The Magic of Frequency with Entrepreneur Max Gloeckner

The Magic of Frequency

Energy is everything and you can change your frequency using technology. In this episode I speak with Entrepreneur Max Gloeckner about how a technology called Healy has changed his life, self healing and empowerment, paradigm shifts, as well as financial and spiritual freedom.

Max is the global top leader of Healy World. The Healy is a wearable frequency device that is used to balance the body's bioenergetic field and to activate your self-healing capacity. I have used the Healy for the past six months and I absolutely love it. There are many different ways to use it, and Max and I talk about that. As well as his journey, how the Healy has changed his life, how frequencies work, and how that has influenced the way that he operates in the world and how he conceives of himself as a being, and offering this incredible tool and sharing it with others and creating a community of people who use it and share it as well. I hope you enjoy, and I will be following up with interviews regarding the Healy and frequency and vibration.

Listen to the episode here:

The Magic of Frequency with Entrepreneur Max Gloeckner

Welcome Max to the podcast. I'm so glad to have you.

Thank you, Sarah. Thanks for being here.

Thanks for making this time from Poland. Please introduce the Healy to our audience. I feel like this is an important tool I have to share in terms of things to support people in clearing their energy, aligning themselves with positive energy, understanding the concept of frequencies, vibrations. I've been talking a lot about these things, but we haven't really ever talked about the Healy. So I'm super excited to have the expert here.

Oh, don't call me an expert. To be honest, I still have no idea actually what it is and how it's working.

It's pretty magical.

It's magical. It's been magical ever since actually. Maybe I just start a little bit from the back and how Healy actually came to my life and what it changed. So now, as you said, I'm in Poland right now. And in fact, yeah, it became a little bit of my second home for some reason. But before that I've been traveling to the most magnificent countries, also Bali, of course, I stayed for a long time, where you are planning to go in the near future as well. And before that, I lived in Bangkok actually for almost seven or eight years.

The reason for that was I come from a very small city, a little city in Germany, beautiful city, called Freiburg, but a little city always comes with very little opportunities. And one of the reasons why I went to Bangkok then eventually was big opportunities. So I was always engaged, came across many entrepreneurial ventures, made my learnings, failed all the time, but it's never failing until when you stop trying. It will be failing, but you never stop trying. So it's continuously growing and learning.

And of course I was always then interested as well in network marketing over the time, because three of my highest values I would say has always been freedom, joy, and also building great relationships. And I felt like I find that in entrepreneurship because it gives me freedom to go away from the system. MLM network marketing would've been perfect, I believe, because you can be free, you can be joyful in what you're doing, if you have the right product, and of course you're building beautiful, amazing relationships with like-minded people because when you are doing the same thing it just comes all together.

Unfortunately, I never really found the product that I like, but I was always enticed about the business model. So for me, in the first place was freedom. And in order to be free, I had to make money. That was my whole life's idea about freedom. And so the most obvious and most lowest hanging fruit understanding my talents and so forth was selling real estate in Thailand because we have millions of apartments, right, and understanding, okay, with not the highest degree of education or the most successful career path in the back a sales business with commission is probably yielding the fastest financial returns.

So therefore, I started selling real estate. And of course, to make the most money in real estate, I choose the luxury segment in real estate. And I made myself quite quickly to become one of the most known luxury real estate agencies in Bangkok, which was quite cool. I was featured in a show called Top Million Dollar Agent, which is like a real estate reality show selling luxury property to international buyers and so forth. So it was really going well in order for me to achieve my goal to make more money, to become more free.

What happened then eventually is actually I became more or less a slave of my own business, right? Because I was seven days a week just renegotiating deals, doing contracts, managing my staff, and I realized like I'm actually not free at all. I'm more worried and concerned all the time and just being in the spiral where I believe I need to make more money in order to be more free in order to be showing off and being in this... It was not the life I actually dreamed about. This time was almost like three years ago. I started really reflecting, and I think I was knocking for the first time on my own spirituality as well. So I started meditating, but to this time it was more faking meditation just because it was trendy. 

Fake it till you make it.

