Reiki 101 - Channeling Peace

Peaceful, healing, gentle, intelligent universal energy. This Reiki 101 panel discussion will help you to understand what Reiki is, and how it works, and we even offer remote Reiki during this panel. My guests are all Reiki practitioners: Laura Michelle Powers, Chris Pinkerton and Shelley Wasicki-Franke. The world needs more people to learn, share and teach Reiki right now. This universal healing energy is very peaceful and supports us all in connecting with our highest good.

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Reiki 101 - Channeling Peace

For today's episode, I am sharing a panel discussion called Reiki 101, which will help you to understand what is Reiki, and how does it work, and we even share the experience of giving Reiki during this panel. So it's very special. My guests are so lovely, we have Laura Michelle Powers, Chris Pinkerton and Shelley Wasicki-Franke. I'm so pleased to share this with you. I was guided to do this by my angels and guides as something that is just really needed right now in the world for more people to learn Reiki, and to share Reiki, and to teach Reiki. Basically, this universal healing energy is very peaceful and supports us all in connecting with our highest good. I hope you enjoy.

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Welcome everyone to this panel called Reiki 101. It's just amazing the people that I know who do Reiki and who use Reiki. I wanted to invite Chris Pinkerton, Shelley Wasicki-Franke and Laura Michelle Powers to speak about Reiki and share how Reiki has changed their lives and their clients' lives. And also how it has supported you in your intuitive work. I will just start with quick introductions.

Laura Michelle Powers, you're a celebrity psychic and a Reiki master. And Laura actually taught me Reiki a couple years ago. And then we have Chris Pinkerton and you are a Reiki Master and a Certified Health Coach. You're also going to be teaching a course soon, and you have many clients in Ohio. Laura, you're in Las Vegas. And Shelley, you're also in Ohio. Shelley Wasicki-Franke is a shamanist and a Reiki practitioner, and does Reiki on animals, and works with nature.

I love you guys, and please jump right on in. Do you want to start Laura?

Laura Michelle Powers

Laura Michelle Powers:

Sure. So, I started into my psychic spiritual work many years ago, after I went through a really crazy life shift with going through a divorce during the recession. I'd always been intuitive and psychic, but didn't really have the tools how to manage it. So, I basically had a life crisis in my life where my marriage fell apart, I became unemployed, I was physically ill, and I went to a psychic to try to get direction because my life was frankly a mess. And she explained how I had psychic abilities and that I had blocked them out. And when I had blocked them out, I blocked out my intuition, which made sense. So, I pretty quickly just dove into this psychic spiritual world, had an angelic visitation experience which profoundly changed my perspective on the world, and how everything works. And started to take psychic development and training classes, and very quickly started to work as a psychic myself and also teach classes.

And fairly early on in that journey, I was guided by my angels and spirit guides to get Reiki attunements and practice Reiki. And I really honestly didn't know anything about it. It just was this psychic and intuitive hit that I got. And I got my first attunement and noticed a very rapid shift in my energy, my manifesting abilities. So, I did levels one, two, and three (level three is also called master level) very quickly back to back. And that next year and a few years after that I had incredible rapid positive shifts in terms of what I brought in my manifesting ability, my psychic ability also increased. And so, I started to not only practice it with my clients, but also to do attunements for others. And I'm a real advocate of it not just for our own health and wellness and our ability to shift and be tuned in but also because it really does assist us with connecting with our own intuition and psychic abilities. So, I'm a big fan and I've seen those kinds of transformations not only for myself, but my clients as well. So, I'm like, yes, get your attunements, get Reiki itself done on yourself. But I think getting the Reiki attunements is an incredibly powerful way to transform your life and circumstances.

Sarah Rossiter:

Chris, do you want to talk next?

Chris Pinkerton

Learn more about Chris Pinkerton and her work:



Chris Pinkerton:

I'm Chris Pinkerton. And I am also a Reiki master level practitioner. And my background... gosh, like 14 years ago I entered the fitness, wellness industry, but more on the fitness side. So, I was a group fit instructor, I was a personal trainer, I owned my own fitness studio for about six years. And when that all came to a close, there were some family things going on, I was also going through just personally a really hard time. So, had lost a couple of family members, had passed away. I had closed my business, which was really hard. So, it's also a loss. So, I feel like people don't always necessarily think about grief or working through grief when we do things like closing a business or children growing up and moving away. It's still a loss, right? So, a loss is a loss.

So, I had all these things compounding together and actually went to see a friend of mine who is a yoga instructor, went to take her yoga classes, was trying to get more back into that mind-body connection. And she suggested Reiki to me and I had absolutely zero clue what Reiki was or what to expect. So I had been very well trained in the fitness side, but not so much mind, body, spirit. Even though I had also done my 200-hour yoga teacher training, I'm also a certified health coach. So, I went to Reiki really not knowing what to expect, and I always tell my clients this because I'm like, "Just be open to receive." But I literally had so much trauma stuffed down into my body that I cried through my first two or three sessions and literally said like, "Is this going to stop?"

I did not feel emotional when I got there. But it all had to come out. So for me, it was a profound healing experience just to work through my grief, to work through anxiety and depression that I had dealt with all throughout my life. And then I just had such profound healing, like I said, that I really wanted to be able to give Reiki to other people. So, I also got trained in Reiki one, two, and three, so I can pass attunements as well. And then that has opened me up spiritually, intuitively. And then I also found Laura Powers and some of the ladies in this group and then have continued my intuitive and psychic development. It's been an amazing journey.

