to cut this cord away from us, when the time is right, and allow it to fall back down to earth. Thanking Mother Earth for her support. Continue to feel grounded, even though the cord is no longer attached, be aware of how it felt to be connected to the earth, to be in this plane, this time, this space, and feel grounded in the place where you are.

Asking the angels and guides to cut any cords that may be attached to us, return to sender with love. Sending back anything else that is not serving your highest good, asking them to heal clear and release all that is needed to.

Now, let's imagine a golden egg floating outside of your window or outside of your physical space, and send anything that is left in your energy field, your mind, your heart, or your body, to that golden egg. It has a hole in the top, so it can be filled up. Imagine things leaving the top of your head or from your body, from any of your chakras, and going into that golden egg. It is such a strong egg, it can hold everything. Allow those things to leave you. Anything that's not serving your highest good, anything that you don't need, you no longer need to carry – asking the angels to ferry those things over into the golden egg gently.

Take another deep breath and release, allowing everything to float away into the egg that you don't need. Asking the angels to cover the top of that egg now. Seal it up. Put a nice red bow on it. And write on the side in beautiful calligraphy, “Return to Sender with Love.”

Now asking our angels and guides to take that egg into the light, permanently away from us and back to wherever it belongs, “Return to Sender with Love.” Imagine that egg going into the light and disappearing. Thank you, angels and guides.

Now that we have cleared our energy field, our bodies and our minds, asking our angels and guides to give us a shower of light. It can be any color light that you would like, even a rainbow shower of light. As these beautiful drops of light come shining down upon you, know that this angel shower of love and light washes away any residue, anything that might be left behind from all the things we released. Allow this shower of light to wash them away.

Now, imagine a bubble all around you. This shower of light is starting to fill the bubble with the beautiful colors that you've chosen.

Fill that bubble from the base of your body, maybe one foot below. Filling up to your knees, your hips, your chest, your shoulders, your head and above your head, filling in the space that is you and not you, the space in between, with this beautiful light, until you are contained in this light with a beautiful bubble around you.

This bubble is your safe space. Now, we will ask Archangel Michael to put a shield around it. Around your bubble, on the outside, Archangel Michael, please put a beautiful blue shield, a strong shield to protect us from anything that is not serving our highest good. Nothing comes into this bubble without your permission. Your clear energy boundary.

Sarah Rossiter, Untitled (Blue Egg), Acrylic on Paper, 2021

Image: Sarah Rossiter, Untitled (Blue Egg), Acrylic on Paper, 2021

Take another deep breath.

Enjoy the sensation of having a strong energy bubble around you. This is your aura, your energy field. This is a part of you, a part of your expression. This allows you to come from the deepest part of yourself, and feel protected and authentic, without being affected by the energy of those around you or places, spaces around you.

Thanking the angels so much for their help, and our spirit guides. Thank you. You can do this meditation any time of day or night, to ground, clear, protect yourself and your energy.

Many blessings.

Important Links

Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer, psychic, and teacher. Her artwork is available for purchase online. Sarah offers private sessions and channels messages and artwork from artists, angels, and other great beings.

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Taking Back Psychic Power


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