Fake it till you make it. I had no idea, but I went out and really asked the universe in a meditation for another product, another opportunity, something that allows me to make more money in order to achieve more freedom. That was my idea to this time. And well shortly after, I don't know exactly how long it was, I came to a meeting in Bangkok in Thailand, and this is the first time where I met Marcus Schmieke.

Marcus is pretty amazing. That's so cool. How did you meet him?

I met him at the meeting in Bangkok where he was introducing or talking about Healy. And I remember that very, very clearly because I've been talking to him for like roughly three hours. And he's a German guy, same like I am. And I didn't understand my own language because the words he used, the terminology, I couldn't understand. So I was talking for him for three hours, even if... Yeah, it's just like who is this odd guy? It's like talking in philosopher language, using terms about quantum physics and stuff like that. But it was super interesting.

Even if you ask him the first time we met, he said like, "Max is the guy who was just asking me so many questions," but not because I'm so extremely curious, just because I'd never understood what he was saying. So I kept on asking. But one thing I understood what he was saying and I remember that clearly he said like, "Max, you are an energy field with a body and not just a body, okay? And frequencies are everywhere. And energy is everything." And now I have a cat in front of me, this guy. I just want to show his face for a moment.

Oh, he's gorgeous speaking of energy.

He is gorgeous. He's a prince but...

It's really crazy. A message I recorded this morning is called Energy is Everything. That phrase must have stuck in my head. I'm pretty sure I heard him say that a couple of months ago.

Well, yeah, it is. And it's very aligned because I think more and more people are waking up to this fact, right?

It's true.

As you probably did. You manifested Healy in some way or the other into your life for some reasons.

I knew it. The second I heard about it, I was like, "I want that. I don't care the price. I want that. I don't know how it works, but I want that." And it's made me feel so good.

It's fascinating because it's really for everybody. No matter who we asked like, "Who manifested Healy here? Me?" Everybody did, right? Everybody somehow, for some reason, Healy came in their life.

Yeah. It's mystical, magical, and practical kind... It's this really interesting functions on all those levels. And it's this object you know, but it functions in this quantum field. It's invisible.

And it's powerful more than beyond any measures I think. And it's creating something for us, which makes us powerful more beyond than any measures, which I was able to explore eventually, right? So when Marcus was telling that, everything is energy, frequencies are everywhere. And he said then there is a frequency program for anything that you want to support in your life, for any area where you want to improve in your life there's a program for it right now, and I really thought to myself to this time like, "This is way too good to be true. That's impossible." Because what he's trying to say there right now is that there is a product, which is basically disrupting several multi-billion dollar industries. I mean, right now I'm speaking with my entrepreneurial head on, which I had to this time follows more and more money and thinking about opportunities and so forth, right?

But of course, I went to this meeting and I was asking for an opportunity. And if you do ask for an opportunity, you have to keep an open mind. I mean, it's healthy and it's normal to be skeptical, but the thing is skeptic is sometimes in our way, right? So if you keep an open mind, we should always keep an open mind until we are approved right or wrong. And then we can make a decision what direction we should go. So I kept my open mind and I said if just 1% is true of what he just said we probably have the most amazing product this industry has ever seen.

So yeah, I went out and tried it, right? I went out and tried it, and with my sales attitude, of course, I was successful to blah, blah, blah, I keep on selling it to people. And yeah, it was not my sales skills, for sure not. It was what you said. It's the novel, the innovative thing of something, the nice story behind it that I was able to distribute it to people. And after like a few months...

I'm curious how it felt when you actually used it yourself for the first few times. Did you have an awareness or what was that like for you?

I mean, yes. The amazing thing I thought about like what kind of product gives you an immediate sensation, right? So when you put on this micro-current on your wrist, you feel it immediately, the frequency is coming in your body, the drrrrr. So something is happening, right? And I thought this is really amazing because you put it on somebody and these people have immediately a sensation. What I have to say though, for me, at that time I felt really healthy in my body, in my dimensions where I live. For me, it was all good. So I was not expecting these extreme changes, what other people do have. However, I remember when I was waking up one time and it was like two months after I started using it, I started reflecting on myself and I realized... and to this time I still had my real estate company in Bangkok.