So, the thing I love so much about Reiki is that it's just good for all things, right? So I love the adage that "Reiki can only do good, it can never do harm." So, I love it so much, and I agree I feel like everybody should receive Reiki but it'd be great if so many more of us were attuned to give Reiki so that you can not only give to yourself, but to others, too. I love it. So, thank you for having me.

Sarah Rossiter:

Yeah, that's such a beautiful story. And I love hearing how we are each waking up to our psychic abilities through Reiki as well, and that it has so much... It's so subtle and beautiful that sometimes I don't recognize it, but I also had that experience through doing Reiki. I realized that I was more psychic than I thought I was.

Shelley, would you like to share?

Shelley Wasicki-Franke

Learn more about Shelley Wasicki-Franke and her work:



Shelley Wasicki-Franke:

Yeah, thank you so much first for having me. My story is kind of similar. And my difference is, I have always been a spiritual person. And along my timeline, I had gone to see many intuitive people and many psychics. Every one that I would go to would bring up Reiki and I have healing in my hands and get the book Hands of Light. It took me a couple years to honestly take this step and get the book and start doing it. And when I had my first Reiki attunement... Laura, your post today about when big shifts are happening, we can get nauseous, I actually had flu-like symptoms for probably three days. I had so much that I was carrying. I had so much to release and my attunement opened everything.

Shelley Wasicki-Franke:

You're hearing the same words over, the profound healing that takes place with this beautiful practice opened so much for me that I went back to get my second attunement, I got the symbols to do distance Reiki, and I actually got my certification with animals. So, I do animal Reiki. I am a nature person, I always do Reiki with the earth. I do Reiki with the trees. I do Reiki with all of the elements. And you name it. You can do Reiki with everything like Chris said. I think one of the core things that people sometimes don't connect with Reiki is, because it works on the quantum, Reiki works with all timelines. So, it's a really good healing modality to use for anything that has happened in your past. If you're working with trauma, if you're working with ancestral work, it works with your present, but you can also send Reiki to the future too.

So, you're getting ready for a big interview and you're nervous, send Reiki to that space in the future and put the energy there that is coming. I think that a lot of people either don't know that or forget about it. And that's a really, really cool thing. I love that it's gentle. I love that it can be used with everything. I love that it crosses all timelines. And I'm with everybody, I'm so excited to get my third attunement so I can teach and share and continue to take my practice to other levels.

Sarah Rossiter:

That's so beautiful. Thank you for sharing, Shelley. I just had this great image while you were talking of all of us doing Reiki on this call. But I want to back up first for a second. In case somebody doesn't know what Reiki is, would anyone like to just give a basic description, or if someone's never experienced Reiki? And then I don't know if you guys are open to actually doing Reiki on this panel. But Laura sent me a video off of YouTube yesterday that was so beautiful. It was a woman just doing Reiki for 15 minutes. And she suggested I could just keep it in my hotel room or play it in a space. And it struck me of how I underestimate Reiki sometimes, which is our minds forget, we know this beautiful thing, and then we forget our tools. And it is so powerful. Just her offering of Reiki to my space, this woman on the YouTube video, it transcended time and space, and it really helped to clear my heart and make everyone in my home feel a little bit more relaxed, and it was very sweet. So Laura, I can't read the chat but maybe you could share what you just wrote.

Laura Michelle Powers:

Sure, I just said in terms of the Reiki being used in different timelines that yeah, when you use the distance symbol that includes time and space. So, yeah. Or if you've had a traumatic experience in your past, if you're wanting to send healing to someone who's not physically and your proximity, which is, especially during COVID time has been a very helpful thing. And yes, like the video that I suggested to Sarah, I frequently will play these kinds of Reiki videos just in the background. They'll be just relaxing music, and it just chills everything out. So, if you're feeling stressed or triggered, it's a great thing to do to just help you shift and just feel more calm and mellow as well.

Sarah Rossiter:

Yeah, it really helped. Would you want to share Laura? What is Reiki for someone who has never experienced or not really sure what we're talking about?

Laura Michelle Powers:

Yeah. Reiki is a specific kind of healing energy, and some call it life force energy. And it's a type of energy that we all can learn to receive as well as send out and it's done via these attunements. So attunement is simply when you are basically programmed to receive that kind of energy. But everyone can receive Reiki energy without an attunement. And the profound thing about doing it as a practitioner is you are receiving the energy as it flows through you. So you are not only healing, but you are getting healed. And that's what I love about Reiki is it's really a win-win. And as Chris mentioned, it only works for the good. So you can't be like, "Oh, no, that's not going to be good for that person." The Reiki will only go in, and it's very smart in that way, it will only work in a way that's helpful for that individual and for yourself.

Sarah Rossiter:

Yeah, and so when I learned it from you, I immediately used it on myself and my children. And I noticed instantly how it changed my energy field, my anxiety, being around family members or other people that might have stressed me out. I could just clear, just putting my hand on my heart and my stomach or going to sleep at night, or going to a new place, I would do Reiki on the room. It was a really helpful, immediate, tactile thing I could do. So, it's both tactile and sort of ephemeral working in the energy field, but it works almost instantly to soothe, which is such a welcome effect. Has anybody had experiences doing that for themselves that you'd like to share?

