You are Aligned with Abundance - A Channeled Message


For this episode, I share a message from the angels called "You are Aligned with Abundance," which is about money and creativity and how you can really call in abundant thinking. Then I share some instructions on how to do tapping, also called Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT. This is something that will help you to release whatever is blocking you from your own abundance. I also share another tapping session called "Resistance to Making Money from Your Art." You can view these individual tapping videos below or on my tapping page. I hope you enjoy.

Listen to the episode here:

You Are Aligned with Abundance

I'd like to share with you a message today regarding money and creativity.

Calling on my angels and guides, Archangels Michael, Haniel, Zadkiel, Azrael, Metatron, Uriel, Jophiel, Chamuel, Gabriel, Raphael, Aquariel, Serafiel, Quan Yin, Joan of Arc and St. Germain. And any other angels and guides of the love and light willing to assist. Please make this a safe space, increase clairvoyance and psychic ability and may whatever comes through be for the highest good of all.

Angels and guides, what can you share with us today about money and creativity? 

Money is aligned for you and you are aligned for it. It is how you spend it that matters. How do you spend your time? How do you spend your soul capital? Where do you invest your energy? 

As you focus your heart and your mind on your creative endeavors, so too this energy of money flows. Money is a tool that allows you to operate in this world. And the more you have of it, the more you can give of it, the more you can use it for the highest good of all.

Just like meditation is a tool to connect you to yourself, think of money as a tool that allows you to reach your material goals. Think of it as a sacred endeavor, fostering the abundant mindset, fostering the creative output, and welcoming in the receiving of love and light from others. As you share your creative work with the world, you give others a chance to partake in that by giving you money. This is an energetic exchange that's very important to honor. An energetic exchange of honor for the connection that we have to source.

While money is not the object, the object is worthy of money. When you create something or you offer a service to someone it's really important to honor your value and the value of the service by adding a price tag. This time, this energy, this layering of information, this knowledge that's being shared... When you give it freely, it is aligned. And when you add a value to it so that others may partake in it and pay you for it, it is also aligned.

There will be different circumstances where different things are called for. It's not so important when or where, but how it feels. So check in with yourself and ask yourself, is it aligned to offer this for free? Is it aligned to offer this for a charge? And when you do offer something at a charge, you can ask your angels and spirit guides how much to charge. Often there will be one high number and then a possibility for a lower number with some sort of special offer. So don't be surprised if you ask, "What's my rate?" or "What price is aligned?" and you get a very high number. That is also for you to work through your resistance to having a very high value added to your services or to your artwork.

Work with this concept of money as energy and allowing others to appreciate your work and allowing yourself to receive the gift that they want to give you of their energy money, so that we can continue this process of reciprocally, creating and offering, creating and offering, receiving and offering, receiving and offering.

So when you see it as a flow... The universe already creates and offers to you.

I was recently at the farmer's market and it occurred to me how strange it was that people were growing food from trees and the earth and offering it for sale at the farmer's market. I know that's normal, right? It's great. I'm happy to support local farmers and people that are growing things organically, and I know it's expensive and it takes time, but there was this moment of "Why should that cost anything?" Because I don't associate the earth with money, with paying for what we use. But we do. And a cucumber or some fresh fruit can be very expensive. And so we appreciate it and we take very good care of it and we consume it and we are grateful. And we want to support those who are spending their time and energy, caring for the land and creating this beautiful, bountiful offering of food for us.

Just like that structure is strangely superimposed on this beautiful land that we all inhabit, we understand the importance of growing food, paying for our food, paying for the time of the person who grew or made it. And then we consume it, and we understand that that's a part of our budget. 

Creativity and art making, music, theater, all kinds of creative acts are included in that abundance and expression and human need.

People need your artwork in order to have a profound experience, just like eating that beautiful piece of fruit or vegetable. Allow your artwork to be food for the soul of those who want to purchase it, and give it so freely that when they receive it, the intention is clear: I made this for you. I grew this from my garden for you.

It can be consumed by them and used in whatever way that they decide. But once you give it away, it carries with it the mana, the energy, the divine essence of your creative impulse that doesn't belong to you anyway, but it's okay to charge for that. That is a service and by them paying you, they are energetically tuning in to what you have to offer that came from the divine. And they are reciprocally giving you back what you need, which also comes from the divine, which is abundance, and the ability to continue living and making and sharing.

Let's just for a moment, sit with that and breathe in gratitude for all of the abundance around us, the fruits, the vegetables, the trees, the sky, the sunsets, the earth, the mud, the rain, the human forms, allowing all of that to be in the category of abundance. And now add in and those special creations made by humans and animals and plants, all of these beautiful creative things, wood, pigment, objects, songs, dance. All of these creative acts that come from this creative expression of being on this planet with all these materials and thoughts and abilities. All these elements. And just as we are a part of this environment, our system is one of exchange.

And now breathe in again. 

I am a part of this energetic exchange. I accept my role as a creator and I allow myself to receive money from my work. I receive with gratitude and I offer with joy. And the cycle continues in service to the highest good of all. 

Take another deep breath in and release.

Allow yourself to know that it is aligned for you to receive money for your creative work. You are aligned with abundance and abundance is aligned with you, in all forms, in all time and space. 