I realized that I basically dropped all my concerns, all my worries, all the things I was stressed about, my company and the workload and so forth, and I really broke through all my mental and emotional blockages. I felt so free. I felt so amazing. Even physically I was in a state... I couldn't remember the last time where I felt this way. I had more energy. I slept better. I was recovering faster after the gym. So all these things has changed. And I was wondering to myself is this the effect of Healy? It's like maybe it is really that we have this energy field and I'm just clearing up all this rubbish which I'm carrying around since so many years with me, and now I start feeling lighter and feeling better.

And it was almost like today. I like to call it the flow state where things are just happening to you. It's for you basically. You're meeting the right people. You're closing the deals. It's just easy. Life is in flow with everything. It's like a harmony of things, right? It's like you are a radio antenna and tuned into a channel where just happy music is coming towards you. It's like life is really better. And that's my experience.

But I think compared to the things, what happened after is nothing because I continuously attended meetings and went out still with the money mindset of sharing more and building an organization and so forth, which I did. It was successfully growing. But I'm most impactful moments where then when people just came to me in these meetings and some of them really with tears in their eyes and thanked me for sharing this device to them, explaining me what happened to them, life changing experiences and things I can definitely not say here on the call because it wouldn't be compliant. It just opened put my eyes and from this moment also I really changed everything because my whole perspective changed. It was almost like a breakthrough for me to understanding what I've done was chasing money. Chasing money it's like it's a never ending thing and it's never fulfilling until this moment when I understood actually it's about the impact we can create by sharing this device to other people, because if you create somebody's life and you change his life, it is so much more fulfilling than any deal you close, any money you go after.

At the same time, I understand intention is also energy, right? I went out with the intention to make money. So if I'm coming to you and I'm trying to sell you something and convince you about it you know I'm here to make money for myself. Now I shifted this.

Sort of feels like a difference between taking and giving.

Exactly. And it went from taking to giving because after I understand how good it is for people, after I had that feeling and I felt myself have a heart connection now to everybody because I'm dropping all my ego layers even, that I shifted from selling and convincing really to sharing and inviting, because if it has been so good for so many people it would be good for so many people. And I think after understanding really what had done and seeing the things that I saw and that came to me, and the people I met, what happened to their lives, it became a responsibility, my duty, my obligation basically to share this to as many people as possible, and not on the money sake but to the sake of I know we creating something so beautiful, something which is not physically improving people but also emotionally, mentally, which is unblocking all the blockages you carrying around with such a long time.

And I also believe today, more than ever, it's more important to share something which is so great in order to lift people up in order to raise humanity's consciousness, because this is how I feel now. I feel like I am vibrating in such a high frequency that I can be that candle who's igniting another million candles just with the energy if you bring it into the room. Now, if we have more people using the Healy, unblock all the rubbish and take away all the bullshit out of your energy field and make you free and make you be come higher and vibrate on a higher frequency, then you can be a candle and you can even help other people, even if they don't use the Healy, when you come in that room and you change your whole frequency, you can change because energy is contagious, right? So you take that energy to other people. And I think this is why it's so beautiful. 

It is amazing. Yeah. 

And people ask me about the technology and how it's working, I cannot tell you because I'm not the expert. But I have seen now tens of thousands of people completely changing. Their lives change. And it's the most beautiful thing that I have ever been blessed to be touched with. So I gave up everything and this is all I do. This is all I want to do, because it's just amazing right now.

That's amazing. And also it is kind of incredible that it's a technology. That was the first sort of entry point for me, and it's a technology that does all these other things. I do Reiki, I do psychic work, I do intuitive work, I'm spiritual, I meditate, I'm aware of the quantum field. Even if I can't touch it. I understand that we live in this energy body, but suddenly to have a technology that has been studied and is set wearable and can be shared with people who might not be interested in these concepts but it can all to their physical being and support what they need. Everybody can use it for a different thing. There's hundreds... I have a list of all of the programs.