Chris Pinkerton:

Well, Sarah, I thought maybe it would be helpful to share just if there are folks out there that haven't received Reiki just what that means if that's okay? Because a lot of my clients at first are like, "I don't understand what you're doing. Tell me what it is." And literally, it's such a gentle and soothing process where it is light touch, so either gentle touch, or no touch. And it's literally us as the practitioner hovering our hands or placing them gently on the body in different hand positions. And that's how the transfer of energy happens. So nothing for that person to have to do other than just lay comfortably on a massage table or sit in the chair or however you have them set up. But the client stays fully clothed. I just have my clients take off their shoes. They're more comfortable. But it's super soothing and gentle. And sometimes I even talk about it as being like acupuncture, but no needles, because they'll have the same kind of opening as far as energy channels and that kind of thing.

Sarah Rossiter:

It's very magical, also. What I do when I do Reiki is I ask the energy to come through my crown chakra and down through my heart and out through my hands. So, I think of it as channeling divine healing energy. And that energy knows what your body needs. So, I don't have to consciously – I'm not entering your energy field with my mind. I'm not trying to change something. Before I ever learned Reiki somebody told me that and I was a little scared off that Reiki practitioners will go and do conscious work in your body. And so, that was not correct. And, in fact, my energy is here, and the person is six inches away or 1,000 miles away. And it's really more allowing that energy to flow through. I'll feel tingling in my hands. Sometimes the person will feel tingling on their body. Sometimes they'll feel hot or cold. But it's really allowing, it's almost like opening the door and saying, "Yes, universe, please have healing energy flow through me and help this person."

And then the person will be healed in the way that they need most. It could be physical, it could be energetic, it could be past life, it could be emotional. There's so many ways. And I feel like we're the channel, but we're also witnessing, and we're not really interfering. We're watching. And that's for me how the psychic stuff started to come up because I started to get a lot of information while I was offering Reiki. I started to hear a lot and learn a lot, and my hands would be moved to different parts of the body. Oh, there's an issue here. I would be getting instructions from angels and guides. And then I wanted to share that afterwards. So, there's always this question I have to ask, is this appropriate to share with the person or is this just for me?

Chris Pinkerton:

Absolutely, yes. So, sometimes I ask that. And it depends on what the client wants, too. If they want to speak at all during the session, I try to make it more calming and meditative. And sometimes we'll hold those messages until the end. But yes, I definitely have that come through, and it's really interesting some of the things that are for each specific client. But the beauty of the Reiki too, is that it's just ultimately relaxing and calming, and centering and a stress relief tool. So again, just in a general sense, I always explain it that way to people that in general, you're going to feel more relaxed, you're going to feel less stressed, you're probably going to sleep better after Reiki. And then beyond that, it's very individual as far as whether you experience pain relief, or whether you experience an emotional release, or something more spiritual happens. But again, I just tell people just be open to receive that energy and it's going to go where it needs to go for that moment. And the beauty of that, too, is that one Reiki session with the same client may be completely different than the next one. So, I love that as well.

Sarah Rossiter:

And Shelley, what about working with animals? What have you found in that space?

Shelley Wasicki-Franke:

It's actually really... Animals are so easy to work with. When you work with an animal, basically their chakras are kind of lined up in the same spot. You include their ears and you include their tail. So, depending on how their ears are, or what their tail looks like, you always include that in your energy work. And animals are great because they will... where most people are already laying down or sitting and they're comfortable, you can do Reiki with animals and they can be standing, they can be walking around. And as soon as they feel the energy shift, they lay down, sometimes they flop on their side, sometimes they'll lay on their backs.

Animals have no shame as far as releasing. So, a lot of animals will pass gas. A lot of animals will make little gurgling noises. And that's just part of their process. And they're very easy and quick to let you know when they're done. It could be just a subtle turn, they get up and walk away. So, timing-wise, you just follow their lead as far as what they need. And they're very clear when they're finished, and they've received what they needed. And typically they get up and go take a nice long nap.

Sarah Rossiter:

It's generally beautiful to work with animals myself and I agree with everything you just said. Laura, did you want to share something?

Laura Michelle Powers:

Yeah. I would just say that I think humans experience similar, although maybe they may feel less free to do whatever. I remember when I first started to do Reiki and I had a massage table. Actually this was many years ago, I don't necessarily recommend doing this now, but I did like a LivingSocial and a Groupon, and I had a lot of Reiki clients coming in back to back, many sessions in a day. And so, it was real crash course and doing it as a practitioner. But I was always struck at how different people's reactions would be. And again, that it really is just like whatever a person needs at that time is what will happen. And I would always warn or give a heads up to my clients that body noises are frequently a side effect of Reiki. So, it's very common when you're doing the Reiki that organs will shift, and make noises, and stomach gurgling and things like that. Sometimes quite loudly.

If I didn't tell people in advance I found that they would be like, "Oh, sorry, I don't know what's going on." I'd be like, "No, that's okay. That's a part of the process." And I was always surprised by just how different the reactions were. I'm doing the same thing. I'm just channeling the energy. And I remember I had in one day, I had one woman who literally cried for the whole time. She just had a lot of releasing to do. So, for like 15 minutes on that table she was just crying, crying, crying. And another woman who just laughed. Literally, the whole time she just was laughing out loud. And then after she said, "Oh, I needed that." So, it's just whatever you need in that moment you will receive it, whether you're an animal or human.

