Taking Back Psychic Power


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In this episode, Sarah talks about the definition of “psychic medium” in popular culture, and how it can be empowering to take back words, which may have negative connotations, to express your power. One definition of psychic is: “Sensitive to non-physical or supernatural forces and influences. Marked by extraordinary or mysterious sensitivity, perception or understanding.” Sarah encourages you to develop an understanding of your psychic medium and empathic abilities. And also to be aware of the effects of negative energy and foster compassion while listening carefully to the energy you sense around you. Sarah suggests a clear path and energy clearing tools which will support you in becoming supremely psychic. 

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Taking Back Psychic Power

I want to talk about the word psychic medium. It’s a word that has got a lot of baggage from previous time periods. It’s also powerful to use words that have been taken by others to maybe derogatory but express some of your power. In this case, if you look up the word psychic in the dictionary, it says, “Of or relating to the psyche, lying outside of the spear of physical science or knowledge immaterial, moral, spiritual in origin or force. Sensitive to nonphysical or supernatural forces and influences marked by extraordinary or mysterious sensitivity perception or understanding.” That was an adjective. Psychic as a noun, a person apparently sensitive to nonphysical forces, a medium and psychic phenomenon.

Screenshot from merriam-webster.com

Screenshot from merriam-webster.com

If you look up medium, it says something in a middle position, a middle condition or degree, a means of effecting or conveying something such as a substance as the means of transmission of a force or effect. Air is the medium that conveys sound. For example, a surrounding or enveloping substance, the tenuous material such as gas and dust in space that exists outside large glow moderations of matter such as stars, interstellar medium. Plural, usually media, a channel or system of communication, a mode of artistic expression. Plural mediums, an individual that held to be a channel of communication between the earthly world and a world of spirits. I find all of that interesting.

Screenshot from merriam-webster.com

Screenshot from merriam-webster.com

If you think about the ways in which we understand information and share that information, those words offer a lot of avenues to receiving and outputting information. Sometimes we don’t trust ourselves, the voice in our head or the messages we’re getting. I wanted to bring this up as a place of interest to explore how can you listen to the voices that are coming through, find your unique perspective there.

Allow a higher power to speak to you and perhaps give you guidance that you might not otherwise be open to receiving.

Something to consider when dealing with psychic information is what energy are you surrounded by at the moment because that will influence what you receive and how you express it. What your perspective will be is affected by the energy you surround yourself with, the energy that’s attached to you or the energy that you’re immersed in. For example, being an empath, I often pick up the emotions of those around me whether it’s my partner, my children, the people I speak with or even those that like me on social media. I can feel often negative energy or positive energy coming from anyone who’s interacting with me in various ways, consciously or unconsciously. It can be very challenging to clear your energy but it is possible on a regular basis to return to what is the highest good for you in terms of receiving and sharing information.

I’m going to read the definition when you’re an empath, “One who experiences the emotions of others, a person who has empathy for others.” You feel things in many ways and might be feeling something that’s coming in the future, the past or the present for the person that you’re interacting with or for you. It often can also be an invisible force or a small animal like an insect. Empathy and empathic abilities which we all have to some degree or another are a gift but if we don’t understand what’s going on, it can be quite confusing.

Screenshot from merriam-webster.com

Screenshot from merriam-webster.com

A lot of times, when I feel a very strong emotion, I will check to myself and clear energy, ask my angels and guides for assistance, spend maybe five minutes clearing out anything that possibly could be attached to me or causing me to feel this intense emotion.

I can ask, “Is this mine? Is this someone else’s?” That helps me to clear and get guidance on how to proceed so that I will be sure that the information I’m receiving is for my highest good and is meant to support me rather than confuse me, trick me, play into my doubts or participate in the resistance surrounding positive change.

I feel like it’s wonderful that we can ask for help and clear out things that don’t belong to us. At the same time, it can be very tricky to consciously track that on a daily basis because it happens over and over again all day long. I’m wishing you great success in coming into your own understanding of the psychic medium and empathic abilities. Also, understanding that those around you may be expressing emotions that are maybe beyond their control consciously or not their own.

A lot of times, people, including myself, may express things that are an energy that is not even of a human form. We could be expressing dark energy or negative entities that are attached to us. We may be filled with fear because they feed off of our fear or filled with rage because they like to feed off of that excitement of you being rageful with me, me being rageful with you and we pass it back and forth. Neither one of us is speaking from our soul.

Empathy is a powerful gift, but asking “Is this mine, or someone else’s feeling?” is an important practice. That way you can be sure the information you receive is for your highest good.

I feel that a lot of compassion is necessary. A lot of insight and curiosity are helpful in terms of listening carefully to what someone is saying and what the energy feels like in your body. Where’s it coming from, what’s the intention. What’s the pattern? Do you see fighting between two people constantly happening for the energy of the fighting to go back and forth? Is there something deeper that needs to be communicated? It’s a complex world internally and externally but hopefully these concepts will support you in finding a clearer path and using tools to clear your energy so that you can embrace the aspects of yourselves that are psychic, that is able to channel divine communication and that are able to experience the emotions of others and feel compassion. Sending you love and light. Thank you for listening.

Important Links

Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer, psychic, and teacher. Her artwork is available for purchase online. Sarah offers private sessions and channels messages and artwork from artists, angels, and other great beings.

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