There's ones that are for just getting to know it. And then there's ones that are for like, "I have a physical pain and I need to put the electrodes on my body." And five minutes later, my headache is gone. So it actually is useful on so many different levels that it's pretty revolutionary. And one of the questions I was going to ask you is how has it changed the way you look at structures in your life. But you kind of already answered it. It transformed all of the structures that were already in your life on so many levels.

Yeah. I mean, I think I went too deep. Maybe it depends on your audience.

No, you're perfect. No, it's actually perfect. I think that this conversation is most interesting to me in terms of the spiritual shift that you had in terms of money and how you started to look at the way you live your life and money in money out versus abundance in abundance mindset. It shifts everything...

Totally, I mean, that's the perfect word you're saying here right now is there's a shift, there's a paradigm shift, also happening between... What we are doing actually with this technology, I feel like, and with the business model behind is we're building bridges. We're building bridges, first of all, combining ancient wisdom with modern tech. We're combining spirituality with science now. So we're combining all these things. And at the same time, we're also combining spirituality, going away from the idea that you need to sit in nature all the time under a tree and have no money, but combining it actually with an abundant mindset, because this is how we are. We are all creators, right? And yes, we live in a system where we do have money as a tool. So we can use those tools as well in order to create the things, what we want in this world.

So I think abundance is a beautiful word and a word in order to live actually even a more spiritual life. I think it comes together. It's not working against each other. The Healy itself, it's like, yes, I also had the thought, "Look, I'm so balanced in my life. I don't need this." Maybe you're right. But not everybody has the blessing to sit in Bali, in [inaudible 00:19:29] under a tree for four hours a day and completely balance and ground yourself in nature. And even if you do you still get a call from your mom, which is taking you out of balance.

So if you have something that is supporting you in one way or the other I think it's very helpful. And I've met an unbelievable guy in Australia one time. He's naturopath, he's a doctor, he's a scientist. He's a very, very wealthy guy. He used to own one of the highest quality supplement company in the world. He was amazing. And he had actually... he had bowel cancer eight years ago or something like this. And he was extremely sick and he tried everything. Normally, the doctors are the people coming to him asking him for questions, but this time he didn't even have the answer for himself. So he tried anything you can imagine, functional medicine, whatever.

He eventually said the one way he didn't explore was spirituality. So he started scientifically writing down different catalogs of questions. He starts with the pendulum, right? And he was so good with the pendulum that he's actually connected to his subconscious and eventually from the divine. And he got all the answers he needed in order to unblock himself. Long story short, within three months, he was able to completely heal himself, his bowel cancer with anything else, just unblocking, understanding the energetic [inaudible 00:21:05] the devices, what he had in his energy field, and cleared it out completely. And again, he's a doctor, he's a scientist, but he became super spiritual because it healed him.

So when I met him, that was two years ago, two and a half years ago, I showed him the Healy for the first time, so he was so skeptical, right? But he did some testing on the Healy for like three, four months before he actually started doing anything with Healy. He wanted to understand is this quantum sensor actually working? So what he discovered is that the quantum sensor is doing exactly the work that he's doing with the pendulum. Because everything is frequency, right? So he's identifying what kind of frequency, where's the blockage, and Healy does the same thing but scalable and a million times faster.

So where he needs three months for... I'm not saying the Healy can heal you but the Healy can find the answers very quickly also with the aura and the resonance analyzes and the scan for it. And he did some testing. And the beautiful thing is how he combines spirituality with science. So basically what he says is that the average human being right now... I think now we have more and more people waking up because of COVID, and of course, more and more people are more deep to sleep. But the average person has something about 10% of its soul energy, or chi, life energy, something like that, the energy you get from your divine into your physical body, 10%, roughly like this. If you make a really, really good job and you keep on meditating, you become a little Buddha, you can probably add another 10% in your lifetime, something like that, right?

So now this is how we go up in dimensions basically. The more soul energy we will receive in our physical bodies, the higher we can go in our dimension. Healy has the potential, this is what he tested, to clear up the rubbish out of our energy field, to free this all up, to bring us up to a level of 40%. That's what he said.