And then it goes in and it works on our energy blocks. So, if we have blocks to manifesting, to receiving. And after I got my Reiki two minutes, I just remember being like, "Oh my gosh, the changes in my life are coming so fast." All wonderful changes. But I mean, I in the period of a year and a half moved from my hometown Lafayette to Denver to Los Angeles. I booked BuzzFeed. I booked a TV pilot. I booked celebrity clients. It was like suddenly everything was shifting up so fast. And if you can get into this almost quantum timeline thing where I had people being like, "What are you doing? How are you making these things happen so quickly?" I received success relatively quickly, especially compared to a lot of psychics who often have difficulty gaining traction on the business side.

And then I want to address something I saw in the chat, which was the question: "If we have someone in our lives, say, a spouse who is skeptical and tends to benefit from science and research-based information, I'd love to hear if any of you have resources to share with them. Otherwise, I might feel like I need to hide it from them since they don't understand it, nor are they open to receiving it."

So, first of all, I think it's important, just like with anything to operate on the consent basis. So, don't give Reiki to someone who doesn't want it or ask for it. I think there's some exception with children because they are frequently under our care. And that's a little bit different. But there are actually a lot of scientific studies, including one that I cited in the chat, which is a 2019 Harvard study. So, most people think Harvard's pretty legit, right? In terms of academic studies and science, and they show that there were statistical significant improvements in anxiety, depression symptoms as well as pain and nausea. So, there are absolutely scientific studies about the benefits of Reiki. And someone who's really closed off this that may not convince them. But I just want to make sure that people understand that there are these studies out there.

Sarah Rossiter:

Also, I get Laura to ask you about this "The Messages in the Water". Such a wonderful story if you want to just share that briefly.

Laura Michelle Powers:

Yeah, so similar to the time, actually when I learned about Reiki, I was guided to learn about the work of this Japanese research scientist. And he did this work on water molecules, and he titled his books and his work "Messages in the Water". And he started to take photos of water molecules. And then he noticed a lot of times, they were quite different. And so, he started practicing, and just experimenting with the water molecules, have people meditate on messages of love, and then messages of hate. And the water molecules with love were these beautiful, wonderful, formed crystals. And the ones with hate were deformed and ugly. So, you can just Google "Messages in the Water". I'll put in the chat here in a minute. But I highly recommend everyone to look into that because that's an example of this energetic thing, our thoughts, our intentions, our frequencies literally have an impact on physical matter. And of course, Reiki is one of those things that can impact.

Sarah Rossiter:

Yeah, that's so interesting. And I often think about that. We're mostly water. And so, when we're channeling, and Kelly says "Masaru Emoto is the doctor's name." And I can share in the show notes, the info on that research. But they're beautiful photographs of the molecules of what they look like. And it's about frequency, vibration, energy—how we share our intention with the world. And so, when your intention is to offer healing energy, it can be very powerful.

Chris Pinkerton:

Yeah, I just wanted to mention that Marcy had put in here that she had a tooth pulled and she had a Reiki session, and it really helped with her pain so much. And that's so awesome. And I forgot to say when I was introducing myself, too, part of my healing was I had debilitating TMJ as a result of a lot of stress. Obviously, when I first was going to my Reiki practitioner, and I had done a ton of things trying to relieve it. I had even been to my dentist for my cleaning. And I was like, "I don't think I'm going to be able to open my mouth." It was that bad. And they just said, "Well, do some warm compresses, take some Ibuprofen," which I don't do. But Reiki cleared that for me, too.

Chris Pinkerton:

So, while we can never make medical claims about what we can or can't do for somebody, that is my own personal healing. And I was trying a lot. So, yeah, so Reiki can definitely help with pain relief. Another cool thing, I think that happened with one of my clients, and I didn't know this at the time, but it helps open things up. We were talking about intuitively, but also creatively as well. So, one of my clients is a life coach, but I didn't know she was writing a book. And she had been having writer's block and really hadn't said anything to me. But then a day or two after she came for her Reiki session, she texts me and said, "Oh, my gosh, I'm writing this book. I had this huge block. I hadn't been able to touch it for weeks and weeks." She said, "After Reiki, it was just like, pop, everything opened." And she went home and wrote three chapters. And she was just like, "It was incredible." She's like, "I could actually feel like that energy pop and shift to open everything up." So, that's a really cool story that has stuck with me as well.

Sarah Rossiter:

I love that. And in fact, I'm teaching a course called Creativity and Consciousness right now and working with a lot of creative people. And that's where the impetus to do this call came from, is that I was, I feel that people would really, creative people would benefit from having this in their toolbox. And although we've been talking a lot about the mystical side of things, I also did do a lot of physical healing on myself. I also had the sore jaw. I had parasites. I had headaches, migraines, digestive issues, back pain. Anything that would come up in the last few years, I would do Reiki and go away within an hour, if not less. And then I just...I think it's amazing to have this tool to do on it yourself, as well as share with others. And so, for creatives, I love your story. I think that's beautiful, and I totally can see how that can happen. It's like her heart opened up and she could hear that voice and she could just move forward more easily without the block.