Tapping Video: How to do tapping, or EFT

I'd like to teach you how to do tapping if you don't already know how. It's called Emotional Freedom Technique, and it’s a method of releasing blocked emotions or limiting beliefs to help you live a better life, feel more empowered and allow those emotions to be recognized and released. And then replace those ideas with more positive affirmations.

I'll teach you how to do it. We're going to start with the karate chop point, the side of your hand. And you can either tap the two sides of your hands together. Or you can take two fingers on whatever your preferred hand is, and tap on the side of one hand. I like to use more than two fingers.

We're going to start with a limiting belief, something that is holding you back – like, "I'm worried about my day." Now repeat after me as you tap and say, "Even though I'm worried my day is going to go poorly, I completely love and accept myself."

This allows us to state the problem, let those feelings out, and then add in a remedy. Saying "I completely love and accept myself," tells your body that it's okay. Because your body feels that tension, that anxiety from the worry that we're stating. It's okay body, we’ve got you.

Now we're going to move on to the top of the head, and say, "Even though I'm really worried about my day, I completely love and accept myself." Now we're going to move to above the eyebrow. These are acupressure points where in Chinese medicine you might put in needles or press on these points, but we're tapping to bring awareness to the body. Then say, "Even though I'm a little worried about my day, I completely love and accept myself." And now the side of the eye: "Even though I'm worried about my day, I completely love and accept myself."

And now we're going to switch it up from the worry and the affirmation to a little bit more detail. "This day is so important." Now we're going to tap below the nose: "What if I mess up?" Now tapping on the chin: "All this anxiety about today." Now we're going to go below the collarbone, you can tap on either side or both: "All this fear." Now we'll tap on the side of the body where the ribs are, below the armpit on your side: "All this worry."

And back around to the top of the head. Now we will cycle through the same points again. You can skip the karate chop point after the first cycle, but honestly you can tap anywhere and it's still going to work, in any order.

Top of the head: "I release these fears completely now."

Above the eye: "And I completely love and accept myself."

Side of the eye: "And I welcome a positive experience today."

Below the eye: "I allow myself to let go of the worry."

Below the nose: "Welcome in joy."

On the chin: "Positive experiences."

Below the collarbone: "Whatever miracles the universe has for me."

Side of the ribs: "Bring it on. I'm ready."

Top of the head: "And I'm so grateful for this beautiful day, in body, mind and spirit."

And then we pause, take a breath in and release. And even with that short little tapping example, hopefully you feel a little bit better as you watch the anxiety level come down and the joy and abundance awareness come up. That's what we're going for.

Tapping Video: Release resistance to making money from my art.

I'd like to share with you another tapping exercise: Resistance to Making Money from My Art.

We all have creative endeavors, and sometimes we believe that we should not make money from doing things we love. And hopefully this will help you to release some of those limiting beliefs and move into a space where you can allow abundance and creativity to flow from you and manifest income from that activity at the same time. Now tap with me:

Even though I have resistance to receiving money for my art, I completely love and accept myself.

Even though I feel resistance to making money from my art, I completely love and accept myself.

Even though it feels scary to want money for my art, I completely love and accept myself.

I accept that I can make money making art.

All this fear, all this resistance, all these ideas that I can't accept money.

All this programming that tells me I'm not good enough.

I'm not worthy. I don't deserve money for my art.

I release these fears and ideas now. I send them back to wherever they came from.

No thank you with love.

I release these limiting beliefs and I welcome in abundance, love and joy.

I welcome creativity into my world.

I'm an amazing artist. And I'm an amazing manifestor.

What's stopping me from combining those two things?

Whatever it is that's stopping me, I release it completely right now.

In all directions of time from this lifetime and past lifetimes. I let go of those beliefs.

I know that I can make money making art. I believe in myself, I completely love and accept myself.

I find so much joy in making work. And so much joy in making money.

Money is my birthright. Money is energy. And I deserve energy just like everyone else.

I am energy just like everyone else. My artwork is energy.

Money flows easily to me. And I accept it with gratitude.

Thank you so much abundant universe, for sending me so much money and support.

Thank you for all of the creativity and all of the money that go hand in hand.

And I accept this abundance in body, mind, and spirit.

Take a deep breath in and exhale. Notice what you feel in your body, in your heart. Notice what came up. Don't worry, there's time to tap on those things too.

But just for this moment, feel what it feels like to be abundant and creative and have money. Imagine yourself with all the money that you want and need, and all the creative work that you're capable of and more. Feel at peace, content, supported and abundant.

Allow yourself to just breathe that in. 

You can keep tapping if you like, and release any fears that might have come up. And now repeat, I am abundant. I am divine. I am worthy. 



What is your soul calling you to do?

Connect to that place inside of you that once felt so much joy and creativity, clear away the emotional clutter and resistance that holds you back, befriend your inner guidance system and take action!

I will share tools, goals and intuitive guidance to support you in developing a process that connects you to your soul, and propels you towards your highest self and greatest potential.

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Important Links

Sarah Rossiter is an artist, writer, psychic, and teacher. Her artwork is available for purchase online. Sarah offers private sessions and channels messages and artwork from artists, angels, and other great beings.

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Connect to Your Highest Self


Intuition and Creativity with Laura Michelle Powers