So after 40%, you do need to make your own work in order to reach like a 50%. When you are 50% then you become the main shareholder of your own company, and you can decide what is happening to you and what is not happening to you in your life. You become a manifester. You're attracting things. I think maybe this is for your audience.

Yes, yes.

It was really fascinating how he explained it and how he said this is what the Healy can do. So the Healy is definitely not the answer, but the Healy is an amazing tool to bring us to a level where we might not never ever go without, right? Because we lived in a world which is really suppressing in so many ways. We have electromagnetic waves around us. We have distractions. We have social media. We have things that just keep bringing us off our purpose and of our understanding of how powerful beings we actually are. So if we have something that is supporting us as a tool, it's really, really powerful.

Yeah. And for me, it's been mostly emotional experiences and energetic limiting beliefs about one's self. So I've really used the Healy for literally maybe three months straight all day, all night using it for energetic protection. So I just run that program like crazy. And maybe it's because I'm in Hawaii and there's a lot of energy going on here. And I've been doing a lot of psychic opening and really working on a deep spiritual level to clear blocks and to develop better energetic boundaries for myself. And it just happens that's something that I did not know how to do before.

And so in doing that, I feel like the Healy was this extra tool that needed to be able to see my pattern so that I could make the change. And sometimes I need help. It's like someone could tell you that you're walking down the wrong side of the street, but you just can't see it. And so the Healy kind of holds that space for me so that I can do that work to go further. And it is an amazing tool.

And now in the last two weeks, I shifted gears. I downloaded some custom apps for the Healy that were like wealth and abundance, true love, self love, things like that that I'm working on, and I was able to go for several days without the energetic protection ones and just experience like all this love and feel very abundant. But it was a really interesting thing of I had to do the groundwork on the bigger issue. So I really come at it from a more energetic, spiritual perspective, but of course, I have used it for physical pain. But I always found that when I look at it psychically the pain is coming from a boundary issue of not being clear with even the smallest thing like, "No, thank you. I don't want that thing." Or instead of bending over backwards to help somebody. And the Healy has been this tool to help me kind of level the playing field and start again and set the intention of how I want to be, and not giving away your power so that you can grow yourself and let other people grow themselves.

I think there's a lot of misunderstandings about healing, and I just want to say one other thing, which is a lot of the people that I work with are creative and they have this goal but they can't quite get there. And they've tried all these tools. And so that's why I want to introduce the Healy because I feel like it's a game changer in terms of your ability to get to the next level of whatever your frequency is at to help you break through your blocks, limitations, your beliefs. It's a frequency that you can use to shift your frequency and then it just... It's a beautiful process and I've literally watched my consciousness grow in the last six months using it. It's been kind of... the one day that I don't use it is the worst day, and then I get right back on.

Yeah. I mean, yeah, but also of course, Healy it's not like you become addicted to it, but it's just as you said, you're also now in the process of moving to Hawaii and now you have probably a lot of things going on. It's just a nice tool that you have that you feel supported by. 

And it supports my whole family. I use it on two kids, on my partner, and I also just can see when there's a tantrum coming and I just shift the frequency in the room. If I do it on myself, the other people around me stop freaking out and I don't even have to say anything. I experiment.

I mean, what's so fascinating also about it, what really worked for me is the resonance and the aura analysis. I mean, maybe for your listeners, there are a few different ways of how to apply Healy. One way is with a micro-current, which is actually you're connecting cables to your body, and then a micro-current is coming into your body, pair up with the right frequency, and this one has a physical effect on your body. So the ATP is increased by roughly 500%, protein synthesis goes up. So it's really, really good for your cells and the energy in your cells, and combined with the right frequency that works on your body parts, on your emotions, on whatever program you choose.

And then there's what is called the aura analysis. I think this is very fascinating because you basically you have the Healy in front of you or take it in your hand or give it in the hand of your children or whatever, or your pets, if you want, and then you can analyze their aura and it shows you your chakras and where our blockage is in which chakra right now. And it identifies these ones and it gives you the answer of what might be that blockage be. So it can be actually very current, a situation that you come across today and you say like, "Yeah, I was, and then I went into this argument, I couldn't speak my truth."