Chris Pinkerton:

Right. Absolutely. Reiki just helps to center and calm. And I think if you're in a state of heightened anxiety or anything like that, it's hard, you can't really create, right? You have to be clear to be able to do that. So, yeah, pretty cool. I love that.

Sarah Rossiter:

It's beautiful.

Shelley Wasicki-Franke:

I also wanted to share. Like Chris, I have, well not anymore, but I actually due to an accident – I fell about 15 years ago and actually shattered the whole right side of my face. So, I had reconstructive surgery, and I'm bionic. And after going through all of the more traditional Western medicine things, and I was left looking like I had a stroke for almost a year because I blew out the nerve that goes alongside of your face. And I started going to Reiki sessions and Reiki shares. And that helped me just as much. So, if you've had an accident, if you've had a traumatic physical event, it wasn't just my face, it was the whole right side of my body that I had these huge blocks with. And it was no wonder, I was broken and then I had these foreign things put in my body.

That prompted me even more to get into Reiki and look at the more physical aspects of it. And it continued to help heal me. I'm like you guys, I do Reiki all the time. I do it on myself, I do it on Betty my dog all the time, the plants in the house—you name it, I Reiki it up. I make cutting boards, and I do Reiki with the cutting boards. Because food is going to be prepared on those that goes directly into someone's body. What better blessing to have on something than to have Reiki energy put on that. So, that was a cool experience.

I have been working with someone that went through a very traumatic divorce. It was very unexpected. She had the rug yanked out from under her. And she was just stuck in every way, in all aspects of her life. She was stuck, but she wanted to do the work. And we started doing Reiki and the biggest thing that she shared when we finished up was it helped her set boundaries with her ex that she never thought she would have been able to do. But the healing that took place and the centering that took place, that confidence that she got back helped her in—it was almost like the little drop of water that just ripples out it—every part of her life was affected, and Reiki ended up helping every part of her life. So, there's really nothing that it doesn't, or can't touch base with and help with. Chris and Laura and Sarah have all said, it's just gentle. And it goes exactly where it's needed. And it's just such a beautiful, it's a spiritual practice. I am a huge fan, and just can't speak highly enough about the whole thing.

Chris Pinkerton:

Yeah, I just wanted to add to what Shelley was saying, and that's beautiful. And I'm so excited that your client had all that healing Shelley. That's something also that I like to explain to clients is that Reiki will complement anything that you're already doing for yourself. So, I have a lot of clients that are in talk therapy, and they will sometimes put their appointments back to back. So, I have one client that will come and receive Reiki and then go to therapy right after because it does help center and calm her where some people like to flip flop it. But the nice thing is that because Reiki is so gentle, it doesn't interfere with talk therapy or if you're receiving physical therapy or chiropractic or acupuncture. It's actually going to enhance everything that you're receiving from those modalities as well. So, that's why I'm always like, "Everybody should know Reiki. Everybody should receive Reiki." Because it's just so good for everything.

Sarah Rossiter:

Yeah, I even met someone at the farmer's market who was selling Reiki-infused clothes. So, she buys old clothes and cuts them up and make some new outfits and then she puts Reiki in them. And then I just thought that was so lovely and so creative. And I often do Reiki on my canvases before I paint. And I think Reiki flows through me when I'm painting. And it's really opened up my connection to angels while I'm painting. And then this morning, I was doing Reiki on my breakfast, and my daughter was laughing at me like, "Okay, mommy." But I was wanting to clear the energy. And it's a quick simple way to both connect with something, become more peaceful with it, and to make sure that what's going into you is clear.

Chris Pinkerton:

And I think it helps you digest better, too. You're infusing that food with that beautiful energy, so it's going to help you assimilate the nutrients better. So, I do sometimes forget about that—blessing my food. I definitely forget about Reiki for my plants, and my plants reflect that in my house. But yeah, it's a great thing to get into the practice of doing that too. Or even self-Reiki. I do a lot when I wake up in the middle of the night or my dog wakes me up in the middle the night to go outside and then I can't get back to sleep. But even if you're not attuned, literally just putting your hand on your heart and on your belly, are great ways to be able to self soothe and drift back off to sleep.

Sarah Rossiter:

Yeah. Well, this has been really lovely. If there's any other questions, put them in the chat. But then I just keep getting the message to share Reiki here. So, how do you guys feel about that? I could do it before or after the call. But I feel like, just to give a little Reiki to the audience for this, might be an experiential learning that says more than words sometimes.

Chris Pinkerton:

Sure, let's do it.

Shelley Wasicki-Franke:

I love it.

Sarah Rossiter:

All right. So, just calling in our angels and spirit guides, please make this a safe space, increase the Reiki energy and healing ability and receiving ability. And just asking that whatever happens is for the highest good of all, and to protect each of us so that we're not taking anything on, but we're offering love and light.

And I suppose you each have your own way of beginning to Reiki session. So, I'll just give you a moment. But my angels and guides are super excited that we're doing this.

So, if you're listening you can just close your eyes and find a comfortable position to sit in. And just know that this energy is divine, it is clear, it is light, it is the essence of our own healing abilities. And it flows from the universe through us as practitioners to you.

