Ancient Abilities – A Channeled Message inspired by Rob Schwartz
Listening to Rob Schwartz’s book, “Your Soul’s Plan,” I decided to go deeper into something the angels told him in a channeling session. Since I am a channel as well, here’s what I found out about the ancients and “the abilities” they held dear.
Tapping for Success
I was trying to accomplish something but feeling really blocked, so I searched the word “success” under Brad Yates tapping videos on YouTube…
What if Mozart just meditated?
Imagine all the inspiring and great artists you admire, and what if they started meditating all the time and just stopped doing their art?
Channeled message in honor of Mother’s Day from Archangel Chamuel
Contemplating the divine feminine, I was called to share this message from Archangel Chamuel in honor of Mother’s Day.
Channeled message from God and the Angels
Calling on my angels and guides I saw blue angel wings surround me and rise up to small golden wings, which led up to a portal of intense light.
A channeled message from Archangel Michael
A message from Archangel Michael who appeared to me when I called him and gave me this message to share with you.
A channeled message from Ram Dass
A message from spiritual teacher Ram Dass. I walked by his property recently and felt called to share his message.
Here’s what I am working on: Boundaries, energetic boundaries. I am saying no to people and opportunities that feel wrong to me.