So Healy identifies that your throat chakra is very blocked right now because you can't say the things you really wanted to say because blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So it gives you the answer to things. But it's also going back into your childhood and identifies main program challenges that you had with your father, with your mother, and it tells you those. And I think this is so fascinating because first of all, it gives you the time out of a day that you actually sit down and observe your deepest emotions, feelings by just doing an aura scan for 5 minutes or 10 minutes. And you're just reading it through.

And then just by seeing this and observing this and seeing what the Healy comes up with, you're already doing a lot of healing to yourself because you're identifying, observing those blockages that you haven't maybe even thought about before, right? Then the next thing of course is when you do that, you can now vibrate those healing frequencies that we call the desired state of a healthy heart chakra should be unconditional love of giving and feeling and receiving love and this kind of stuff. So there will be a desired state also written down for you, and you can vibrate those healing frequencies then into your information feel where you can feel it subtle actually something is changing and something is calming you down.

So this is the aura analyzer. I think this is one of the most powerful tools I have ever seen because you can actually do it with your friends in Bali while you're sitting in Hawaii because in a quantum field there's no space. Everything is basically possible beyond what we are capable of understanding.

And that, just like what you said before, just taking the time to acknowledge and interact consciously with the quantum field is pretty mind blowing too.

It's absolutely-

It's beautiful. I mean, I do Reiki. And so sometimes when people are like, "What is the Healy?" I'll say, "It's like digital Reiki." It's understanding that you can transfer energy in a variety of ways.

Yeah. Just to imagine, you're like back to three, four, five years old and everything is possible again. This is how it really feels. It's so playful. Yeah, you can start the Healy and use it and just don't do anything, just using the program. But normally people just get like, "Wow, how is that possible? I want to know more about it," and then you start opening up to possibilities and understanding this quantum field is actually working. And then it slaps you in the face when you see the aura analysis and how the hell can Healy know this about...

How did it know? And then I've worked also with horses and found... I didn't know what was going on with the horse, but I would start doing a session with them and I would get intuitively that something was going on, that they were very thirsty or something. And then the Healy I would run it, it would say they had a issue with the kidneys. And then I would go to the owner and say, "So this is what I'm getting." And they'd be like, "Oh yeah, he has kidney medication. I should put him back on it." That sort of thing is always really beautiful. And I don't know how the Healy does it to be honest, but I really enjoy it.

So you were mentioning the aura analysis, and when you run it often it'll say you are working on issues related to the root chakra and stability and issues related to mother, and there's all this kind of beautiful language that comes up. And I'm always curious, where did that come from?

I mean, Healy comes from a technology called TimeWaver, right? So TimeWaver is the mothership of Healy, and which is a technology from Germany. It's been around for 15 years. So it's a big medical device. It's something that a doctor, a therapist have in their clinic. And this device has over the years collected hundreds of thousands of databases of different things. The Healy just does a small part of what this technology can do. So the database comes from TimeWaver. And obviously these are therapists working for a long time with clients and identifying issues and so forth. And it's a collection over years and years and years of practice and applying it on different clients. This is where it comes from. So it's all from the TimeWaver technology.

That's incredible. And the TimeWaver is still in use but the Healy was developed for everyday people to use?

I mean, the TimeWaver is a very complex, very expensive device you need a therapist for. The Healy is... it's able to be used by the masses, right? That's why we say Healy is a lifestyle product. It's just for everybody to use. It's made to be as simple as possible. So you have it on your phone and whatever. You basically don't need a therapist right now because you have your phone with you and you just choose the program, or you do yourself a scan, and then the Healy will tell your kidney, as you said, for the horses, is the program you should run and support yourself with and then you just run it. So it's not doing any diagnostic. It's not giving you the details about what and this and that and you don't need to. You just need to know that it works. You will see what's most relevant for you, and then you can easily apply that.

Of course, you can deeper if you want to, especially in the scans and so forth and trying to... but it should be made as easy as possible that the people understand actually... and people can use it without being completely overwhelmed.