Sarah Rossiter:

And so, I'm just going to slowly end the session. Just to give you a little taste of what Reiki is like. You may have felt some tingling or sensations in your body. Or you may have felt nothing, and that's fine. Just know that the intention to send you love and light is there.

I would love to hear what anyone's experience of sending Reiki or receiving Reiki was if you want to share? I felt my hands get very hot, and lots of movement coming from the hands. I felt my heart open. I felt this was like an offering of peace to the world. I think that's really important right now, to be in a peaceful state. I certainly feel really calm. I feel like I just received a bunch of Reiki. I can't see the chat. And Laura, I see you've joined us, hi.

Laura Michelle Powers:

Yeah, sorry, I had to step away. But I quickly figured out what was happening. So, I just popped in and joined with that. Oftentimes, I literally can feel the chakras shifting or clearing when I either give or receive a Reiki or bowl. So in this case, I was really feeling a lot in the heart chakra. I think a lot of empaths will frequently feel that because empaths absorb energy in the heart chakra. That's the empathic center. And so when we give or receive a Reiki, oftentimes we'll experience a lot of releasing out of that part of the body. So, that's something I've specifically noticed for psychics, intuitives, and empaths.

Sarah Rossiter:

Yes, and I see that Marcy made a comment, and you could read that for me.

Laura Michelle Powers:

Yeah, she said, "My heart started beating very quickly." That's interesting Marcy. So, I just think maybe there's some movement or clearing. So, I would say it's nothing to be concerned about. Again, what Chris said, that Reiki only works for the good. Once I do Reiki, I also like to ask the angels to clear out any of anything that was released from this psychic and spiritual and physical space. Because oftentimes, we'll just energetically release or dump. And so, it's really important to just ask for that to be cleared out and do some kind of clearing practice. Whether that's smudging or lighting a spiritual candle or whatever you feel is helpful. Palo Santo is great for this to just help clear out anything that was released in this space that you don't re-absorb it. And I think Chris has something to add as well.

Chris Pinkerton:

I was just going to tell Marcy, that that will manifest for me, too, especially when someone's clearing from the heart, I will get a rapid heartbeat. Or sometimes that's my signal almost that there's some anxiety releasing or just anxiety that the person is holding on to. So yeah, I get that a lot as well. And yeah, for me during this, in giving, I definitely felt as Sarah did the warmth in my palms, but I also will do this more so when I am doing self-Reiki, but I sometimes unwind, which is movement of the body sometimes when trauma is releasing. So, I was unwinding. I don't know if you guys could see if everyone's eyes were closed, but for me, sometimes I go forward and back. Sometimes I go side to side or I'll go in a circular motion. So today, I was just gently rocking back and forth. So, again, it's like energy trauma, releasing from the body. So, felt that.

Laura Michelle Powers:

I'd also love to just add, I'm feeling intuitively to mention that when we get attuned for Reiki and when we receive Reiki, it often will create shifts in our body. As the energy shifts, our bodies will also shift. And sometimes we're guided to make a dietary or nutrition changes or release a substance. So, after I got my Reiki attunement, I pretty rapidly I made some changes that I think were really in alignment for my health and wellbeing. Stopped having caffeine, for example. And caffeine is one, and coffee specifically. Just something about coffee with the acidic nature of it plus the caffeine. I found major shifts in my life when I released that and that was definitely something that was came up to release during my Reiki attunement time. So, just felt to share that as well.

New Speaker:

And when that happens not to fight it. I literally just didn't understand. I'd been a coffee drinker ever since I was an adult or maybe slightly before I was an adult sometimes. And I was just used to drinking it and when I stopped feeling the need for it, I would literally pour my coffee and then just realize it was sitting there undrunk on the table. And then one day I remember, I forced myself and I just felt horrible. And the other thing that started to happen is I would literally drop the coffee, I would have this dramatic accident where I spilled coffee everywhere. It took me a while to figure this out, like "I'm being guided to release coffee." But this was one of those things that came in and shifted during the time of my Reiki attunements. And it really was a good thing as an empath, especially caffeine can be a challenge for those who are psychic and sensitive.

Sarah Rossiter:

Yeah, I got to share that I use it for food addiction. So, if I'm craving sugar, Reiki, and also having psychic communication with angels, is really helpful. I can just check in and ask, "Does my body really want that? Is that me talking or something else." And it just helps you to get grounded and centered and release those "I want, I need" thoughts.

Laura Michelle Powers:


Sarah Rossiter:

That's really beautiful. Because it can be hard to give something up, especially when it's an addiction like sugar or caffeine. And Reiki seems like a really supportive, immediate way to recalibrate your mind or body in the moment. It's a journey, but it's a really quick, supportive little thing that you can do that's not such a struggle of like, I want this thing, but I shouldn't. But when you just remind your body that it's okay, and you're safe, and you don't need that thing, it can be really profound.

Laura Michelle Powers:

Absolutely. Yeah, it can be gentle. And I do think that overall, Reiki is a very gentle way to shift. We may experience some rapid shifts, but even those tend to be shorter term. If we're feeling like the chakra is clearing out, it's not going to be over a really long period of time. You have that release, that kind of detox phase, and then you start to feel much, much better. And not everyone goes through that detox and unpleasantness either, some people just feel really lovely the whole time.

Sarah Rossiter:

So, I want to share a story, but I wanted to check in with Shelley. Was there something else that you wanted to share from your experience of receiving and giving?

Shelley Wasicki-Franke:

I just wanted to very quickly say. One, I felt almost giddy around my heart. And that was so beautiful. So thank you all for that. And it was interesting, as soon as we started, Banyon, our kitty, immediately jumped up on her little windowsill which is right beside me and started meowing, meowing, meowing. So, once again, the animals really tune into the energy. She felt it shift. She's actually still prancing around talking, so you might hear her in the background. But I thought that that was really cool, too. So, thank you.

Sarah Rossiter:

Yeah, well, that's perfect. Because the story that came up to share was the first time I received Reiki was about 20 years ago in San Francisco, in the Mission District. I went to this amazing woman who was a healer, but she was studying to be a medical doctor. And I just didn't even know what it was, but I trusted her. And she did a session on me and I sat up from the table and I just felt so different. And I was not at that point of my life, particularly spiritual or have any words to describe it. I didn't know how to meditate yet. And I think she was maybe a Buddhist practitioner or she recommended that I go take a meditation retreat with someone in Berkeley. And on the subway ride home from San Francisco to Oakland, I was really in another dimension. I started seeing everybody's soul energy around me.

I was sitting on the train and I felt like I was on drugs. And I just saw like, the person sitting next to me was a glowing bubble. And the person across from me, I just saw everyone's soul selves. And it was very interesting and beautiful, a little overwhelming. And then I got home and there was my dog and two cats, and I saw their souls. And I was so overwhelmed I went into the pantry and closed the door, and just looked at my cat. And I saw inside of her that she was a bird, like a little bird spirit. And then, I looked at my dog, and I saw the biggest heart. She was just all heart. It was such an amazing, spiritual, psychic experience. And I didn't even... I was just going with it. I had no context. I wasn't reading anything in this field, I didn't know anything about it. I didn't think I was a spiritual seeker. But it was so beautiful to be effortlessly opened up in this way that my intuitive abilities came through, and I could really connect. My heart was open, my eyes were open, my third eye was open. I was able to see these animals that I lived with every day in their true forms. And those images always stuck with me of their sweet selves that I could really see who they were.

So, I feel like we're at the end of the panel. I can't see the time. But would anyone else like to share or have a question before we finish?

Laura Michelle Powers:

I would just love to say that I encourage everyone who hasn't gotten any attunements to do it because it will just help you shift in profound ways, and there's no downside to doing it. So, it's so great for manifesting, and for tapping into your intuition, as well as for just wellness. So, yeah, I just encourage everyone to do it. And here we have this amazing panel. So thank you, Sarah, for putting this together with all these individuals that I'm sure will be happy to answer questions if you want to reach out. I'll just read the question aloud Sarah, since I don't think you'd see it, that says, "Do you have any tips for what to look for in a practitioner?"

Well, I would say follow your intuition. Ultimately, see just what you feel like is aligned. I think everyone here is a practitioner. So, anyone here that you feel to connect with, that's a great start. And definitely just like working with a psychic, I think it's important to just feel like is this the right person for me? Because sometimes it's just really about that personality fit, that energy fit. There's many different wonderful practitioners, but it's just, "Is this the right person for me?" So, just follow that kind of feeling. And I also feel like this is one of those things that you invest in. So, sometimes it can feel like, "Oh, that's a bit of money to put out upfront." But it always I have found comes back to you in many multiple times versus what you put in. So, just something to keep in mind in terms of that. Because as soon as I did my Reiki attunements, my income really increased a lot. And I've heard that from many different people that they go through that same experience when they get the Reiki attunements as well.

Sarah Rossiter:

Yeah. And when you gave me my attunement, you said that you can set an intention for this attunement to release something that you might be struggling with. So, it was totally unrelated to it, but I had a particular issue, and it went away. And it was mind blowing. I was like, "Oh my God. I've been struggling with this for my whole life." It came back later a little bit, but not in the same severity, and I'm still working on it. But it was a beautiful relief to see that by setting this intention, the attunement just really cleared it out. It's very magical, and practical, and physically relieves pain.

I know that each one of you has some courses happening and you're each a Reiki practitioner. I agree with Laura that you could work with any of us or find someone in your community that you feel drawn to. Would you like to just each speak about what your upcoming course is for listeners, in case they want to work with you. Not necessarily just for Reiki, but something that you have coming up. I know Laura you have a six-month psychic training happening, and I just went through it, and I absolutely recommend it and love it. And the best thing I can share about it is signing up. So, when I signed up about five months in advance, my life just completely transformed as I energetically prepared to really move into that space.

Laura Michelle Powers:

Yeah, so it's so interesting you brought up that when you signed up is when you started to experience the benefits right away. Because I think when we take that kind of energetic step, the universe will already start to shift things, things will shift in our body. So, yeah, it's quite profound. I do Reiki attunements, just private ones. Those are listed on my website, which is I'll put that in the chat. And I do that, just as needed with clients. I will also do them in small groups. Sometimes I'll do, if I'm traveling, I'll go to a yoga studio or some kind of wellness center, and I'll do group classes and attunements. But those are just created as needed.