Yeah. It feels really empowering, the whole philosophy of sharing it with people. And I've heard that... So the product was developed, but then the company wanted to share it with more people. And so that's how the... Can you describe how the business works and why it's kind of an MLM or why it's being shared in this way? It feels like we all have this mental block against that business model or I do. But in the end, what I have seen in my early forays into it is that it's really a community that's very empowering. So maybe you could just end with a little bit more information about what that is. What is this paradigm shift that you're creating?

Yeah. I mean, Healy was first given to the therapists who actually have a TimeWaver. Now they can give the Healy to their clients and patients to use it at home. Now, you only have a limited amount of time with a therapist and these people have only a limited range to reach people. The goal is 100 million in households should be touched by Healy and actually go on up to more than that. So how can you do that when you have therapist distributing a Healy? It's just simply not possible.

And network marketing is... there's nothing more powerful than word of mouth. There's nothing more powerful than you sharing your story to me and explaining your experience to me because there's an emotional connection. I can relate to this one. It's like COVID. You know what I mean? It's exactly like COVID.

Only the opposite.

Yeah. Only the opposite. And why do we all have this negative stigma about it? I think one of the most important things is no government in the world likes me because I'm free. I do not put myself into the system and work for something which is in the system, right? I am free and I always wanted to be free. And network marketing creates free people because I can decide where I want to work, with who I want to work, and how I want to work. I can create my own way of living the way I want it. And if I don't like it here in my country right now, I'm going somewhere else because I can work from somewhere else as well.

So I have the freedom to choose. So, first of all, it's not a business that 's compliant with the way the system works. So the question is what is your intention? So knowing this company and what this product does to people, obviously the product is absolutely amazing. So by the intention of sharing this product now, as first of all, we are helping people and second of all, you could create freedom for yourself. So I think this is really a new paradigm model and the industry is growing very, very fast because it creates people who become more and more free so we are not dependent.

And I think this is really the word that we need to understand is how important it is, especially through the last two years of COVID. You are depending on your government, you're depending on your job, you're depending on your monthly shake, you're depending on something. So how can you become more independent in order to become more safe in order to become more free?

Yeah, because that's where the fear really comes up when you're dependent on something that is not actually protecting you.

Exactly. Exactly.

And this is really liberating to heal yourself and to function in the world. And plus all these people that are selling the Healy are getting happier and more abundant and more joyous. I hardly know you, but from what I've seen of you, I feel like abundance and joy and being healthy in your body seems to be your thing. And it's inspiring, right? And it's sort of every step of the way it's sharing that with others. What could be more empowering?

Totally. Yeah. I mean, I'm not there yet but I feel like I'm on the right track. And I feel like this is what I like to call purpose work. Maybe one day it will be different, something else than Healy. For you it's Reiki, and it's healing, it's making a positive impact in people's lives. And I think this is what it's all about. Healy is just a tool to create more great impacts in other people's lives. Maybe in 10 years, there will be something else. Maybe there's different things. It's not like you're doing Healy full time. For me, it opened up just the idea of like, "Hey, you know what? Stucking behind the money and chasing the money is just not fulfilling for me, but wow, actually impacting people for the first time in my life and doing something so great to other people, this is fulfilling." And there, I find my purpose.

And maybe one day it's cooking meals for people and being a chef. I don't know what it is. But as long as you're doing the right things with the right intention, I think it's beautiful. And for me right now, Healy gave me this. And for many other people who mean well as well.

Yeah. Yeah. The intention is really powerful. Well, thanks so much, Max. I really enjoy talking to you. I look forward to meeting you in person someday.

Maybe in Bali.

That would be great.

That would be great. Thank you so much for having me. It was beautiful.

Yeah. Many blessings.

Thank you.

What is your soul calling you to do?

Connect to that place inside of you that once felt so much joy and creativity, clear away the emotional clutter and resistance that holds you back, befriend your inner guidance system and take action!

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Important Links

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If you'd like to experience Healy frequencies or find out about buying one, goto:

Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer, psychic, and teacher. Her artwork is available for purchase online. Sarah offers private sessions and channels messages and artwork from artists, angels, and other great beings.

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Reiki 101 - Channeling Peace


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