And then yeah, my six months psychic training program is almost getting wrapped up for this round. And it was so amazing. I think in many ways, it's just the beginning. So, the next round will start next year. Looking at the calendar, I believe it's April or May next year. So, feel free to reach out to me. My email is: If you have any questions, or you can also DM me at Instagram @laurapowers44, as well. And I think there's other people in this who have also participated in either that particular program, or my psychic training as a whole. Because I've done some kind of smaller one off classes. I just think everyone should get psychic training. I'm going to highly recommend it. It changes your life, too. So thank you, Sarah.

Sarah Rossiter:

Yeah, thank you so much for joining us. And Chris, would you like to share what you have coming up, or how people could work with you if they want and felt drawn to?

Chris Pinkerton:

Of course. So, I too, I'm in Laura's psychic training group. So, I highly recommend that as well. So, I am going to be offering a six-week program starting in January, mid-January that I'm calling Tune In. That's really for beginners to help you learn how to tap into your intuition, how to listen to it, how to clear and protect your energy and just flow better with life. So, all the things that I've been learning through Reiki, through my training with Laura, and other things, have just really made such a good positive impact in my life, and how I go about things. So, it just adds more ease. You can reach out to me. I'm on Instagram at letter C and then the word pinkwellness. You can find me there or find me on Facebook at Chris Pinkerton or you can also email me:

Sarah Rossiter:

And I assume that when you do a remote Reiki session, say I signed up to do it with you, would you do it on the phone or by Zoom?

Chris Pinkerton:

However the client would prefer. So, I can definitely do Zoom, which obviously then we can see each other which I like, but whatever the client prefers. But yes, I can do distance Reiki. I see in person clients here in the Columbus Ohio area. So if you're here, come and see me. But yeah, we can connect either way. So, thank you. Thank you, Sarah.

Sarah Rossiter:

Oh, I'm so grateful that you joined me. And I just intuitively got to ask you about Reiki. It's such a wonderful thing that you have so much experience in. I really appreciate your sharing. And also, I just wanted to mention, I think Laura, also sometimes you'll do sessions remotely, and then send a person an email about what came up. Is that right?

Laura Michelle Powers:

Yeah, I started to do that. I have clients in all different time zones, as well as I am frequently in different time zones. My boyfriend's in London and then I'll go to Europe and I'll be back here at East Coast, West Coast, all over the place. So, that's often a wonderful option when time zones aren't aligning or just for ease where someone can ask me whatever they want me to look at or the issues that are coming up. And then I essentially send an email or a chat message with like here's what I worked on, here's what came up, tips and tools and suggestions for moving forward. So, yeah, that's a great option when it's either just not aligning or sometimes for people's schedules, that's just the easiest thing to do.

Sarah Rossiter:

Or if you just can't talk, because you got people around you.

Laura Michelle Powers:

That's so true. If you don't have that privacy, then that's a really great option. Absolutely. I really like it. It's interesting with remote work because I love in person work, of course. But with the remote work I think it's so easy, you can just fully tap in, you're not distracted by the physical realm at all. Just like totally tuning into the psychic spiritual plane and I really love doing that kind of work.

Sarah Rossiter:

Yeah, and I really love receiving that kind of work. It's so helpful.

Laura Michelle Powers:

Thank you.

Sarah Rossiter:

It's like calling on your super fairy godmother. And then, whoosh, I feel it remotely. It's like "Wow, okay, great. Feel much better. Thank you."

So, Shelley, just let's end with Shelley. Beautiful Shelley energy. How can people connect with you? And tell us about your upcoming course.

Shelley Wasicki-Franke:

So, I have a couple things going on that I'm excited about. I am going to do a second round of a live course for clearing your space energetically. A lot of people just aren't familiar with how to do it. We know about sage. We know about Palo Santo, but to get into the ritual and the nuances, and the details of cleaning your space energetically. And also carving out a space to create sacred time for yourself and creating an altar. So, I have that coming up next month. I'm also going to be doing an intro to, I'm calling it Crystal Basics 111. So, it's going to be some crystal basics as far as the background of crystals, the healing that crystals have, shape and size do matter. And just some of the stones that particularly work well with the angelic realm.

And then I will be doing an 11-week class, probably not until next year called Spark. And it really is more shamanic based. It's still like Chris said, tapping into your intuition where I will work with the spirit guides and spirit animals and animal messengers and some other tools like drumming, and rattling, and body movement, and the galactic realm, and how they're here to support. And I saw Kelly make a comment about psycho-geometry. I am a huge psycho-geometry nerd. So, I love that. So it's going to be really cool, I'm excited. Thank you, Sarah, for sharing your light and allowing us to be in your container. It was beautiful, and it was so nice to see and meet everybody.

Sarah Rossiter:

I know, it's so great to have everyone here. And there's a comment in the chat: "highly recommend Laura's psychic training course, and Shelley's clearing your space. Both are so amazing". And I think it's really lovely to be in a community of people that are sharing this energy and this intention. The last thing I want to share is after listening to this podcast or panel or the experience of being here, if anyone has any more questions or comments, to reach out to me at I would love to hear what your experience was and connect you with any of these awesome practitioners if you'd like.

Many blessings. Thank you so much for your time, and the wonderful Reiki experience. I certainly feel much better. Sending love and light.

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Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer, psychic, and teacher. Her artwork is available for purchase online. Sarah offers private sessions and channels messages and artwork from artists, angels, and other great beings.

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